Is there a single non-porn non-sjw game where the main character is an older woman?
Is there a single non-porn non-sjw game where the main character is an older woman?
The cat lady
Literally Bayonetta
Ursula a cute!
I'm gonna bully her student. look at her, I bet she won't do shit about it
Armed & Delirious
The Cat Lady, but not in a good way.
What flavor of the month Chinese cartoon is this?
Dragon's Dogma
Beyond good and evil
Mirror's edge
One ass creed game, I think it was for the psp
I think softcore pandering porn still counts. But that's up to op.
I want Akko to call Ursula mama and have Ursula snuggle with Akko
Any CRPG with gender options and an age slider.
Does Lenneth count as older woman? If so: Valkyrie Profile.
Ursula is for Croix.
Parasite eve.
Why are old protagonists so much more endearing to me? Especially when they're the punished-old archetype. Any game with character customization, I always play as a haggard old man with unruly long hair and beard
Which one is her student?
>tfw no Secret of Nimh game will ever be made
this one
Cool, Now what's the best way to bully her since her teacher's not gonna do anything about it? She looks like one of those soft hearted women.
Take her to Sauna.
be a cool sensei
There you go.
Your new is really showing if you don't know what it is.
I don't know what's bothering me the most, the fact that they have towels on in a sauna or the fact that one of them is wearing glasses in there, it should be impossible for them to see right?
How old is old in your book?
Its fine to show best friends bathing together though
>towels in a sauna
Best grill
>Being a 12 year old
some of those older point and click adventure games probably
I'd say Laura Bow but she's a college student or something and that isn't old at all
Found the fingolians.
Whoa, I was thinking of taking her hair knot or drawing big eyebrows on her head with a marker, whats this rape shit?
I'm at episode 5. Does the main character still go on a 5 minute long monologue about Shiny Chariot in later episodes? It's honestly starting to get annoying.
You aren't fucking supposed to use a towel in a sauna, or clothing for that matter, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Fuck, in any decent sauna, you CAN'T use a towel because you will fucking overheat in 80 Celsius heat.
I sure love that cool girl who becomes a sexy teacher beloved by the main character, is a powerful mage but is actually kind of shit at anything that doesn't involve flashy spells and beams and whose true hair colour is red for some reason.
She's pretty neat.
My dude
No sir.
Sorry I'm not a giant weeb like you.
Lotte is a fucking loser whose family lives in a Finnish equivalent of a 7/11 kiosk.
W-Would you pop my s-sauna cherry Finn-kun ?
Apology Accepted.
Everyone knows Sucy will win the Akkobowl
Can you handle shit like picture related?
Akko is shit anyways.
>he actually believes this
I literaly never felt the urge to sexualize Bayonetta.
And to this date the only image of her that I could fap to was the topless ppic by sakimichan.
I speculate that might have something to do with her being a surprisingly distinct motherly figure, specialy considering how in both games shw goes around babysiting little kids, which might fit OP's request even better.
Ursula is in her late 20s she's not even old
The best part about her is that she never talks. Truly, a woman to be desired.
I respect your opinion, but no
Why is that businessman trying to seduce a school girl?
>the literal Finngolian is wearing a towel
He's a rapist tho
>she's like 10 so it's not weird
Oh Finland.
>Implying Sir Not Appearing In This Episode is relevant
There is nothing weird about going to sauna with kids.
Fuck, I've been to sauna with my (back then) 8 and 10 year old cousins and there was nothing weird about it. I washed their backs, and they washed mine.
>that smiley inside the bouble
Are kids these days so retarded that they can't understnad a clear emotion in characters face without this kind of shit to make it clear?
>guys please rec me something that panders to my specific fetish guys!
>Are Japs these days so retarded that they can't understand a clear emotion in characters face without this kind of shit to make it clear?
>hehehehe, I'll tell them I'm looking for game recommendations, but I really want to dump my /u/ folder and talk about anime lesbians on the vidya board.. they'll never figure it out..
Who are you quoting?
Both of you are wrong
Well of course.
I still give suggestions on the very rare off chance someone else was actually curious.
>best at anything
>the fact that they have towels on in a sauna
You mean like a lot of people do, and not just people who are uncomfortable with seeing each other naked?
> or the fact that one of them is wearing glasses in there, it should be impossible for them to see right?
If only non-fogging glasses were a thing, because otherwise you would need magic for that.
They better not fuck up her episode.
she is a qt3.14
Gte back to translating, you collossal faggot.
Your mind. I'm a psychic btw
I'm down for self inflicted punishment, always
>You mean like a lot of people do, and not just people who are uncomfortable with seeing each other naked?
Only plebs that got something to hide wear towels in sauna.
Thank god most public saunas here in Finland forbid clothing being worn inside of them.
If you can't handle the nudity, you don't belong to this land.
What do you mean?
A lot of people do? I sure as fuck never saw one do it, and I don't live in Finland. Wearing a towel that will get soaked with sweat from the boiling temperature sounds like an awful idea anyway, maybe if you're sitting at like 60 degrees Celsius it could work, but that's hardly the point of a sauna.
THE best
I'm a sucker for tomboys and two-toned hair. Sucy is an honorable mention though.
She's a fennoswede so it's fine.
Lets be real
LWA TV is a 2/5 but I still love it
Tomboys are a miracle of the universe (alongside spats and brown (2D) girls)
Flat Irish ass.
Pure fantasy.
Im glad that they had this scene in episode 16. It really added a lot.
Croix is so cute, I can't help but root for her. Plus her roombas are cool.
Young Croix is cuter.
She's best girl.
It adds to the "LWA is an analogy for animation". Croix is a rendering in that scene, basically.