Now that Ryzen is out, is there any point in buying anything Intel at all?
Now that Ryzen is out, is there any point in buying anything Intel at all?
Most emulation I guess
No unless you need to play counter strike at 800 fps for some reason.
rest of intel's lineup is not worth buying right now.
If you need high single thread performance over multiple cores
It will depend on a game by game basis, but for the majority of games if you have a good enough GPU the difference won't be that apparent unless you're trying to reach 120+fps
ryzen is the reason why intel canceled intel developer conference this year
they just said fuck it and went back to to the drawing board
they'll be back with a 128 core processor or something like that
>it now costs $150 for 8GB of RAM
thanks ryzen
There hasn't been a reason to upgrade your processor for five years and if your buying for the first time or upgrading a real old PC it would be stupid to not get an intel
AMD has always played catchup. They had a chance to take it but its another bulldozer all over again
Oh well at least it will force intel to innovate a bit next gen
why do intel shills push intel even when their products are now both inferior and more expensive?
too bad about ryzen needing expensive ram to work properly
If you primarily play games Ryzen is a bad sell. All of the Ryzen CPUs are worse than their Intel counterparts at every level at price/performance when it comes to gaming loads. If you do anything else at all though then they are a great option.
Not shilling friend, hard truth
Now is the worst possible time to upgrade at all considering you KNOW intel is going back to the "vault" to change the playing field once again
Why would you run out to "upgrade" to a shitty AMD that barely hangs with an Intel that hasn't innovated in over 5 years?
Next cycle intel is going to release affordable multicores that SHIT on AMD and you damn well know it
Wait, really? That's a thing? I'm going for 2x8Gb GeIL DDR4-3000 chips for my r5 1600, should that suffice?
>intel is going back to the "vault" to change the playing field once again
you are gonna wait for like another year for that happend
Skylakes are damn cheap now if you know where to look.
I got a 6700k brand new for £220. You could probably get one even cheaper then that with some patience. Like £180-200.
Ryzen is still pretty pricey right now in comparison.
>You should buy shitty stuff because they will improve new stuff
Consider suicide
Should I upgrade to Ryzen if I'm still using a Phenom ii x6? Am I getting bottlecucked with a R9 390?
are you sure your motherboard supports 3000Mhz RAM in the first place?
What price point are you looking at?
Don't buy these. Every single one of them require deliding, just to maintain normal temperatures.
Doesn't matter really. Up to $300 or so I guess. Just won't buy Jewtel
if they really release a 6 core CPU for the current price/performance of the 7700k I'll be really surprised
Oh buy its time for the AMD cycle! See you next year, to see this tired out song and dance to repeat itself!
i got significant improvements from upgrading from a 1050T to a 8350 with a 290x. so a ryzen is definitely going to be an eye opener. without upgrading RAM you'll get about 80% performance out of it, but isn't that big of a deal, when it already performs similarly to the i7 7700k, and shoots a 8350 out of the park.
Do you doing anything besides playing games? If not Ryzen chips lose out pretty bad at that level.
>Phenom ii x6
You obviously were a stupid dumbass that didn't listen before so why are you asking now?
Sure dipshit go buy another AMD, that's the answer you wanted to hear right?
Thanks m8s.
I do use GIS software frequently which is CPU intensive.
and amd cucks have waited far longer to catch up to intel then get btfo with the next chipset intel releases, whats your point?
why the fuck is 16 gigs $190? ram used to be cheap as fuck.
Just buy it you dumb goy
All the foundries are pumping out mobile RAM
Should I upgrade if this is my current setup?
>220 queendollar for an outdated CPU
you're probably the biggest retard in this thread, besides the shills.
you could've gotten a R5 1600 for that money
>220 queendollar for an outdated CPU
Why in the world would you ever do that? The 6700k is much better than that.
Pretty much this. Unless you have a Core 2 Duo or something, it's not worth it to upgrade.
I'm a bit unsure since the page specifies support for DDR4-2933, but not 3000. I'm assuming it should work anyway
>Am I getting bottlecucked with a R9 390?
Yes, I was fucking amazed at what my old 660 could pull off when I upgraded from my Phenom 2 to a 4690k. Games never felt so smooth.
>waited forever for ryzen to come out so I could do a new build
>now have to wait for vega
pls no
When will intel drop prices for their cpus now?
We've already seen the leaked benchmarks, Vega is on par with a 1080. Why bother waiting for that?
>supporting intel
They already did, the 7700k is a good deal cheaper than the 1800x and outperforms it in games.
Good reasoning faggot, really made me open my eyes to the board's issues
I'm actually trying to find others after some reports of shoddy BIOS handling overall and other shenanigans, but it's getting messy to find a mobo that fits my case, supports my CPU + GPU, and offers DDR4 3000 support all at once
>have to buy new motherboard
Is there a legitimate technical reason they can't standardize sockets or is it just brand dickwaving?
>tfw I'm still just gonna buy an i5 7600k on black friday and get everything I need to smoothly oc it
Yeah how dare they discuss hardware efficacy for playing video games and share build tips?
Because he's ordering DDR4
DDR4 is a fucking meme for now.
Just get DDR3 till like 2 years.
Ryzen doesn't support ddr3.
nice meme
ourguy linus debunked that
Why would they do this, AMD don't even sell RAM
prices of ram are about the same now so it doesn't really matter anyway
tick tick tick tick tock
Intel does it to fuck people over, AMD had to change their chipset and introduce DDR4 compatibility among other things.
This. 7700k will pull a lead over a 1600x/1700 when the game is singlethreaded as hell, but it's looking like a worse option every day with how well threaded a lot of games are. Hell, even shit like The Division saturates 16 threads in DX11. Witchcraft.
>i7 7700k > anything
>Vega is on par with a 1080 ti
why else shat out titan xp
Because only old as fuck PCs use ddr3. Everyone buys ddr4 now.
upgrade ram and to an i5 6700k
At least AMD doesn't change the socket every couple years to make you buy a new mobo.
Wanting to get an i5 7600k, can I still use it with a mobo that supports ddr3 ram that doesn't hurt the processor?
that guy who doesn't know shit about computer architecture himself and just says whatever he is told. post the link I need a good laugh
>buying a 4c/4t cpu in current years
Those things are already getting pushed to their limit in games.
Sup Forums is even more retarded on technology than discussing video games. hardware threads on Sup Forums just shilling, corporate fanboying and shitposting.
i do have it..
I've been on steam for 13 years now and still haven't build a pc. Guess I will go with the Ryzen 5 model with 6 cores. Seems like a good deal + some 99$ motherboard
being an early adapter of steam isn't something to be proud of, user.
it barely stopped being shitty invasive DRM that crashed all the time until 2012.
Still using my reliable I5, no reason to "update" or downgrade to AMD at all.
do people still do that chart about pc building mastur race to see how to get a good computer for cheap?
>downgrade to AMD
idk about your PC,but your brain seems in a huge need of an upgrade
I'm not proud of it, but you're right in that regard.
I'm surprised no one is shitting on the "gaming motherboard". The fuck are you doing?
post F
yeah boi
If it's a 2500k there really isn't much of a reason to upgrade now. Maybe in a couple years if using more than 4 threads is common.
that's one of the best value overclock boards tardmong
should I upgrade my CPU and RAM?
Nice try, buffoon shill. It's common sence you don't ever downgrade to AMD unless you are desperate to throw money away, you wait for when it's actually worth upgrading and for intel to get the lead again, as usual. No games worth downgrading to the poormans CPU.
16 gb of better ram wouldn't hurt
it's not really a debunk
it was true but updates to BIOS has improved ryzen performance a lot in terms of both RAM usage and OC ability
still, 7700k is cheaper than the 1800x and they perform very similarly in games
I'd only buy the Ryzen chipset if you like to do things that aren't games, especially while playing games (streaming, video recording, etc)
k, wait some 10 years until Intel sells 8 core cpus for 300 buck faggot
>Gaming motherboard
>gaming Ram
>wah muh cores!
all about performance, fagget, do you even optimize AMD? haha.
>pay shit ton for everything
>cheap out on the cooler and the psu
people like you make me see red
no, just overclock to 4.5ghz assuming you can do it at 1.2v.
I'm from Sup Forums I know what I'm doing. Seriously though gaming mobos are usually the best overclockers now and you can't really get a non-gaming one
I mean I put together a Ryzen build because I render 3D animated shit for a studio while I'm at home.
Good shit right here dude, Ryzen is brilliant for production end of story. And I can play games while I'm rendering shit.
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
ryzen shits on your current pc, and if you upgrade to current intel cpus enjoy the stutterfest and worse performance if you want to stream, record, or have some apps in the background, aka always
face it intel got btfo
Who is going to spend $500 on a cpu just for gaming? The 1600x is $250 and performs pretty much identically to the 1800x. There is a reason the choices for building a new gaming pc are now ryzen 5s or a 7700k.
>Stutterfest if you want to stream, record, or have some apps
>AMDfags actually believe this
Lmao. Delusional is describing you kindly.
it's a fair point but future-proofing is still a thing