Why is Pokemon fan art so much better and more creative than the actual shit Gamefreak puts out?

Why is Pokemon fan art so much better and more creative than the actual shit Gamefreak puts out?

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That's shitty

Post Ballio instead

Pic unrelated?

Primarina is better.

Holy shit that looks awful
Ballio is worse

If you wanted a furry bara bf you could have chosen Litten

>t. ballio or roothootfag

When is the last time a Pokemon evolution line just had all three being different sized versions of each other? Why do autistic fan artists gravitate towards this so often?

>when the fake starters were miles better than the garbage rehashes we got

>it just gets bigger

Because you have chronic shit taste, evidently.

because every fanart is literally "it just gets bigger", while GF actually does what they intend with starters:
Childhood - puberty - adulthood. That´s the theme, that´s why the gen 1 mid evos have this "cheeky"-look. Look at the mid and end evo, they look absolutely the same.

Now look at prima and the other, look completly different.

Ballio is still in my heart.

>Skiddo 0.5
>fire's okay
>Totodile fucked Sandile

Now you're just using random buzzwords

How were they rehashed? I didn't really like them for the opposite reason, they were far too busy in appearance and specific in their themes. The third-stage owl looks absolutely awful and is exactly what I hate about modern Pokemon designs, no idea why people like it so much. Its an owl with a bow-and-arrow for wings? how the fuck does that make any sense when the animal would have been around far longer than the man-made object its mimicking. And yes, I think older Pokemon look dumb for the same reasons if they fall into that same category of way too specific, man-made objects turned into Pokemon.

That's are literal copypaste jobs

plebs all of you

Primarina is cute and a perfectly fine starter. I don't see why anyone would flip their shit over it.

wtf i love popplio now

yes because i sure love my 90% chance of being male pokemon look like a literal women during adulthood

Stop getting hung up over a children's game. Your patronage is fine, but once you reach a certain age you stop being the target audience. Veteran or not.

then retry until you get a girl silly

Game Freak knows that pokefuckers are their main fans now. So they get pandered to and the kids suffer.

>Balliofags still exist

I hope that isn't your example.

post clown


That's the worst fakemon I've ever seen.

I wish soft resetting for a starter didn't take 3+ minutes each time.

Why the FUCK did they remove the ability to see your Pokemon's fucking nature in the battle screen? Been like this since fucking BW.

No, Gamefreak, I don't want to fucking slog through your awful into tutorial battle EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME because I got a gentle-natured starter with shit IVs.

This looks so fucking awful I just can't comprehend why anyone would think its good, let alone better than the one we actually got.

>he didn't reset for a female

You just have to reset enough times to not get a -minus your strongest stat- nature. So maybe not even once.

>never played a Pokemon game before
>guess I'll hop on the craze now with Moon
>play for about 3 hours
>cutscenes up the ass
>every battle is piss easy (why wouldn't I just pick the attack the enemy is weak against?)
>don't even change my Litten for other pokemon because what's the point, they're all getting xp
>get bored after cutscene #134 and shut the game off

uhhh am I missing something here?

Is this the thread for best starter?

design by committee vs. independent and vast quantities

Primarina is the best of the new starters

Typhlosion Feraligatr makes it a hard choice

These are objectively the best starters of their gens.


>Basic children's game held up by nostalgia and merch

Gen 7 has arguably the most creative designs though, at least by series standards. They added aliens and a lot of mons have personalities.

Wow you're good at a children's game! youtube.com/watch?v=oyFQVZ2h0V8

Now, now, they're all the best.

>Not Venusaur

>mfw the first female I soft reseted for had a Modest nature

t. waifufag

But why is it popular to begin with? It takes no thought, no strategy, literally no gameplay. The game tells you off the bat what your enemy is weak against. Why in the world wouldn't you use that attack?

>>> /vp/ >>>
>>> /vp/ >>>
>>> /vp/ >>>

I'll give that honor to Gen V seeing as the concepts at work there got really out there and creative.

>exp share off
>battle style set
have fun, also cutscenes are at the beginning very often. But please don´t forget it´s a game that targets child and everyone with the main story. Complex fighting is online mode.

>see litten
>no thanks, will choose popplio
>see evo leaks
>well popplio looks not that good, but litten becomes kinda fine, well it will be rowlet
>it´s based on Tiger Mask
>google Tiger mask
>listen to:

Swampert, Venusaur, Tiger Mask. Hello best starters ever.

guessing = strategy and gameplay?

Venusaur is an ugly pimply faced bitch. Shame because Bulbasaur and Ivysaur are cool.

Do it with no exp share and under-leveled. I had a blast, barely beat Kukui.

Because the enemy might switch. Or they might be immune due to an ability or move, which aren't read by the "detector". It got added only in the latest game and only after you fight something once.

It's a kid game, it was never difficult and it's not supposed to. All the singleplayer does is prepare you for the facilities and PvP.

>Giving a shit about this.
Insecure much?

>Use ground type attack on a pokemon weak to ground
>Enemy's levitate or air balloon negates the ground type attack

That sums up Persona and it gets better scores than Pokemon.

those are fucking terrible and you should feel bad for thinking otherwise...looks like bootleg shit from India

>at least a couple colourful or appealing designs
>ads,merchandise anything out the bat
>being released back in a time period to fill that monster catching niche

They're not even human

>Complaining that a bullfrog has warts

>humans had the idea of bow and arrow
>animals can't for some fucktarded reason
You're dumb.

Bullfrogs are ugly. Warts are ugly. Even without the warts Venusaur is ugly.

>better stats
>better merch
>better fanart
>better porn

No they aren't.

When will be able to romance our Pokemon

I thought the heel wrestler was fucking dumb at first but it grew on me so fast I can't complain anymore about it.

Everything about him is fucking hilarious and I'm totally okay with it.


Bulbusaur with a wide ugly face. It is an improvement though.

I left this board for good reason, don't bring that shitty debate here.

He's just such an adorable jerk.

But that looks worse than Brionne and Primarina.

Point being soft resetting took all of 30 seconds in Gen I-IV, but with BW on they shove this scripted, unskippable bullshit in your face AND took away the ability to see your Pokemon's nature in the battle summary screen.

All they have to do is let me see my Pokemon's fucking nature during battle, I have absolutely no idea why they took that out. You used to just see the normal status/summary screen in battle, but in BW they decided to replace it with a new, stripped-down version that shows you less information for no fucking reason.

Incineroar (male) is cute!


anyone got a pic of cat wrestler doin can't see me?

What Froakie's final evo should have been.

was just about to post this,

Decidueye is objectively the best starter evolution of all time so your point is null and void

the only one that's close to an ok idea is the goat


Outclassed by A FUCKING ANCHOR

Easily one of the worst, what the fuck is it even supposed to be? Fucking Robin Hood?



Not with that half-assed name.

I think he's decent but certainly not best. Also his 2nd evo looks like a fucking hipster which is objectively shit.

>it just gets bigger and cleared
>loses the thief/ninja theme for no reason
>gets fatter because ??? despite Frogadier keeping the usual frog proportions

Stop reminding me

So what if it's basically just a bigger version of Froakie? It actually looks good. And who gives a fuck if it's a ninja or not? Why not make it a bulky water type with decent sp.atk and high sp.def?

Why do people like this shit?

>It actually looks good
It doesn't.

>And who gives a fuck if it's a ninja or not?
Because the previous two stages were.

>Why not make it a bulky water type with decent sp.atk and high sp.def
Because the previous two stages weren't.

Look at Incineroar, the first starter who switched gameplay roles and people hated that.

Fakemons are all shit to be honest
Not that a lot of official ones aren't, I was in disbelief when I saw Zygarde 100% because of how retarded it looked

>It actually looks good


I didn't really mind Roar losing its speed in exchange for bulk and attack power. It felt like a decent trade off and I already had some fast mons on the team.

>He doesn't like 80's Super Robots

Froakie wasn't a ninja it was just a frog and I don't remember what the second stage looked like but it could and should have been redesigned to be more consistent the objectively better design. Obviously they would have been restated.

And it does look good, you just have shit taste.

Stopped playing this franchise after being a fun since I was 6. Shame that they neglect those who played this game for a long time but I guess it's nice people still enjoy it


>Froakie wasn't a ninja
Except it was. Notice i said thief/ninja.
Froakie and Frogadier are based on the classic japanese thieves with the sack on their back and around their face. That's why it has the two bubbles on its nose.
And considering all three starters are based on RPG classes, it's normal that a thief job-changes into a ninja.

>And it does look good, you just have shit taste.
Actually no, that's you for liking that thing. Especially since you can't even remember a fucking Pokemon, a starter nonetheless.

You must be ignorant as hell, all they do is pander to people who played and remember gen 1.

no, this kind of pandering is to bring people back

This is great

I used to see people claiming Sage had better designs than real Pokemon, sheesh.

A small handful are bretty gud, but 90% of them aren't even fit to be Neopets.

>posts the worst example possible
>doesn't want to fuck the mermaid.

Because gamefreak knows they dont have to try anymore, they have the manchildren by the balls and their willing to buy whatever garbage they shit out.