ITT: subtle vidya tattoos

ITT: subtle vidya tattoos

It's not that I don't have a life, I choose to have many.

I am a gamer.


Man, I'd totally get me one of those!

>Anger is a bift

What did he mean by this?


Can doctors prescribe suicide?

It says rift you idiot.

Reddit: The trapezius

>Anger is a rift

What did he mean by this?

How can an artist fuck up ALL the faces. He was bound to get at least one right

For a larger tattoo I don't think this one is too bad. Recognizable by fans but isn't too annoying character faced about it.


why does one want prison tattoo?

No Overwatch tattoos? Cmon son

why the fuck do people get tattoos of stupid pop culture shit like cartoons or video games? they're supposed to be infused with your personality and your experiences. like, i only have 2 tattoos. a chinese character of "angel" on my left wrist, and "devil" on my right wrist. those tattoos represent the shit i've seen and done while i was deployed in iraq and it stands to remind me that i'm capable of both good and bad (currently a nursing student).

those are the most faggoty tattoos I've ever heard of

I hope the characters are actually dumb whitedevil

>angel and devil

psshh hahaha


Everytime i see a tattoo / bodymod thread on Sup Forums i must always post this picture

Every single time nothing comes close for me in therms of fucking up


>Why the fuck do people get tattoos of stupid shit
>By the way I got tats in Chinese

he's beautiful, fucking perfect


You fucked up

Next time get a real mans tattoo. One that reminds you of your comrades instead of edgy shit.



And I'm dead.

Too bad the tattoo looks like shit. Those dice look like toasted marshmellows.

This makes me so sad

check the tat bros

im going to risk being the autist to correct people over a joke, but that's a G in calligraphy

user please i will not judge you but i will post my dick with timestamp if you post your tatts

Why does he have a belly button on his back?

Next thing you're gonna tell me is this doesn't spell Gifu?

I was hoping it was just swelling or something after getting it done. After looking back at it I agree.

Yeah, if it was done by a better artist it could be pretty neat. The revolver is pretty poor too.

I wanna cum on that dudes arm

Are there any gaming tattoos that don't look like complete shit?


there isn't any tattoo that doesn't look like complete shit


>someones face

it's shit

>All those newfags who don't know the pasta

Jesus H.

I'd rather get the godsend symbol


I think the bloodborne runes can look nice
I personally think that the sigil things from dishonoured look nice but that's just me and it is on a hand usually so *shrug

>I have lived a thousand lives
REEEEE this needs to stop, fucking casuals that havent finished more then thousand playthroughs needs to die!

Has anyone here actually played a thousand different games?

>Jesus H.

What does the "H" stand for?

>chinese letters
>devil & angel
fucking kek


this is way worse. at least that one has some kind of interpretation/style that can be attributed to the tattooist

uh, yes, that's not that much

>Antifa garbage




What do you mean by this?

Y'know, like a shindig.

*frees your slaves*

Oh! You could get the arm tattoo from mirrors edge
I think it's a nice design desudesudesudesu

Of course not, they prescribe euthanasia so the idiots don't have a chance to muck it up.

because most people arent basement dwelling cunts who overthink every of their decision

>A sickle and a shuriken
What did he mean by this?

Man, she really likes Gundam Wing

That's 50 games a year over 20 years. I don't play anywhere near that many games in a year.

Communist ninjas.


Can someone post actual cool tattoos or are those just fables?

All tattoofags should be shot to death

Depends on your requirement for playing the game. Just playing a bit of some mobile game or completing a full single player campaign in some AAA title etc.

Toi on vittu sisuu saatanan hintti

>a banana and an anus
What did he mean by this?

I can get down with this one

Looks fucking rad even if you don't know where it came from


mene takasin sinne kehä3 sisäpuolelle

helevetin jonnet

"It is better to walk ten thousand miles than read ten thousand books" - chinese proverb

Literally no forethought on this one huh



I want to hate it but I can't.

>vidya tattoo
>tv tattoo
>film tattoo
>comic tattoo
>tech tattoo

So many tattoos based on fads that will be hot garbage in 2-3 years time. It's like the people who get these haven't matured past childhood where every cool thing seemed like it'd last forever.

I posted mine yesterday. At least one dude liked the vidya

eipä vittu

didn't the 360 come before the nes mini

this in nicely done, i like it

Only large vidya tattoo i don't consider shit because well, in the end it's just a fucking dragon.

What's a shindig?

Dumbass should've put in a dual shock instead

Kek, those will likely still be around in twenty years

It's like a hootenanny.

>Are there any GOOD videogame tattoos
>Hur dur tattoos are for degenerates
>I actually like tattoos
>Women who have tattoos are disgusting

Unironically considered this one at some point.

>two legs

>in the end it's just a fucking dragon
How does that make it any less shit? At the end of the day it's still a big, garish piece of artwork on your body.

>OP is bait
>expecting thread to turn out differently

>chinese angel and devil tatoo
id rather have an autistic video game tat holy shit

That's a stupid tattoo but I have to admit that it's still really well done

>people actually responded to this post in earnest

at this point it's every ten minutes i'm reminded that I'm not browsing Sup Forums, I'm browsing it's corpse


Same thing happens to the semi decent tattoo threads as well.

Those have all been popular for decades though?