It's fun

It's fun.
Getting stable 120FPS on High now (gtx980ti, i4890k, 1080p)
Sup Forums was wrong yet again.

gtx1070 here

shit still drops to 20 on crowded and random moments

whats ur cpu


try -malloc=SYSTEM -USEALLAVAILABLECORES in steam launch options if you haven't alerady.
Also try some GPU heavy settings like texture or shadows on high because your cpu seems to be the bottleneck

>Getting stable 120FPS on High now (gtx980ti, i4890k, 1080p)

i've done that line

and why would i put GPU heavy shit down if my CPU is the problem

titan X, 60FPS stable on low except when another person is on screen or i'm in a city or a car drives by or I look anywhere but straight down.

Because it transfers load from your cpu to your gpu. It's an old trick, you should try it. Worked for other people

GTX 780

I get 15 fps on LOW

Fuck this game

I'm still wondering why people are buying this game so frantically, it's not exactly toaster friendly.

because it looks like a shitload of fun

and is to the ones who are able to play it


I get around 60-100fps in 1440p with most settings on ultra. 7700k, 1080GTX, 32GB ram.

Is it possible to show my ingame FPS? Or should I use something like fraps?

You can set it up in the steam settings, but you'll get it for all steam games.


And the shilling continues.

Why is this game shilled so blatantly? Don't you know you're actively driving away potential customers?

So is it just one standalone arma gamemode? No modding or custom shit or anything?

fps only mode when?

When's muh Xbox One version coming to early access?