Blond german girl

>blond german girl
>is a NatSoc
Sasuga Japan

Don't you know? Everyone who is not Japanese is blonde.

Japs still butthurt over losing the war I see

Trying to save the world from communist is a just cause.

Freezing to death after eating your dead comrades isn't that heroic

user, she said Stalingrad, not Leningrad. I know those all sound the same but they actually aren't.

And 1/3 of people that are Japanese are blonde

Leningrad? Surely you mean South Viipuri, right?

user I'm disappointed, the Leningrad is where the Russians got surrounded and starved, Stalingrad is where that happened to the Germans.

Momoyo best majikoi

fuck i dont remember that
do remember the game having a subtle tone of japanese imperialistic circle jerk

Who is this nazi floozy?

Please, the Germans lost the war when they made Britain their enemy

It was far for subtle.

Dyed hair


Fucking Britain cowards decided their fate as jewslaves, and now their kids are taking paki er i mean asian cock.

attacking the soviets was their biggest mistake probably
japs getting usa involved was just the final nail in the coffin

Had Britain joined the Axis the whole war would've gone differently. In both World Wars the Germans' fate was sealed even before any shots were fired when they failed to get Britain on their side.

>still no translation of best girl (right) route

Not really. In both wars America was the one who assured German defeat through raw industrial power.

I agree with you. I still prefer Benkei just a little bit more.

But user, Benkei has already her route translated!

America wouldn't have been able to invade and liberate Europe on its own and it's hard to argue your war is purely a just anti-communist one when you're bombing London.

Tits too big.

As a man of taste I prefer a big but not too big size.

Comparable to a real life D-cup.


>before any shots were fired

Nigga they fired plenty of shots in Poland.

cute imouto > hot onee-san
would have enjoyed benkei and momoyo routes so much more if they actually kept being forceful/dominant instead of letting MC take the lead
fuck me i was disappointed when i finally reached the sex

>machine tl

It's not the real experience my friend.

Nee-san is the perfect size. Not too big either.

that size looks better

maybe a touch smaller


Benkei was never dominat, she is a lazy person.
>mfw Benkei/Tatsuko lazy threesome never

A-1 is fully translated user. Pic related.

The Germans tried both times. Germany was a quasi British ally before Victoria died because she was Wilhelm II's grandmother. The British were always so obsessed the idea of a balance of power even when it became obvious that the concept was going to be dead soon anyway.

The truest shit in Mein Kampf is the beginning where Hitler rants about how colonial empires are shit and unsustainable in the long run because they're essentially upside down pyramids with massive noncore population bases. Russia and the USA were destined to escape the balance of power unless destroyed because their domestic non colonial populations were booming and far eclipsing the standard European nation state populations of Britain, France, Italy, Germany, et al. while being modernized industrial states.

Looking at history, it's painful seeing that Britain lost Ireland due to the instability caused by WWI because as a large chunk of land in Europe populated by English speakers, Ireland was more valuable than something like India could ever be in the long run (in my opinion, anyway).

okay but the rest is machine tl garbage including the original

Whatever helps sleep at night user.


Sauce on the game plz

This is now a Majikoi thread. Post your favorite girl.

Don't forget that Tsubame is worst girl.

Momoyo is love.

Hermit crab-kun a worst MC

>Tsubame shilling her stupid products

Fuck off, hermit crabs are cute

Yeah I bet you'd like to fuck them, wouldn't you?

No, that'd be extremely painful

make way peasants

that was cute

Her route gave me such a strong heart boner.

>Have only done Momoyo's route
>Nobody else really appeals to me except Benkei
>tfw I have to go through the entirety of both games just to get to her route

Wanko route is good. Maybe you will like Yukie route too. You can hold the skip button for both Miyako and Chris, you won't miss anything. You should do the Agave route however.

>tfw I have to go through the entirety of both games just to get to her route
Not really.

>just got finished wrapping up Wanko and Yukie's routes
>was thinking of doing Miyako next
Is it actually that boring?

Useless drama and tons of sex just or sex, it doesn't feel as rewarding as it is with the other girls.


I tried this game once and it's just too fucking boring.

I fapped to the purple hair slut and was just bored out of mine afterwards.

I have no idea how anyone can read it and all the spinoff games or whatever they are.

majikoi is the most fun vn i've read. the ensemble cast is just so entertaining.

it goes to shit whenever it concentrates on a single character for too long. it's at its best when it has a sizable chunk of the cast to work with. it doesn't help that you chose worst girl.

Worst route of the franchise.

I like the side character a lot.

So which of these games are translated? I -think- it's Majikoi, Majikoi S, A-1 and A-2 right? Any others I'm missing? Just want to make sure i'm not missing any before I finally start them.

Wait, what's going on here?

Is Yoshitsune the cutest ?

Yes, those are the ones. We're missing A3, A4 and A5

It's okay they're shit anyway.

A3 is not, it has the maids.

Nothing wrong with a bit of cleavage.

A-5 has Margit after. And A-3 has Lee and Stacy routes.

Margit is shit

Thanks, cutie

That's now how shirts work though.

yes but she has qt underlings that you also get to fug in a5


No, her route is. But Margit is good.

>blond german girl
>is a NatSoc

Still better than being a fucking ally

what the fuck is a sasuga

He meant sausage. It was a typo


what's with the ridiculously messy haired girls in this

>he doesn't like sex hair

Margit's route is such a waste. I like her for her strict army personality with the occasional dere. Having her go full slut was boring

Welcome to visual novels

She is best girl.

America was largely irrelevant and only swooped in when the end result was already decided.

Not surprisingly, Agave and Koyuki are best routes and they're the ones with practically no sex.

Why don't they have nippels?

>what's with the ridiculously messy haired girls in this

Yeah there is Benkei and...?

America swooping in is what decided the end result.

>is a faggot
Every time.

Red razor hair

my mom

>no one posting best Majikoi


I like how she's so beatable

I could have sworn she had bigger tits.

>something breaks

>No spats

why are you wasting your one life on shitty visual novels about cartoon fantasy girls?

I always hate the foreigner girl routes because they remind me I'm self-inserting as a jap boy which is about as attractive to women as a dead fish is.

Why are you wasting your one life complaining about people who are wasting their one life on "shitty visual novels about cartoon fantasy girls".

I agree. There are better visual novels about cartoon fantasy girls.

name them so I can play them

Just did her route. I agree.