So, now that the dust has settled. How true is this image?

So, now that the dust has settled. How true is this image?

Other urls found in this thread:

>not having a PCfag playing Zelda at 4k

Pretty true outside of that.

t. PCbro playing Zelda at 4k, too bad that it's pretty fucking boring

PS4 has somehow managed to traverse 'no games' and now has an ok library. Nothing compared to the PS2 era but it has enough and gets enough multi-plats that you can reasonably have it as your main console.

Although only poorfags don't just own one of every console.



does anyone else enjoy watching TV shows where niggers be niggers?
There's just something entertaining about a nigger talking with his niggerish gibberish and busting caps and shanking in the yard and shit that is so fun to watch. Honestly, if there weren't prison shows showing nigger life there would be a vacant hole within my soul


The reality of this image is that Nintendo fans were busy playing Zelda while Sony fans were busy on paint trying to stir the shit pot instead of playing all the games they thought were worth owning

Nice thumbnail

why buya switch when you could play BOTW on a wii u?


>sonybros being constructive and original with their bait images
>nintenbros resort to passive aggression

Too bad BOTW is better and has more content than all the listed Sony games combined

pic related

>better then P5

>Bring facts to the shitposting
>passive aggressive


>P5 successfully revitalizes a series and a whole genre
>is marked down for not having enough gays


>revitalizes a whole series
By being the exact same as the previous 2 games?

its missing the 4 years worth of panels with the ps4 having nothing to play

But I have a Switch and a PS4. I got Zelda, Nier, and Persona 5 all in a month's time

Life is pretty good

I dunno, it's the same as ever which is not a bad thing of course but nothing to bang your drum about. Even that Wii U game was basically Persona Lite.

>1 up

PS3, Switch and PC race here

P5 is shit though, I've surprised I hate that game compared to P4/P3

Too bad I can play BoTW on PC at 4k 30fps thus further soldifying how irrelevant Nintendo cucksoles actually are.

Too bad Bloodborne/Persona 5 are far better imo

timeline wise pretty untrue but the Switch is really lacking in the game department. Add a pic of Switch guy browsing the store and thinking about getting an overpriced indie title for entertainment and you've nailed the Switch side.

>bring facts

Get me a citation that every Sonybro is making bait images whereas every Nintenbro is playing Zelda right this moment.

I'll wait.

Pro tip, I made that bait image and i'm a PCbro

You need to add bloodborne and stretch the ps4 timeline over 3.5 years.

A several years old overpriced indie title*

They aren't making bait images, but they're factually all playing the lates cod/gta multplat game instead of the stuff they spam here

>tfw you're idort
Step it up poorfags

Accurate except that Nier and RE7 aren't PS4 exclusives. I mean there's no way that nintenbros are dumb enough to use a switch as their only gaming platform right?

Oh yeah, I didn't think of Shovel Knight. I'm thinking Snake Pass. Not really that tempted by SK. Looks like a lot of nonsense hyped up by retro nostalgia retards.

>tfw idort but not buying a shitch
I already made the mistake of Wii U and i'll pick up BotW for it eventually

top downloaded =/= best seller

>not playing both the sony and nintendo exclusives
I sometimes wonder what it's like to be a braindead fanboy.

>PCfag incites console war
>Steam account sits inactive with his thousands of early access titles he "invested" in
>Doesn't know that anything ever said on a chinese comic board is anecdotal

>but they're factually all playing the lates cod/gta multplat game i

But that's not what you said user.

You said they're all making bait images. Don't use the word "fact" when you can't back it up.

If you want to argue how normies have flooded the console market then that's another argument that applies to literally every single console/PC.

The shitty Switch included which has Zelda as its best selling game, a franchise that even my grand mother knows about. That's how normie it is.

>a series
If you're talking about persona, I guess.

>a whole genre

>psn best seller in January

What the fuck?

I own a PS4, 3DS, Xbone S and PC, so I can technically call myself idort

>Accurate except that Nier and RE7 aren't PS4 exclusives

Well then the Switch side should have literally no games because Breath of the Wild isn't exclusive either

>Not owning a PS4 for Sony/Console exclusives and a PC for Multiplats/Emulation

Talk about being braindead

It is tho

Hell, 5 isn't even the best persona game for fucks sake

4 > 5 > 2 IS > 3 > 2 EP > Q > 1

Dude just pick it up for pc

But no one owns a Wii U user

I would but my motherboard went to fuck so now i'm stuck with a little laptop

It isn't tho.

t. PCbro playing Zelda right now.

I'm not the guy you replied to earlier

>If you want to argue how normies have flooded the console market then that's another argument that applies to literally every single console/PC.
>5 most played games are exclusive
>most played game which requires a decent PC is exclusive
>played over the exact same games on the ps4/xbox

Makes u think.......

ATM very true. I own both consoles and literally everything else.

Banking on Switch getting more games though because it's fun to play vidya outside.

Well, that's just your fuck you

>Not owning a PS4 for Sony/Console exclusives and a PC for Multiplats/Emulation
Not sure what led you to believe I don't do this from the info provided in my post, but I'm glad you are having fun online.

Sure it's fun
But I also enjoy real life deathmatches so maybe that's too light for me

*posts sales chart*

Movie game
Shit game
Shit game. Also not exclusive
7.5/10 at best
Weeaboo garbage

13 million more people own a Wii U than a Switch.

>5 most played games are exclusive

We're not arguing that. We're arguing how normie those games are and unless you're arguing that Counter Strike, TF2, Dota etc aren't Normie then I refuse to waste anymore time on you.

It was 100% on point. These last 3 months on Sup Forums have been a living hell. I just stayed away mostly, as the shitposting was insufferable.

The reality is, Sony fans are playing PS4 games, Nintendo fans are playing Wii U, 3Ds or Switch games and autists are shitposting and talking about it on Sup Forums

rendering at 4k downsampled to 1080p because antialiasing is harder to put in than high render res

You're weeaboo garbage bitch.

The point is osnybros shill a load of stuff they don't even play themselves. Anything related to PC or nintendo will be popular on PC/nintendo, but sonybros literally post irrelevent shit

>not playing both consoles

I seriously don't get the PS4 has no game meme. Did anyone conveniently forget that PS4 got multiplats as well?

>No exclusives
>Play multiplats while waiting

>No exclusives
>No multiplats
>Play MK8 for the 100th time while waiting

Well Persona 5 threads are now slowly ending while BotW is still having 10 general a day.

>Wii U, 3Ds or Switch games
what games? it's been dead for months
what games?

>implying I don't have both PS4 and Switch
>implying I don't have 200+ games in my backlog

What you saying m8?

>tfw idort
>just got fired
>no passion to play any games

I have a good amount of savings so I'm not worried about money, but I feel empty inside.

>playing multiplats on a PS4 when a nice PC can do it better in literally every way than the it

Also WiiU had a shitton of exclusives, idiot. Stop talking out of your ass.

That's because drones have nothing else to play, so they won't fuck off to /vg/ and keep shoving the GotY meme in everyone's face while snapping at anyone daring to criticize their "masterpiece" or telling them to fuck off to /vg/.

To them, this isn't about enjoying a game, it's a crusade to make the Switch a success. Fanboys and Shills have become one.

>The point is osnybros shill a load of stuff they don't even play themselves.

What are you even talking about?

I talk about Bloodborne and I own it. Why would I care if other people buy it as long as I am able to buy it?

> Anything related to PC or nintendo will be popular on PC/nintendo, but sonybros literally post irrelevent shi

You're taking console wars too seriously man.

Nintenbros buy whatever garbage Nintendo shits out because they literally get 1 game every 5 months.

PCbros play a bunch of PC exclusives because most of them are free2play garbage like TF2 and LoL

>playing Wii U games when a nice PC can emulate it better in literally every way

>the amount of salt in this post

Absolutely delicious

>what games?

These games. Also emulators and ports for every indie game under the fucking sun. I beat Shovel Knight's latest expansion on it a few weeks ago before it even came out on Steam. WiiU and the Switch I could understand, but the 3DS is far from dead.

It really depends on people, some people didn't played game X, some didn't played game Y. Besides Planet Robobot, I'm thinking about getting Dong Freeze


>shitton of exclusives
Oh yeah I forgot about Mario Party, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Mario Gayshit, Mario Kart, Super Mario Kart, Mario & Sonic Kart and all of the other wonderful Zelda titles.

Actually Super Mario Kart is for SNES, but I think it's avaliable on Virtual Console too.

>Wii U
>No exclusives
That's literally all it had

>Virtual Console

Is that where you borrow ancient games they should just let you keep ?

Sup Forums needs flags just like Sup Forums, as well as IDs on a threadly basis. Would cut down on the fucking retarded Canadians and BRs opening their mouths.

I see you've repressed the memory of being denied Bayo 2

Sup, Quentyn. How much have they been paying you for your autistic shill-floods lately? I heard they were cutting people lately.

I recognize that chin

Fuck off drone, Nintendo games are shit


>two 1up have been transfer to your account


Or you could just pirate it, just like I did

Requesting more console war wojaks,

500 post topic

Huh, another Nintendo Hate thread?.... I like it

hey guys shitposting aside,

how would a nintenbro respond to this wojak posting asking for a friend


Imagine having a son like this, Sonybros.

Falseflaggin is fun
I can be shitposting on both sides, nas the double of people get pissed

Both of them should be doing the same thing since both the PS4 and Switch have have about two worthwhile exclusives.


hard mode is literally SMT Nocturne gameplay wise.

>the PS4 has no gam-

Your taste is shit

>Two worthwhile exclusives
