You nerds will fight over anything

You nerds will fight over anything.

Tron, no contest, next?

You will never see me fighting the decission to have you rangebanned.

Tron, not even a debate.

Can you argue over this if you don't remember Ape Escape?

Jesus christ dude, no argument here. Tron is objectively better.

>one minute appart
Samefaggin this hard

Isn't DVa just a pilot? While Tron builds and pilots her weird robots/airships/trains/boats?

Pretty much.

Does anyone else find D.Va the LEAST attractive Overwatch woman?

My dick rejects her completely and I'm not completely sure why

tron is way better

and i say this as a rollfag

If I'm just a gun shooter and you make guns and shoot them too. It doesn't mean you're a better shooter than me

Oh neat another mismatch

Fucking dumb. This is just another bait fight for clicks.

This is the latest /m/ power chart.

Any idiot would pick the psychic super-intelligent ape with an army of stupid smart apes.

She's the "quirky" gamer gurl so normans love her.
Too bad that's her entire character.

Except when said robots are bigger and more well armored than yours

Also the fact that she creates different robots and can pilot then well enough shows that she is a expert pilot to boot

>Garbage Overwatch lore talks about how mechs were used to battle giant Pacific Rim tier death boths
>The actual ingame mech is complete fucking garbage

They are just going to bring this up and is just going to win

Do we even know what they look like?

considering the tracer vs scout thing, I believe it.

I mean just look at this thing
>Hur dur while the ingame player is weak as shit but teh wiki says she fought these giant things so she wins duh

In game is literally non canon.

If she keep suiciding the mech sure I guess.



She fought smaller ones like what we see in the new mode, and the moment she and her team tried to fight one of those her meka got crippled and she could only watch as her entire squad was brutally killed. The entire SC gamur gurl persona is her hiding the fact that she got to hear her friends scream their final words as they were slowly crushed to death.

>those legs
Why is Tron so fucking hot? Every time I see her I get the urge to fap.


Tron would fuck D.Va up and hit her with the MvC2 lunch rush.

A better question is: Which is the superior lunch and why is it curry?

>all this tron samefagging

Why do robots need food in the first place?

Source on the bottom pic?

Why not?

looks like the same artist to me, ti can tell by some of the pixals

The only one samefagging is a pathetic D.Va fag who can't accept that hardly anyone on Sup Forums likes his shitty meme waifu

I like his meme waifus' meme.

What's the best part about Tron?

The armor that protects her chastity.

>1 post

It is autism awareness month

post tron porn