Why Jocker don't has a shockdown when Akeshi shot him?
Why Jocker don't has a shockdown when Akeshi shot him?
You get a mental breakdown when your shadow is killed. Akechi shot the cognition of him that was in saes palace. Joker doesn't have a fucking shadow because that's what ultimately becomes their persona.
it really make u use your brain activities
>You will never see Jocker use shockdown to defeat the final boss
Because it isn't his Shadow, it's the cognitive version of him in Sae's palace.
You might as well ask why the ATM-people in Kaneshiro's palace didn't wind up dead in the real world.
but if Yaldeban is humans than is not Jocker make all mankind have shockdown?
Because it's not the protagonist's shadow but Sae's cognitive imagination of the protagonist that gets shot.
When Futaba activates the remote nav app, Sae's perception of the protagonist's location is still trapped in the interrogation room, so when Akechi goes to shoot him he sees him there too, but the location of the secret interrogation room is a little ways off from the casino so it doesn't look like a casino despite still being a part of Sae's palace.
I'm more concerned with the fact that cognitive Joker had an actual gunshot wound with blood and everything. Don't cognitive people in the metaverse just explode into a black mist when they die or something?
Okay this one really did make me think
It may be because that was in an area with limited distortion and so the deaths of the cognitions are more realistic. I don't know, it doesnt really matter. He does explode into black mist at the end though, as does the guard.
those were shadows, not cognitions. If he was shot and Sae would expect him to bleed like that then he would
why atm machine doesn't had shakedown when Kaneshiro rob them?
A more reasonable explanation would be that she spent enough time with him interrogating him that she had a better image of him as a person and would therefore be able to imagine his death more clearly.
Boy using a spoiler tag sure is hard
kys OP
What kind of person got here if you are playing a game?
Why user don't defeat game when visiting video game bard?
As if anyone could even parse that level of retardation without context.
Why did Igor decide that humanity's last hopes would best be manifested as a cat?
Cats are cute.
Yaldabaoth is their collective treasure and not their shadow. The shadows were the prisoners (I think).
Because humans are all pussies
He is Goku.
You ever heard the tale of Schrödinger's cat?
Whole universe got recreated after Joker shot yablablargh
Did Igor have a stroke?
so Jockers friends only clones now? pretty dark...
No but he got imprisoned and the Igor you see throughout 99% of the story is an imposter.
For the JP VAs, did they reuse (the real) Igor's old lines or get a VA that sounded similar to him?
He's made from Human desire to be controlled free of responsibility, not Shadows.
Why did Shido have a suicide note forged for Futaba's mom that was focused on shitting on Futaba?
Did Shido did it because he's just a dick?
Did they ever mention that Shido was responsible for the fake note? Either way it discouraged people from looking further into her murder, so mission accomplished I guess.
This shit would be less confusing if they used Zeitgeist instead of cognition
because i wanna fuck that cat
There have been a lot of anons whose first language isn't English lately.
>Jocker don't has
Are you alright user? Are you having a mental breakdown
Would it? I get the feeling that even less people are going to understand what is meant by Zeitgeist by comparison.
Did anyone else expect Shido to suddenly outplay the PT after his Palace?
I expected him to pull off some bullshit like "lmao that wasn't my real shadow"
But I'm surprised he did actually get converted. It's just that his cronies were covering everything up.
God forbid people educate themselves
Well Zeitgeist isn't related to Jung which is the primary influence for the series so I don't see how it would make sense to use it anyways.
Because it was Sae's cognition of Joker
Neither is Momentos your point?
he had little time and just hoped for the best.