Post your longest played games on steam and others will rate you accordingly.
Post your longest played games on steam and others will rate you accordingly
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fug I completely forgot I bought AI War ages ago, gotta actually play it
>using steam
hello newfriend
Hit me
Hit me.
oh okay whats wrong with steam? big bad capitalists cornering the market?
There's a couple shameful entries on here.
Judge me daddy
I mostly play handhelds
absolutely disgusting
Can't get a screenshot right now but I know them from memory.
Warframe - 1600 hours (already deleted and removed from my game list)
MGSV - 1000 hours
GTAV - 998 hours
And that's it. I've been playing New Vegas lately so who knows if I'll get addicted to that.
i have become 1 with the cancer
all those hours on gmod are on TTT btw
I regret dead island and skyrim. Dead island for being shit and skyrim for being boring
Nevermind here it is.
when the fuck is bannerlord getting released
Little backstory on Just Cause 3
>Bought game on launch day
>Created a fairly popular webM what blew up on various gaming sites
>Dev's gave me a free copy of Just Cause 3 XL Edition
gaben is a BIG FAT COMMIE
that is pretty fucking cool of those devs, nice
Good thing my 19.000 hours of eve online aint on steam.
literally how?
Yeah heres the WebM if you interested
This really made me reevaluate my life choices.
That was really cool.
I wish blizzard had hours played back in the day. I really want to know how many hours I spent in my youth playing D1/D2/SC/BW/WC3 online.
I really, really like it.
Someone get the gas...
90% of Fallout 4's time was in FROST, to be fair.
The MSX-like original is better than the remake of La Mulana.
>gives me a 5/10 and has borderlands 2 as second most played
Fuck off
>civ V
aw shit. i only have about 200 hrs in ESO
coop games are better with friends
Not me, but some user from a thread last month who clocked up over 4000 hours in fucking Worms.
meh, i've seen worse in these threads
Jesus. That's 1477 complete days.
Over 4 years of life, spent doing nothing but Garry's Mod, 24 hours a day with no breaks.
i dont feel bad
Oh gee I wonder if anyone padded hours
at 5226 in gmod now, don't play video games anymore
also ~3k in warband
what do I win?
rate me
Please no bully.
I'm no phoneposter, is posting with low as fuck battery some kind of meme similar to opening gay porn tabs before a screenshot?
I'd say about 50% of my played games on steam are weeb games, but as they generally don't pass 60 hours this list disguises that completely.
>people are not ashamed that their top played game is ~100 hours and their second is ~20 hours
And you people think you're qualified to have opinions on video games?
the fuck is with that shitty compression?
Only thing I'm really ashamed of is my time on TESO. Still never got my one character to 50 in that time.
Open the pic in a tab instead of hovering m8
>half my most played games are games I fucking despise
Thats the power of steam friends baby
I posted this before
some of us played thousands of hours of video games before this stuff was tracked
and part 2. Dark Souls 3 is at 225 hours now though
>no yous: the thread
not falling for this shit nigger
>implying the silent disgust isn't the best part
Please no bully
I still didn't finish The Witcher 3
What do you think tbqh
>260 in GTA V
fucking how? what is there to do?
>all these dark fantasy games
>and then there's Terraria
Good shit user. DDA would be in my top 3 if I could add the hours spent on Xbox.
ma nigga with the gmod
Sorry when I see an obvious third worlder I have to.
Better be 800 hours of TTT and Cinema, motherfucker.
i really really loved SA-MP and i wanted gta online to be something it wasnt.
no comment about the 4k hours of gmod??
I've spent thousands in simple Halo 1 PC, fun games are fun. but GTA V is the worst GTA and I STILL don't have 100 hours in it despite trying my best to goof around
Everyone who owns gmod spent an ungodly amount of hours fucking around, its just to be expected.
Red Orchestra is goat, not accessible but after 20h or so when you get a grasp on it it becomes goat
not really a pc gamer but whatever.
have way more hours of dark souls 1 on console
Well, I think at least one of the games on your top played is decent.
now that u mention it I thought before i posted it i barely liked grimdark setting type games but I guess its pretty much all i play
What the fuck user.....
play witcher 1 you consolenigger
Yep, it's mostly TTT and CityRP but less of it.
I can confirm that, it's the only steam game i'm actually playing these days. Once you get the drill, it becomes one of the best out there. Haven't seen a shooter in which i get as inmersed yet.
GTA IV is best GTA btw
Reminds me of my brother.
You need to play more games.
behold the most generic list in existence!
my actual most played one is probably EU3 but you can't play mods if you launch it through Steam
Dark and gritty doesn't necessarily equate to grimdark. Bitterblack Isle is fucking brutal and oppressive but I wouldn't call it "grimdark"
not having multiple thousands of hours to play games
I uninstalled FO4 and would never recommend to anyone. FO3/NV are two of my favorite games of all time and I was so excited for it I made my PC just in time for it and W3. I really enjoyed the first 50 hours or so. I have no fucking clue how I have more than that other than falling asleep with it on, or just forcing myself to do more and more. I've even tried modding it and I can't get into it. No vaults, no interesting quests, no heart. Fuck you Todd.
Smite I havent played in almost a year, I must've binged all those hours in a couple months.
>Dota 2
I'm sorry.
sorry dont like multiplayer games, and i played all my elder scrolls and fallout on consoles.
to be fair 2/3 of those hours where between the invitational 1-3
What did you expect faggot, haven't you played Skyrim?
Obviously I expected a solid follow up to two of my favorite games, you equally massive faggot, or I wouldnt have purchased it.
Skyrim sucked dick but the gap in quality from Oblivion to Skyrim, compared to FO3/NV is not comparable. At least the FO4 environments were more pleasing to look at as opposed to "FUCKING SNOW SNOW ROCKS SNOW DUNGEONS SKELLYS SNOW"
That game really sucks you in man. I didn't even enjoy most of my time with it and I still racked up almost 400 hours.
sorry guys