
Press F to pay respects to the third biggest video game maker in the world, getting swallowed like it's fucking nothing.

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Always pastebin.

Thats what they get for making shit games


And nothing of value was lost.

Looks like Vivendi is going beyond good and evil


stop being retarded

>Ubisoft, however, has not been welcoming of Vivendi’s advances and worries a takeover would significantly stifle its development creativity.
>its development creativity


>Ubisoft, however, has not been welcoming of Vivendi’s advances and worries a takeover would significantly stifle its development creativity.

What creativity? RIP in Piss Ubisoft.

you motherfucker

Beat me to it.

who is vivendi and why would they buy a vidya company to kill?

Ubisoft? Dead? Say it isn't so!

i remember an ubisoft designer who go to Sup Forums to talk about watchdog 2 and he told us that ubisoft has made too many bad decisions and is starting to have economic problems.

>Ubisoft, however, has not been welcoming of Vivendi’s advances and worries a takeover would significantly stifle its development creativity.

What creativity?

>tfw Quebecfag and finishing my University soon
Well, it's confirmed, I will don't have to work for Ubisoft Montreal/Quebec.

So does this mean we'll never have to see that loud mouth black bitch again at E3?


No, nothing necessitates that.

Ubisoft tries so hard.
For Honor has been my multiplayer jam lately.

they were too late

Looks like Ubisoft never found that white knight.


What does Vivendi actually do these days? I mean they must have enough dosh to takeover such a big developer and publisher.
Don't even know if they are bad or good.



French media conglomerate.
They own dailymotion among other things.

They're like Zenimax

Radio conglomerate, like the Comcast of Europe.

Ask yourself not what Vivendi will do for U, it's what Ubisoft will do for Vivendi

>Tried so hard
>Cut For Honor's local MP right before release so its online-only
Yeah, no, sick of them and their bullshit.

>inb4 Asscreed game where you kill all the Vivendi executives

Vivendi exists because it stops other companies from existing.

>Ubisoft, however, has not been welcoming of Vivendi’s advances
Was it rape?

you can press F for wild, memester

Ubisoft is drunk so Ubisoft cannot consent.

This needs to happen to Neoshitendo next. Disney should buy them.

Good game
Mostly shitty devs

Former owners of Blizzard

>all those small franchises whose chance of revival will drop from 5% to 0% after the takeover

fuck their mainline titles but still, i'm gonna miss studios like Ubisoft Montpellier

Which is funny because Ubisoft's been asking for it for years, and the one time they can't consent they get it deep.

Calm down, Ubisoft shill, it'll all be okay.

Vivendi will send you a nice severance package.

Some Ubisoft games! You love those, right? :3

This is a good thing

Rainbow 6 Siege and For Honor will get better devs

>Ubisoft tries so hard.
>For Honor has been my multiplayer jam lately.
pick 1 and only 1, while for honor is a good game ubi and the devs are treating it and the community like shit.

Ubisoft is shit. I pity vivendi because they will get cucked by ubisoft

Wake me when she's gone

So? It just means their games have an extra splash screen to sit through upon launching to showcase Vivendi. The endless supply of AssCreeds and UPlay will still be a thing

This. Only reason a large corporate entity would bother buying a gaming company is to strip the assets, cannibalize what it can, and sell the rest.
No, they won't get ANY devs. Whatever projects Ubi has that are close to completion will get put out, right before support for both games utterly vanishes.

That's not what this is. Vivendi has been buying shares, they currently own 25% of Ubisoft, once they get to 30% they must attempt a takeover. Making the main character of Watchdogs 2 black has nothing to do with it.

>Michel Ancel left Ubisoft to create his own independent studio

And with that, zero shits are given to the future of Ubisoft.

>If that number climbs to 30 percent, Vivendi will be required by French law to attempt a takeover.

I'll never understand business law. How does this make sense in any way?

That's what I'm saying.
There's a huge divide between those that want to make good game concepts and then the rest just fucking it up.

>Be a big fat company
>Little company is getting good profit
>Decide to buy enough shares to have enough influence in the little company
>Ask the impossible to the little company
>It didn't delivery
>Decide to kill it
And that's how you kill the future competitors...


>you lived long enough to see ubisoft die
This is a good day.

Ubisoft deserves it

They hold games like Rainbow 6 Siege and For Honor back

But why? Didn't they sell Activision and Blizzard?

RIP. It feels odd to see such s big vidya company get raped

same with Patrice Desilets
who cares now lmao

I will. Sleep tight, friend.

Effectively, Vivendi owns enough of Ubisoft that it would need to take in the assets to avoid issues with taxes. It's effectively meant to stop companies from creating puppets that can pay less taxes, I think. US business laws are already ruthless and bloodthirsty as is, the French might actually be crazy.

Oh, I was wondering what would happen to Rayman. Guess all is good then.

>pay respects


There's nothing to respect.

Vivendi even devoured Gameloft, which was started by one of the Guillemot brothers. Vivendi really wants to destroy Yves.

Let's get this shit started.


>Rainbow 6 Siege is saved



Now that Ubisoft is gone, what other companies desperately need to die?

Fuck, are you retarded? Ubisoft is a publicly traded company. If they dont want their shares bought ny vivendi they shouldnt have gone public.


>"Don't worry, we're not taking over, just buying some stock lol."
>takes them over anyways

Wait you guys play ubishit games and are happy this is happening?


Activision bought themselves out of vivendi.

2k, Activision, EA.

vivendi is the crappiest web browser i've used

AAA western gaming really needs this. We need these people to fear for their stability.

I hope they go after Rocher next.

>A company is legally obliged to attempt a takeover if they own %30 of the shares

Holy fuck the French are retarded.

As much as I want Ubisoft to get fucked and face the consequences for making cookie cutter garbage, an even worse Ubisoft wouldn't benefit anyone. They do make or publish decent games once in a while.

Ancel's team was the only group of people with talent at Ubisoft. So long frogs

So why would a company go public? I don't get it, tell me.

This won't change anything.

>All these faggots saying 'Ubisoft deserved it, lol!'

Do you not fucking get it. This is a company basically devouring one of the biggest named gaming companies as if it was nothing. They're not saving the games, their grinding them down into cash. It wouldn't surprise me if they closed the servers on a good portion of current Ubi games. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if they shut down the R6S servers and replaced them with off-brand crap.

This isn't good for gaming at all, if Vivendi makes profit off of Ubisoft's assets then companies will start looking towards buying out other gaming companies as well.

They can make good games

they just fuck alot of shit

I'm not happy. There is general effort there that I love and it just dies because shitty management.

nah they still want those tax cuts have fun with your soul crushing job.

desu ubi quebec is a cool place to work at

Weren't Activision and Blizzard good under Vivendi? Didn't they go to shit after they went independent?

Because you want people to invest in your company by buying your stock

They're a mixed bag. The 2D Rayman games are good, so was Child of Light and Valiant Hearts. They're capable of creating good things but Ubisoft is so misguided and continues to drive shit in to the floor they're suffering for it.

They have talented developers, let them take creative risks. Unfortunately the shit the company is in is because of over saturating the market with Assassin's Creed and shit no one cares about like Steep.


at some point, you don't need income

Realistically Ubisoft games can't get worse without being completely broken, I mean they're often half broken messes as it is. So with Vivendi taking over there is at least a tiny chance at that improving because above all, shit will change.

If it does somehow get worse, it's no real loss.

I am literally up 130% on Ubisoft shares and this will only take the price higher. Thanks Vivendi.

>right before support for both games utterly vanishes.
Good, For Honor is shit simply for being online-only.

>no carlos post


What the fuck? I though Vivendi went out of business years ago.

This. Especially If you play Rainbow 6 or for honor these really are unsettling news since they require continued maintenance and updates

The Vivendi at the time had a different boss. The one that leads Vivendi now is a fucking vulture that has a company killing fetish.

You honestly think Ubisofts handling of Rainbow 6 Siege is good? Fuck no

They are holding the game back from giving a team of 25 the job and the fact it just takes them forever to fix shit hell unlike ubisoft Vivendi will probally give siege better servers
