Whats your favorite contrarian-core game, Sup Forums?
Whats your favorite contrarian-core game, Sup Forums?
The first Witcher game.
Other M was a good game. It just wasn't a good "Metroid" game.
Other M is better than MP3
fite me faggots
Star Fox: Assault.
It's funny how people wouldn't have really given a shit about the abusive subtext of the lead female and her commander if that woman hadn't been the one female character whose dignity gamers cared about.
>Bought into the 'fuck you" memes
>Finally play it years later.
>its actually pretty good.
>putting dark souls II in with that mess
spot the fag
did anyone even play federation force?
Devil's Third
>constantly reposting this thread
>constantly referring to Cody as "people"
You're literally only making this thread day after day just for one autist who doesn't deserve the attention.
Well, here he is!
Its the best western character action game but its not saying much when the main series is leagues above. Thats the real issue with DmC, it would have worked as a side thing and not as a replacement.
It's ____good.
Dark Souls II SotFS
Fuck you, it was the best game in the series. 1 had fantastic levels but was unbalanced and unpolished, 3 felt the most polished but lacked any sort of interesting levels or bosses.
Scholar wasn't perfect but it's easily my favorite. All of the areas were super memorable; I barely remember any of the shit I played through in 3. Power stance was fun as fuck and made a lot of otherwise un-viable weapons interesting and useful. Soul Memory sucked, but playing with friends is easy with the co-op ring you can buy from the cat.
but actually
The game's shit, deal with it. Yes I've heard that it gets good once stockholm syndrome sets in but I'm not sinking double-digit hours into this dog shit combat system just to maybe like the story if it ever decides to pick up.
even without that the story is fucking stupid though
This. Other than the broken dodge button and whiny characterization it is a great game. Doesn't have the metroidvania depth of other games in the series but it is still fun as shit. Hard mode Ridley is one of the best boss fights in the series.
>>constantly referring to Cody as "people"
I don't understand. Are you saying he's subhuman?
DmC, definitely.
It's fun, in a retarded way.
You can't be a contrarian from one opinion. A contrarian is a label for someone who frequently has dissenting opinion from the norm
It's better than Xenoblade.
Other M, DmC, and DS2 really weren't bad.
I think federation force might be alright too but I haven't tried it, and don't know too much about it.
Federation Force is a good game, it just came in the worst possible time ever.
From a gameplay standpoint no, Other M is not the worst thing in the world. It literally is the worst thing in the world when it comes to its story and script. Federation Force is just completely and totally forgettable and mildly annoying.
Best game in the series, probably not, but it holds a special place in my heart because it was my first soulsborne game and got my friends and me hooked on the series
As for contrarian, why do I feel like when Gravity Rush 2 came out people made fun of it with the constant, "This is Kat say something nice about her" or "Did you buy Kat's game?" threads. I figured it was shit but I played through it a week ago and it was the most fun I've had with a game in a long time, especially single player. It's my GOTY right now.
it's not the worst thing in the world but it's an unremarkable and overly simplistic action game
l don't know how you can talk shit about the DmC reboot and sing other m's praise for ex, for all its flaws DmC had still a slightly more robust system than auto aiming/braindead dodge/first person stand still missiles
League of legends isn't all that bad
I don't think that particular user said anything about DmC in that post chain
it's missing godhand
it's good but it is no where near as good as the first xenoblade
it was an attempt to contextualize other m by comparing it to another controversial action game, don't be autistic
Probably either Remember Me or Shadow the Hedgehog. The crown jewel probably has to go to my shit taste having 12 year old ass with Dragonball Z Taiketsu. Like, I actually liked that shitstain at one point in my life. Christ.
But there wasn't any comparison between Other M and any other game. All they said was "Other M is not the worst thing in the world" from a gameplay standpoint.
Are you autistic?
From that list? Dark Souls 2. Worse souls is still a fucking great game.
Mai waifu's game is not contrariancore, thank you very much. But yeah, the jump to PS4 was not kind to the series' general reception around here. Kind of liked it more when it was Vita exclusive and no one cared about the series. Does that make me a hipster? Maybe, but GR discussion was more pleasant then.
FF 8, BK Nuts & Bolts, Skyward Sword, DK64, Castlevania 64
Dark Souls 2 does NOT belong in there. The rest of those games are irredeemable shit, Dark Souls 2 is playable and enjoyable.
Federation Force does NOT belong in there. The rest of those games are irredeemable shit, Federation Force is playable and enjoyable.
Star Fox Zero does NOT belong in there. The rest of those games are irredeemable shit, Star Fox Zero is playable and enjoyable.
Original nier
Cody get the fuck off this website
The best bait is where the poster doesn't even try.
This one.
Star Fox Zero > Federation Force > Other M >>>>> Sticker Shit
Never played DMC or Dark Souls II so no opinion on those. Star Fox Zero I got a little enjoyment out of and I beat it, Federation Force was just simply boring, Other M is Other M and I fucking despise Sticker Star and how it ruined my favorite series.
Castlevania 64 is perfectly decent. Not as good as LoI but I'll say I liked it just a bit more than CoD.
The Phantom Pain
DaS2 is literally the best Souls game though
Dark Souls 2 wasn't bad it was just greatly inferior to every other souls game
Star Fox Zero is leagues better than the rest of that garbage.
How is this contrarion?
Xenoblade X was GOTY of 2015 and is the best Xenogame made.
Dark Souls 2 is my favorite Souls game and Other M is not bad at all, better than Fusion even.
Star Fox Zero is an abortion.
Could have been more original, yes, but I liked the controls and it's a lot of fun.
Needed better bosses and levels. And no shitty gyrocopter, no one wants fucking stealth missions in star fox
t. Haven't played it
Yes I have.
At least Zero is better than Command.
Lylat Wars > Zero > Command > Assault > Adventures
>1 level out of the entire game makes people upset enough to rage nonstop
Why do people hate DmC again? Presentation wise it's a lot more respectable than its predecessors.
I guess. That's hardly an accomplishment though.
It was definitely more than one level, and Star Fox Zero is ridiculously short anyways. It has less levels than 64, a game thats 2 decades old.
Probably Devil's Third, honestly. That game was legitimately great.
codename steam
Devil's Third has neither good shooting mechanics or good hack n slash mechanics. Its Itagaki's worst game for sure.
>Devil's Third has neither good shooting mechanics or good hack n slash mechanics
t. hasn't played it
>tfw unironically liked shadow the hedgehog in high school
I literally emulated the game on my pc out of nostalgia for it because is thought it was good and now i hate it.
64 > SNES > Assault = Zero > Command
Should Adventures even count?
Yes I have. Find a new excuse for your shitty game.
DmC is a good game, just not a good DMC game.
I booted up my copy on its 10th anniversary for a playthrough and it's exactly as I remember it - basically a less refined Sonic Heroes with branching progressions, guns and pointless vehicles. It was exactly as mediocre as I recalled it being.
>Assault = Zero
Assault is way worse than Zero.
Play it again.
DT isn't a hack and slash like Ninja Gaiden. It's a military game with simple, but useful, melee options.
No one thinks that game is bad.
Ok it's an ok game with good parts but you have shit taste so you wouldn't know.
I unironically had fun playing Other M as long as I ignored the story.
>3 has uninteresting bosses
3 has the best bosses of the trilogy you pleb
>people wouldn't care about a beloved character being shat on if she wasn't a beloved character
really jars my pickles
>New Super Mario Bros. U
This. I never played any of the other DMCs but DmC is arguably one of the most well made games of the past decade. It's a shame so many people hated it.
among those six games
Dark Souls 2 is the most similar and least bad in their respective series
Other M is shit
Federation force is ultra shit
Stickers are shity shit
Donte is just dissapointing
STar Fox--zero replay value
Dark Souls two is ok but not dog shit like those other five games.
honestly i like DmC more than most of the mainline games. It's sacrilegious, I know, but the combo variety and style is better than 3 and 4 IMO
3 and 4 are both awesome fun games, but all the capcom dev'd DMC games suffer from a stiffness that isn't nearly as obvious in DmC.
I liked it WAY more than I thought I would. Would absolutely love to see a capcom DMC 5 more than a Ninja Theory DmC2 though.
>DT isn't a hack and slash like Ninja Gaiden. It's a military game with simple, but useful, melee options.
It's a bargain bin Vanquish
No idea why someone would defend such a shitty game
Its a game with a cool scenario and a neat protagonist but shit everything else.
>but shit everything else
That's where you're wrong
because dante had dark hair.
even though he gets silver hair at the end
>It's a military game with simple, but useful, melee options.
I wonder if you ever actually read the garbage you type
>terrible game
I don't think the person that made this shitty image even played the game.
Sure it competes with DaS3 for worst Soulsborne game, but it isn't a bad game, let alone a terrible one.
Not really that contrarian. Anyone that's actually played it knows it's good. Everyone else is just upset it wasn't SMT x FE like originally announced.
>shit gunplay
>shit melee
>shit levels
No, I don't think I am
This is unironically my favorite 360 game.
Good taste user
They're all walled behind a DLC though except Nameless King and Soul of Cinder. Everyone else is hot garbage or so easy you could fall asleep fighting them.
Maybe, but can you honestly think of ANY other time you heard Sup Forums unironically calling a game sexist as a major criticism for a game? And can you ever picture it happening again to any video game heroine?
DmC honestly isn't that bad as a standalone product separate from the DMC franchise. It's a competent character action game.
It isn't like COD where you have one kind of attack that does the same exact kind of damage to an enemy.
People complained about Tomb Raider's death scenes being weirdly pornographic.