If you were to send this screenshot back in time 10 years and tell everyone this is from the new Mario Kart game...

If you were to send this screenshot back in time 10 years and tell everyone this is from the new Mario Kart game, how would people react?


Nintendo really sold out, huh...


I don't know what you were expecting.

People would be fucking amazed you could send shitty pictures back in time

Is this Capcom


>Come on, man. There's no way Mario Kart's graphics have improved so little over the years
>Mario should like he does in Brawl with all the denim detail!!!

>it's fake. You can clearly see the poorly photoshop job on the background, and that's clearly your OC driving a mercedes

Most wouldn't believe it

I'd ask for r34 of her.

id be like
its probably slowed down
with bumper kart tracks that you can never fall off
every weapon animation is the same because the company is lazy
and shells only bounce for 5 instead of infinite like mk64

I will go back to playing my superior game and tell them to go fuck themselves

wonder what the fuck is that in the car

Neo Nintendo mascot of a game with guns that has no recoil just like every other shooter and moves just as slowTM as every other fps
but this time you can paint the ground

Is a kid

>and shells only bounce for 5 instead of infinite like mk64

Please tell me you are lying.

He is. They bounce 10 times.

And you'd be wrong on every single count.

Good thing you're 10 years older and wiser now!

>it looks nice
>who is this mario character?
>so they teamed up with a car company?
riveting stuff

"Whoa the graphics are really nice, I wonder who the character is!"

Followed by four billion threads on gamefaq's

a green shell on the track will remain on the track until it strikes something that destroys it like a kart or certain obstacles

i loved lining them up so they just zipped back and forth on a section of track

>woah, cool graphics for a handheld
>can't wait to see how awesome nintendo games look like on home console

>nu/v/ actually thinks recoil is a good thing
Oh how casual this board has become

I am not wrong.

The only thing that the modern game has is better graphics

Everything is a downgrade into a game of mediocrity

And non fun boring ass gameplay

no nu/v/ is anti recoil because the more recoil has the more crazy and intense a gun fight can be, going hti for hit

If there is no recoil, the hit from the gun will just automatically go into the person and it is hand holding casual bullshit

cs 1.6 has godlike recoil
and gunplay

do not reply to bait we know devs will not make fun gun play in games anymore because they are to lazy to do it

Good gunplay and hit registration in a game and recoil or marketing with mountain dew and pepsi and you will get a 100 for a mediocre game

I think i will take the marketing

fuck dude they're fucking squirt guns

Depends on the game you dweebs.

I for one think recoil is a good addition to Operation Flashpoint.

>10 years
Everyone would be too busy with Halo 3 to care.

ooga booga rockstop

But the Switch is a handheld.