Lets be real how many of you are women?

Lets be real how many of you are women?
I'm curious as all hell the about type of females that would spend time here.
Or even play video games .

Neck yourself you double nigger homo faggot cunt ass bitch prick.

How about you eat out my fucking ass for 300 rmb like the whore you are you double nigger.

Fuck i mean triple nigger fuck you.

How about I don't
slut :^)

I'm a girl(male)

I want to be a woman. Does that count?

I'm a woman when I put a skirt on

Nigger i was just curious I rarely interact with men that play vidya I can barely imagine a woman shit posting on my level. Last girl I dated told me people who play vidya are fucking disgusting. Starting to wonder if women play vidya at all.

Sup Forums is 75% virgin beta males and 25% faggots who pretend to be girls


Fuck it i'm bumping I want a real answer with all the sexism on this board i really fucking wonder.

Gay in real life?


Do neckbeards count as women these days?

Only women (male) are here

Yeah well this is a shit thread and you're fag.
Despite memes, its true that very few women actually play games, no matter what SJW cunts say. Most women are preoccupied with being normalfags or other.
Vidya gaems are icky, and so is chan culture.
Sorry guy.

How is that fucking possible ?
How the hell will our clan breed?

im a woman hear me roar

I'm a girl. Found Sup Forums when I was going through a rebellious phase. Now I just haunt /tg/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums for the most part.

Favorite game is SMT Nocturne.

It won't, it's for the best

I had a female friend who used to lurk Sup Forums and such

>Despite memes, its true that very few women actually play games, no matter what SJW cunts say. Most women are preoccupied with being normalfags or other.
>Vidya gaems are icky, and so is chan culture.
>Sorry guy.
Man it's so sad recently I've been craving a gf that shares my hobbies it fucking sucks pretending I don't play vidya to get pussy despite that being my main hobby.