I want to play an anime fighting game, which ones are decent for bland new fighting game players who want to try to get gud?
I want to play an anime fighting game...
The only anime fighting game worth playing now is guilty gear.
Guilty Gear or Melty Blood
>wanting to get scammed by JewCys
Get BB for now, they said they were gonna stop resell you the same game for full price every year (like they're gonna do with GG)
UNIST hype
Melty Blood
Both of these are quite advanced and not for new players of the genre. I'd suggest Big Bang Beat or Melty Blood.
mortal kombat
>guilty gear
Is that one of those anime fighters that polute the screen with a hundred different effects that make it really annoying to see whats going on?
I watched some videos on youtube and quite a few fighting games were like that.
>don't get scammed by arcsys
>buy this other arcsys game that started the scam to begin with
really fires up those neurons
>thread asks for anime fighters
>post says "only anime fighting game worth playing now is guilty gear"
>is dat dere one uh dem annie-may games?
gee cletus i dont know why dont we use our critical thinking skills here to figure it out
Maybe if you were less worried about being an asshat you'd realize I'm not saying all anime fighters are like that, I'm asking if this is one of those that are.
who gives a fuck. Anyone who reads your post can tell what kind of person you are. You dont know what the fuck youre talking about and you're not interested in taking suggestions
>behaves like a monkey
>called out on it
>who gives a fuck
Sounds about right.
Xrd is easier than melty unless all you do is that one combo over and over again
Oh like that new version of GG that is $40 and can be upgraded from Revelator for $20?
BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, Melty, and argaubly UNIEL are the anime games that people actually play. None of them are super easy for newcomers really, so it mainly comes down to what you want from a fighting game.
I haven't played Melty Blood in years, but I always felt (even in Accent Core) the higher tier mechanics were a bit tricky, like guard cancelling and dustloops or whatever that thing is where you stop your frames and use up your energy meter.
Fun. I don't know what I want from a fighting game other than that.
I mean, what type of fighting game. Grounded, lots of jumping, fast-paced, slow, ect.
Blazblue is babby's first anime game, get on it.
Then look up some gameplay and pick whatever looks the most fun.
Play Under Night in Birth or Melty Blood, nerd.
you're a fag lmao who the fuck plays a game just because it's anime
easy but high skill ceiling.
>Guilty Gear
Hard and high skill ceiling
Easy but hard to find matches
Medium difficulty and hard to find matches
I guess it's only worth playing GG, what should I do to learn and get better?
Who else playing dead fighting games here?