This game is FUCKING impossible

>get to second palace and get ass kicked
>have to restart game b/c I was "supposed" to do confidants according to Sup Forums
>spend all my second playthrough focusing on the confidants
>not even clear what the benefits are
>miss the deadlines for the palaces
>go back a week and grind
>not nearly as strong because not as much grinding time
>no money for gear
>i got some abilities from the confidants apparently?

I'm about to give up. I can't perform the complex calculus necessary to somehow balance all this shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm literally too stupid to play this game

It just sounds like this game isn't for you user, I loved Persona 5 to death but i can understand that some people can't deal with all the management aspects of it.

If you like the game but hate the management stuff, consider following a guide that just tells you what to do in each timeslot.

I didn't think it was possible to be too stupid to play a persona game, but man.

That shit is easy mate, when you have to go to a palace, spend all your first days doing it, if went out of SP leave and come back the other day. After solving da palace spend some time with confidants and solve the mementos requests, repeat til the end.

bump for retardation

Play it on easy if you can't do it
just follow this and play on safety pleb.

What an absolute retard you are OP
Don't miss the singular deadlines and you're good to go, how do you fuck up this hard

Because there's not enough time to be strong enough to fight the bosses? Especially when everything like equipment is out the ass expensive.

>not even clear what the benefits are

have you considered going to the MENU of the game, and then the CONFIDANTS submenu
you absolute wet bag of trash and teeth

Really? Dude after school I just do what seems fun or interesting. I literally don't give a fuck about getting extra XP from executions or little benefits from social links, I just talk to the characters I find interesting.

The second dungeon gave me a little trouble though, mainly on the madarame boss. Just spam rampage and it shouldn't be too bad

Also, if it helps the third palace was wayyyy easier imo. Haven't got to the fourth yet

You're either trolling or really bad. Also, difficulty can change whenever nerd

How can someone be this bad at video games? I keep wondering why Atlus made P5 so handholdy, I guess people like you are the reason.

Nigger there is more than enough time for confidants, stats, and dungeon crawling. It actually boggles the mind when I try to imagine what you did for so long that made it so you couldn't complete the dungeon in time

you're in for a treat because 4th palace is the best/2nd best palace

I'll admit that the start is difficult if you're playing on hard but there's 4 different difficulties man (not counting merciless). If you suck just play on easy or even safe ffs.

>there are people who find persona 4 and 5 difficult

Even on merciless its piss easy..

Both P4 and P5 are tough at the start because of the extremely limited options you have. I'm a veteran of the series and it still pushed me to my limit clearing Kamoshida's dungeon in two days (up to the calling card) because you just have so little SP, and no access to Ma- spells or Media means you have to use even more. Shadow Yukiko/Kanji in vanilla P4 (before they were heavily nerfed for Golden) were tough too. After the first two dungeons though both games become a joke.

The thing is its not that bad. All you need to do is get rebellion right away.

git gud. i beat the first 3 palaces in basically 2 visits not counting when they make you leave.

Fourth is pretty fun imo, it's got a good soundtrack and the story behind it is interesting. The boss is a pain in the ass if you don't have a decent support though.

First time player. I find the difficulty fine and completed all palaces past second in one visit not including calling cards and story events.

Once you get the naming conventions down for spells and use buffs and debuffs it even becomes a bit too easy at times.

I feel like this is accuraate. The only reason i couldn't do the earlier dungeons in one go is due to lack of SP items and lack of some mass targeting early on.

SP adhesive 3 is my favourite item in the game too

Can't speak for P4, but I secured my treasure route the first day I had the option for Kamoshida (on difficult). Trying Merciless now, but probably only take a week max including sending the card. I don't know why you have such a reliance on SP early on, but attacking normally will carry you through many of the battles.

The first four palaces simply aren't hard at all. The fifth palace's boss is fucking crazy though. I typically have to just eat 3 - 4 explosions at the end, because I have no way of wiping physical resist robots in one turn, and Ann/ryuji won't have concentrate/charge till the end of the 7th palace.

tell me about demiurge's game Sup Forums, who is he playing with? is it Igor? why does he get to participate while he knocks longnose out?

is this a persona 1/2 reference?

What's the average level people beat it at?
I was 71. I didn't feel any need to be stronger, but Ryuji didn't even learn God's hand.

Just play on saftey dumb nigger

You have to be a real special kind of stupid to not understand how JRPGs work

>This game is FUCKING impossible

just exp exploit like every mother fucker in the world right now.

go to mementos
find reaper
inflict aids on him
gain 1000000000000000000 exp

go to mementos floor 5
see slime
set game on auto with repel physical + null hunger
wait 50 years
gain 100000000000000 exp

mericiless? l0l

easy peasy lemon squeesy.

Is the meta still clearing the dungeon as soon as it's made available?

Do these games have deep demon minmaxing like pokemon? i feel like everyone who whines about smt difficulty doesn't put any effort into building good teams

59 on merciless

got to the final run to the boss at 60, ended up at 69 after beating the end boss despite running from half the possible fights on the way

Definitely soon, but it's not always 100% the earliest days due to stat grinding on shit like the spa. The idea is just to waste the least amount of time on it.

Really, XP grinding isn't the help, either. It's getting mad dosh when you're doing momentos so you can get the SP adhesive 4s ASAP and have the spare cash to do what you need to with shit like fortune.

the 2nd palace is harder than the 3rd palace. Make sure you're fusing a ton of different personas and then make sure you take advantage of weaknesses. If they don't have weaknesses, use spells that will confuse or control them.

oops I meant that the 3rd palace is harder than the 4th. I didn't think the 2nd palace was too hard

all you need to do in the 2nd palace is GIT GUD

I didn't think it was actually possible to be bad at this game.

I did it the other way around. Also once you have the sp equip you can just do palaces in one day anyways.

Take your (You) you dumb faggot

How can you be that fucking shit?

>Wet bag of trash and teeth
Come on now, OP is too stupid to play a Persona game. Do you really think dental hygene is even remotely in his wheelhouse? He said goodbye to his teeth years ago.

>got to december
>hey duder this is our -last job- as the phantom thieves, so finish up your confidant shit

What the hell? Did they actually not include january through march? I wasn't expecting the game to end at fuckin' level 50. Pretty demoralizing if this is actually the last dungeon. Is the game fucking with me?

You forgot the part where it needs to be flu season for reaper
For the slime you should have only joker in the party. Also being immune to hunger will kill them too quickly. I think doing 20ish hours gave me roughly 200k exp

There's technically a last-last job you do, so the game really ends on December 24th.

coming in p5 crimson/ruby

Gotta make some space for the inevitable P5 extra edition, like P4 had Golden.

Are you playing on hard or merciless ?

yeah but thats still fuckin stupid. why have events and shit set out on the calendar if you're just gonna stop everything in december? fucking fatlus

What's the hardest SMT game?

why asking. you can switch difficulties anytime. dumbest shit atlus could allow.


If you can't manage it in a fucking game, then I can't even imagine how fucking pathetic and unorganized your real life must be lmao

10/10 troll

>Increase guts as fast as possible
>Increase doctor confidant as fast as possible
>She sell accessories
>Buy an SP 3 Recovery item for 50k a pop
>Make sure you save your money and get 4
>Equip all 4 of your main characters with them
>Item lets you recover 7 SP per turn
>Enables you to spend literally infinite amount of time grinding without having to go back
>Go into mementos
>Use Gold confusion trick as soon as possible
>Use Gold to outfit everyone with max gear

Dude, seriously, its that fucking easy.

I'm a couple days away from starting the fifth palace, I've got like 2 million in the bank, everyone's level 38 and as soon as I get in the fifth palace I can get automatic Infinite EXP.


Once you get enough guts to start trials with dock then you can just start spamming whatever you want to max stats one at a time.

Like I said, I'm just a few days from hitting the fifth dungeon and I've got Max intelect, tier 4 guts and charm, and tier 3 kindness and proficiency. And that's because I maxed knowledge first and headed for guts next.

Make sure you get part time jobs, they're not obligatory once you sign up for them, but they're good source of quick stats, especially for kindness doing the floral shop is almost mandatory since its so rare of a stat up.

Also change the difficulty to normal if you're having trouble you negroid, there are no events or trophies tied to difficulty.

after playing P5 I feel that in P4 you already feel the better group vibe after saving yukiko

far as I remember, P4 ended in december as well, so they got away with it twice

Haven't played this but is it harder than EO?

On “normal” difficulty it's as easy as pissing into a diaper

I assume OP is playing on merciless or something

That guy's wrong, user.
I guarantee the rerelease won't add days in winter, for story reasons.

>Get to the cruise ship

And people had the gall to shit on the spacesport? The spacesport actually had multiple puzzles, a new one in each area. While this ship is just mousepuzzlemousepuzzlemousepuzzle

Rebellion helps that much?

You're joking, right?
Do you have to be reminded to breathe every couple of minutes to keep from suffocating?


I found strange journey harder, but that's probably cause I didn't like it as much so when stuff started to go bad I'd just throw the fight

nigga it should never take you more than two days to do the dungeon part of a dungeon, then another two for the calling card + boss. rush that shit day one every section so you never run out of time.

by the second dungeon there's not really that much important confidant shit you can do, early game you just grind social stats so you can beat the stat checks for later confidants. focus Guts first so that you can do the Sensei confidant when it becomes available sometime in May. Prioritize Sensei (even if you wont romance her) and Mishima because they give good perks. Shogi player gives good perks too but she's not available til later in the game. As far as party members, at least get Baton Pass for all of them, but beyond that just do confidants for the ones you like. Also levelling Sojibro lets you make SP refilling items but you can't get him past rank 3 or 4 til you get futaba. Rush fortune teller to rank 7 ASAP when she becomes available, she lets you get closer to confidants without wasting a non-rank up outing on them.

Keep in mind that even if you don't care about the perks a confidant gives, leveling them still makes fusing demons of the same arcana get more bonus XP, so leveling up anyone is never a waste.

Okay so I have a few questions.
What's the point of automatically killing an enemy weaker than you if you dont get the exp or money?
What persona/teammates should I use in the pyramid?
What confidants should I be focusing on? So far I have fortune moon death strength and temperance high on the list.

So far I'm really liking the game. Sp items really come in handy and make it more enjoyable/easier to finish in a day unless you need lockpicks.

How'd did you maxed out knowledge that fast?

at least it's a step in the right direction, the only "puzzle" in the dungeons that were only very slightly remotely challenging was the final dungeon

no need for railroading

Good job OP. You're too stupid to play the easiest genre in all of video games.

at least the mouse puzzles took a tiny bit of thought. literally the only issue i had with them was that there were too many of them. if they'd cut out two of them then that would have probably been the best dungeon in the game.

instead its

casino > cruise ship > museum > pyramid > bank > castle > literal shit > space station

Rebellion and lucky punch are complete game-breakers.

I don't get why people tend to like the museum so much. I'i probably put it way lower, at least under pyramid which would be 2nd or 3rd.

>cruise ship that high

Congrats on being very terrible at vidya. Even my roomie is doing okay on normal mode. His skills are barely above that of your usual clueless parents that stare at floors in FPS games.

Why? Rebellion is a single target buff right, what makes it so good? Just proccing extra moves?

Study in the library after class, study in the Shibuya diner in the evening, Pursue Class President and Shogi player social links because they have a chance of giving you knowledge, answer all your school questions right, never skip and invite to study before the exams even if you're good on minimum knowledge required.

And most of all if its raining, blow everything off to study in the diner, studying during rain gives you extra knowledge.

>Big complaint for the game is the fact that there's too much hand holding and like a ten hour tutorial
>There are people still too fucking stupid to get through it

>What's the point of automatically killing an enemy weaker than you if you dont get the exp or money?

You get a persona. It doesn't prompt you to throw one out if you're full though, it just says "you're full" and trashes it. It isn't all that useful. Mementos areas that open up after palaces have that palace's demons though, so if you miss some you can go in there and do it until you get one you might have missed, or just to pick up fusion fodder without fighting.

>What persona/teammates should I use in the pyramid?

Almost any team composition is fine for any dungeon. I remember there being a fair bit of light and dark attacks there, though, but I might be remembering wrong.

>What confidants should I be focusing on? So far I have fortune moon death strength and temperance high on the list.

Hierophant pairs well with Temperance. I don't think you have access to Tower yet, but that one's good if you feel like your guns aren't pulling their weight. Pick up Sun asap and don't neglect it, it's easy to progress too far in the story to be able to complete it in time without realizing. Star is a good one to at least get started for the rank 1 benefit, if you've totally neglected it (or it isn't available yet, I don't remember), and another early skill from it gives you a safety net if you get yourself in game-over-inducing-trouble in palaces.

I'm more of a lucky punch guy myself. But it allows you to hold up even things that don't have a weakness easily, allowing for common AOA which, once common enough, are damaging enough to avoid using sp altogether.
The RNG is really, really nice in this game, except for the few times your whole team gets brainwashed.

Increases crit chance, so more high damage crits, all out attacks and easy baton passes for bonus damage from teammates

good atmosphere with fitting music. it's probably interchangeable with pyramid, but pyramid had too many annoying stealth/cover sections, IMO. especially the shit where you'd have to back track and stealth through the same room over and over towards the end

Is it possible to get every persona simply through fusion? (excluding the ones that are only obtained through recipe items and upgrades to your fusion capabilities)

get a naga or something like that, not sure of the name, it's one you get in the pyramid and with a short name. you'll be VERY happy to have it against anubis that come in pack of 3 later because they just CANNOT do any damage to you with it; even if everyone but the MC dies you can rush them without any problem.

Get the sp accessory as soon as you can and the eternal lockpick is a useful thing too. Although tool making is useful by itsef anyway.

>having legitimate trouble on a persoa game
Never play a real SMT game kiddo, haha.

i liked that it had a clearly laid out goal (find the five guys) and didn't feel overtly dungeon-y where you're just running around corridors and killing shit. it had like people on the cruise ship doing cruise ship shit. the mouse puzzles were really samey but the stuff in between that was pretty unique like the pool area, the part you break into the guy's room, the atrium, etc.

Like in every persona game after 3, you should waste little time in the dungeon, and more time doing slinks to unlock ultimate personas or raise status.

P4 was more lenient, and I think P5 will be too, but I am still in the second dungeon, but P3 was absolutely brutal, in a new game+ save, with all ultimate personas and a slink guide from gamefaqs, you would still have only one day free day at the end of the year, missing even a single day of raising slinks would lock you out of getting orpheus telos on that playtrough.

An art museum is the best phantom thief aesthetic. Madarame's cognizations of people being paintings was cool, too, although it isn't an important part of the palace. Taking the treasure there also felt like an actual heist of sorts before they started just cutting to the chase and dumping you in with the boss as soon as you got close to the treasure.

P5 is by far their most accessible game, you gotta be a troll.

No because treasure demons count towards your compendium % as well and you only get them through battle. I currently am at 98% at the moment and only need hope diamond and crystal skull to max it out fully.

yeah, I was mainly thinking about the gimmicks in it when I said that

So no interrogations? Doesn't that mean you get Arsene, the mandatory Pixie, are forced to fuse them into Agathion, and then get nothing else at all?

If you're just curious if you can fuse for a persona you missed or if there are any personas you can ONLY get from interrogations, no, everything has a fusion recipe, except for treasure demons.

I got the game just yesterday, and since I had some money left on the psn, I purchased all the personas dlcs, but I was surprised, I was thinking they would be all lv1, I just wanted to look cool with thanatos at my side even if I still get butchered by the first dungeons, but thanatos is lv64 already.

I still thinking of using him now, later on I can download the merciless difficult and have a proper playtrough with some challenge and without using any dlc persona.

yeah the gimmicks were meh, but there was nothing overtly annoying or frustrating, so combined with the aethetic it was a very chill experience

I'm talking about usable persona, I'm not talking about infusion fodder and 100% compendium.

This. That's what I wanted to know, I was looking around while I asked. Apparently you can fuse two persona next to one another in the compendium to get the one below them. And if you use one of the arcana matching treasure demons you can get the one directly above.

So I'm following this guide to keep track of my confidant progressions:

But a lot of the female pages are shown as "Max Rank Romance" And the guides on rank 9 dialogue show a lot of options with either "Romance" or "END" in parenthesis implying that not going the romance route ends the progression.

Does that mean I have to romance them all to go beyond rank 9? That seems fucking weird.

More like when you get to rank 9 you choose to romance them or just stay friends. you can still go to max rank, you just can't become romantic and go on dates

Persona 5 is one of the easiest games I've ever played

This has to be a fake op for the purpose of making another P5 thread but acting like it's an original topic, right?

>there exists people who literally lack the intelligence necessary to play a Persona game
really makes you think

Ok cool. Thanks, because I really didn't want to go the harem route if possible, but I wanted to max at least acouple confidants in my first run, but the site implied you can't max females without romancing them and googling the question just resulted in a whole bunch of people asking it and then the same dozen morons hopping from site to site responding with "If you get more than one waifu it ends your laifu" meme garbage. Like I get it, but if you see a dozen other people post the same shit, why would you still post it yourself?