Boring safe roster tailor made for MCU shilling

>boring safe roster tailor made for MCU shilling
>not a single unexpected or new interesting character
>still has an artstyle that resembles a budget NRS game
>neutering of the character designs of already boring characters (pic related)
>Day 1 dlc costumes

Seriously is capcom trying to bury the MvC franchise too? Welp, gonna go back to playing Hyper DBZ instead.


Fuck me, Lilith is hot.


>unironically wanting SFV trash in MvC

Fuck off

Ok that hud is really bad, like really fucking bad.

I hope this image gets posted in every Chun Li thread until the end of time.

say what you will about SFV but there's nothing wrong with the characters it introduced.
MvCI is gearing up to be a casual cashgrab anyway so why are you being defensive about it?

What the fuck happened to her face? She's like a low-budget Emma Stone now

You don't get it, X was probably the "unexpected" hype character.

This is modern capcom remember.

>Sigma is one of the main enemies
>Sigma is day one DLC
You can't make this shit up

Of course they are going to reveal the obvious choices first. The suprise characters are gonna be the last to be shown.

The hells wrong with her legs? Her arms? Her face?

The fuck

How many consecutive fuck ups is it going to take.

How are people buying ANY of their games after, SFF X Tekken, MvC3 twice and SF5

That's a terrible decision. Honestly for how shit SFV is, it at least paced out the character reveals pretty well. Well it took a while for a third strike character, but this is equivalent to SFV showing Ryu, Chun Li, Ken, Zangief, Sakura, Cammy, and like Akuma all on top of each other. Though SFV's newest roster decisions is mindboggingly stupid. Seriously does Capcom have autism or something, how can they fuck up that bad and not see on the same wavelengths with the fans. It's pretty obvious nobody wanted an entire season of all new characters.

>>boring safe roster tailor made for MCU shilling

As opposed to the boring safe roster tailor made for X-Men shilling in every game before 3.

FGC will suck Capcom's dick no matter what

I shouldn't have expected otherwise but seeing Chris pop up was just really depressing.

I don't even necessarily want Jill, just anyone else. Toss is Claire, Leon, Add hell make it Bruce or Fong Ling just for shits and giggles

Wolverine is the Ken of Marvel Vs.and the Japanese love him ( and Spiderman ) not having them in it is fucking retarded.

Sup Forums is the reason
people here buy any amount of broken buggy day 1 DLC packed games. just look at all the companies that are doing it, if Sup Forums actually voted with their wallet it wouldn't be a thing.

hawkeye looks like absolute shit. remove that piece of shit from the game NOW

He's literally the best thing to come out of that game design wise.

Hawkeye's design is shite. Bring back UMvC3 version.

He was my most wanted character but i'd be fucking livid if he's the only """"""unexpected"""""" hype character.

Capcom's newer games do exist, and it'd be beggaring disbelief for them to not want to put them into a crossover. Or do you just think they'll just use the World Warriors again and call it a day?

>boring safe roster tailor made for MCU shilling
When the vast majority of the Vs series was made up of nothing but X-men characters, you can fuck off with this shit. But hey, you're probably a 90s kid and X-men TAS was the best show ever, so its okay when shit tier characters like Omega Red, Spiral, Marrow and X-23 make the cut, right?

This game isn't really a game it's being funded by WB to make Injustass 2 look better by comparison.

That or its made to make SFV look better.

I'm not sure.

But it's not a real game.

It can't be.

Wolverine is in. So is Doom.

They just happen to be DLC. This was confirmed a while ago by Ryce who has been 100% on all MvCi rumors.

because people actually bought X-men comics back then you under aged smash faggot

Psylocke had like 1 appearance on the cartoon late into the series

>tfw she'll always be a color for morrigan
Feels bad
You make it sound like sfv has absolutely no redeeming qualities..

>its ok for a game to never improve
Funny how thats all you can fall back on. Games are supposed to improve in later iterations, but I guess that's too much for you people to understand.






A character was just leaked moron.

>all new characters
But they're NPCs from SFIII and SFIV so far, which is even more pathetic.

inb4 the Chinese orphan girl is the next playable character

>Omega Red

Fuck off kid

I'm actually glad the game looks like shit, I would hate to support their shitty business model for this game

I actually hated how over represented the X-Men were in the previous games, but this isn't the answer either. Also the Capcom side is irredeemably boring as well, and which is actually what upsets me more. UMVC3 by far had the best roster in the vs series.

>be 30
>called a kid
You nostalgiafags are hilarious. Especially with the logic that X-men comics are somehow more popular than a movie franchise so popular it literally changed the way Hollywood functions and has multiple billion dollar entries.

Psylocke and Omega Red literally got in because the sole westaboo at Capcom thats responsible for COTA in the first place thought they looked cool.

I agree.

>after a few more years, marvel and Disney notice people are experiencing mcu fatigue and their same old formula isn't working anymore
>they introduce crossover kino and start pumping out capcom movies
How hard would your dicks be lads?

I suspect a decent portion of the populace would trade all the new characters for a couple good old ones like Sakura or Dudley.

not at all since I don't like marvel movies that much and live action capcom movies would be garbage.

>people would trade anything for a shoto

The main enemy is Ultron-Sigma, you probably won't even encounter regular Sigma in the story itself.

Modok and Dormammu are X-Men?

I just realized, how the fuck did they not introduce Dante yet? I'm pretty sure he would be high on the list in this game.

Nice pic you mong

I fucking love you user, yes, bring Bruce & Fong Ling.

Goes to show how bleh the new characters and how popular the old ones are.

I still buy a lot of capcom games. Monhun is still great, I'm enjoying SFV, if they came out with a new dmc or a classic Lost Planet I would buy either of those I would buy a new Dragon's Dogma, I'll play Deep Down.

Capcom games have great gameplay, it's just literally everything else they fuck up.

Holy fuck are you stupid?

Sup Forums dont have that influence dumbfuck...heck recent events shows that the majority of Sup Forums is composed be third world poorfags

>>boring safe roster tailor made for MCU shilling

As opposed to the boring safe roster in the past loaded with X-Men?

Which one? Ultron?

>people are giving Capcom shit for including too many "safe" picks in MvCI
>people were giving Capcom shit for including too many "unorthodox" picks in SFV
What is it you fags want?

>only 10 characters reveled
>the 10 iconic characters that it was obvious that they where in
>still 20 or so more characters to reveal

people love to blow up things out of proportions.

pls mh rep in MVC infinite: infinity

good game

>getting mad when someone calls you a kid on the internet

>>people were giving Capcom shit for including too many "unorthodox" picks in SFV
>Half the cast was SF2

Dont worry, Black pnather is going to have that moveset you love so much :^)

what unorthodox picks? Do you mean the boneheaded decision to have season 2 be all new characters? Aside from some new characters SFV's roster isn't that ballsy.

It's not a matter of being safe, but the roster is just very vanilla. I mean where the hell is Dante, he's a shoe in but everyone would be hype to see him? But no we got Chris Redfield again, how about pulling a Karin and instead of having Morrigan again (which we all know she's going to get in either way) add in any other Darkstalkers character that isn't a female (unless it's BB Hood) and it doesn't help that all the Marvel characters look like their obnoxious MCU counterparts. Cap and Hawkeye in particular look awful.

Reminder shills are among us.

>No more DP motion


Oh, was there a new trailer or something? Last I'd seen of the new MvC was the initial stuff.


I just want this guy back. Is it so hard to do right by your fans just once Capcom?

If he can't get in for whatever reason, then bring back ptx-40 or whatever giant mecha. Christ something fun and over the top instead of this boring vanilla shit.

>boring safe roster tailor made for MCU shilling
You know that Capcom doesn't get to pick the Marvel characters right? Marvel gets to pick and choose and approve the designs of all of them, because it's their properties. Marvel is especially going to be jewish now because they're owned by Disney and have all of the marvel movies that they need to sell.

Like for MvC3 Capcom really wanted Silver Surfer, but Marvel said that they couldn't use him unless he was the fastest and strongest character in the game. They had some other requests like that he always needed to be flying on his board, but on the ground. That's just a gamebreaking OP character, you can't reasonably put that in. Capcom can't design a whole game around this one character, so they had to drop him and put in other characters that Marvel did want.

I'm more worried about the release date than anything else, the game looks like shit and it will never improve in just 5 months.

>the leg

Look it doesn't really matter WHOSE fault it is but the fact remains that both companies are pretty shit these days

Im glad you LEON IS CONFIRMED fags got blown out.

>>still has an artstyle that resembles a budget NRS game

Injustice 2 looks leagues better than this. MvCI legit looks like a mobile game

Im Jill fag, captain reading comprehension

this needs to be pushed back to the end of the year at least. I swear if Capcom pulls another SFV, I'm going to be so mad for them pulling bullshit again, but happy that they get what they deserve.

How can they fuck up on so many levels simultaneously?

Then why is shuma-gorath in all games?

UMVC3 had a great roster though, but if this is true fuck Marvel for this. Their movies are trash too.

Too bad they will both be casual trash.

combofiend please tell the old chinese men at marvel to put in a monster hunter rep. Reuse assets from UMVC3 i dont care but put MH rep in the game.

Dunno what you mean, it looks amazing

I want to say something nice about her in the lewd bully bazinga hometown!

well she looks azn here at least.

You certainly don't act 30.


Mods will fix it, r-right?

Found some old interviews from MvC3

>So, maybe you can tell us how you pick characters?
>Ryota Niitsuma, Producer: Yeah, I get the question a lot. Because of Capcom’s experience with fighting games we tend to have an idea of what characters we want. We present Marvel with a list and then they come back to us with ‘maybe use this character instead.’

>How significant was Marvel’s input in developing behaviours for characters that are not specifically designed to appear in video games?
>With the Marvel characters, we put a lot of work into replicating their movements, designs, and mannerisms from the comics. Marvel gave us lots of precise direction regarding the character design, but was willing to leave the actual game balancing to us at Capcom.

>Seriously is capcom trying to bury the MvC franchise too?

Of course not.

It's D*sney's doing. You should know the cancer they represent.

Guys, MvCI is DOA

>blaming disney
they do not care about marvel beyond the movies and the only thing they did involving the games is demand marvel give out the licenses rather then keep them

>NRS game has better faces than Capcom game
What a time to be alive

>Tfw Rocket's look and voice confirm that they will most likely use Meme-Lord if he gets in

>Tfw I won't see anymore of DnA cosmic era in any media aside from EMH and MvC3

Man that's complete autism by whoever was in charge of that shit at Marvel at that time. But never fear. Modern Marvel has moved past such things as meticulous attention to detail, consistency in general, artistic vision, cohesive narratives, any amount of shame or dignity along with all people who may have once cared about any of these.

This almost makes me want to be a Dcuck and praise them as capekino. Fuck Marvel, desu I never cared for the Marvel side that much either way, but this is just irksome. Any chance we get Howard the Duck at least?

Because the new characters they added were all shit and all the old characters are trash.

I don't care what anybody says, fuck Karin and fuck Mika, the most boring fucking characters in the world.

Like it's so hard to make like 100 playable characters

Not hard to make new characters when you're just reusing fucking all of them from MVC3. Literally the same animations and hitboxes, same fucking VOICES even.

Everything about this from the Season Pass to the roster to the shit animations to the reused assets SCREAMS cash grab.

MvC3 Marvel roster was great though.

Just 9.99 on Steam workshop.

It was, I just mean I was always more into Capcom's roster. Capcom's roster this time around is more disappointing to me than Marvel's desu, at least with Marvel we all know what to expect but Capcom is just being really boring.


Did they actually reveal the whole roster?