kill yourself
1st) not gonna open your blog shit, i dont care about what you wrote
2nd) you're wrong, some of the best games ever have the coolest stories - KotOR, KotOR2, MotB, Planescape Torment are just some examples.
>the only medium with full interactivity
>"lol video games should just abandon storytelling endeavors because they HAVE been done better before."
>"nevermind how every medium has its garbage narratives so by this logic we may as well just can them as well"
of course not you mong. some games thrive with a narrative, others just need enough structure to complement the gameplay.
How about people just making games again how they want instead to cater to cunts who want to see their special snowflake opinion represented in another persons work.
Just keep story elements to a minimum.
yes they're better without stories
>super metroid
>story consists of saving the galaxy
>one of the best games ever
>the Witcher 3
>cutscene after cutscene after cutscene after cutscene
>one of the most overrated games ever
>video games must be like this because of a bunch of arbitrary bullshit
Kill yourself.
neo-Sup Forums everyone
the fact that "video game stories are bad and intrusive" is a controversial statement really shows the state of gaming today
>muh neo/v/
Stories have always been the central piece of an RPG (it replaces the DM) you fucking underage piece of shit
if we're talking about an action game then the story probably doesn't matter at all
fuck off
name 100 games that are better because they have a nonexistent or bad story
le GAMEPLAY ONLY redditors are fucking scum
cool, you named the one genre where story is mildly important, as opposed to every single other video game genre where story is unnecessary
It depends on the the game.
Classic platformers like Mario, Spnic, Mega Man and Donkey Kong had just enough story to give you a general plot but didn't go nearly into the sort of narrative details that most modern games do.
Same goes for early FPS games.
What's the story of DOOM? Lone space marine needs to blast his way through a demon infested martian base.
What's the story of Wolfinstien? Lone p.o.w needs to blast his way through Nazi stronghold.
Take the new Legend of Zelda game. Story was very light compared to gameplay.
Just because some games have intrusive or shit stories doesn't mean all of them do, faggot. The problem is modern devs not understanding basic fucking design choices as for how to make them unintrusive to people who dislike them.
See: MGS. It has cutscenes out the ass which everyone gives it shit for, but they're all skippable and the series makes up for it with great hands-on gameplay.
It's all about how dipshit devs include stories, not vidya wanting to explore interactive narrative in and of itself.
super metroid has a great story
Maybe not entirely, but stop focusing on them.
No, video game stories will NEVER compete with literature or film, even games praised for their story like Spec Ops: The Line have mediocre stories.
Stick to what games do best: gameplay
Video games, being the one interactive medium, could potentially tell richer and more fulfilling stories than film, literature, and everything in between.
The problem is most game developers don't know how to use video games to the advantage of their storytelling potential, so most of them end up putting intrusive gameplay-breaking cutscenes in between playable portions. This is the wrong way to tell a story in a game.
Saying that video games should stop trying to tell stories altogether is asinine.
Half-Life 1 is better than Half-Life 2 because it has next to no story. Same with Portal 1 compared to Portal 2, and Hotline Miami 1 to Hotline Miami 2, and all the DMC games compared to the reboot.
Personally, I like my games to have context.
It can make whatever in game actions you do more have a sense of gravitas. Therefore, I prefer my games to have stories, even if they are very simple.
this thread has got to be some fucking samefag
Sup Forums shits on story-driven games with wild abandon
not what I was saying at all. More action based games do not need a story, or just enough to contextualize it. other games are designed to accommodate stories, and can often be more entertaining for it. It all depends on what the game is seeking to accomplish and what the player wants out of it.
>Sup Forums shits on story-driven games with wild abandon
Unless said story-driven game is Japanese, in which case it's the GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
No this is nu-Sup Forums. Not one person in this thread has played a videogame made before 2012.
that's more a matter of subject matter.
Kill yourself. Vidya should be pure gameplay, stories only detract from that.
I reckon he has a point there.
If the gameplay of the game is solid, story can get in the way. Excessively long cutscenes can go die in a fire.
it should abandon shitty narratives like every other medium
fuck story.
Yes, and gameplay because other mediums do it better too.
Story is the last thing on my mind when playing a game.
Even fucking RPGs.
I've played RPGs with little to no story that manage to be much better games than the story-heavy RPGs we get nowadays.
Sup Forums loves Planscape Torment though.
At least it used to, there's never a consensus 100% of the time anyway, thousands of people are on this board.
>If I shitpost hard enough people will think I couldn't be from tumblr
No, you take away stories from RTS and you have shitty multiplayer-only games.
The same for FPS.
objectively incorrect
name me some of your favourite games
Fuck no.
Stories give games substance. Not everyone wants to just mindlessly mash through random shit without any guiding reason or anything.
Some people like a narrative to move you forward and give you objectives or goals.
Maybe this fag should just stick to his local arcade.
>Is he right? Should video games abandon stories entirely since other mediums do them better?
Yes, yes, yes yes yes. Yes.
Western games need to stop having stories and story elements entirely.
adventure games
also kys you're self
>The problem is most game developers don't know how to use video games to the advantage of their storytelling potential
Because you can't do that without getting in the way of gameplay. The entire concept of a "cutscene" is stopping gameplay to tell a story.
You don't actually play RPGs.
I assume you are talking about Japanese adventure game like Tales and FF.
>cutscenes are the only way to tell stories
No, I'm talking about games like TW3, JRPGs are even lesser RPGs than the average WRPG.
You can tell a story without using cutscenes.
Musicians already do music - and they do it best -
so why do Movies still use music?
t. my first console was a 360
if you can't enjoy a videogame based solely on its gameplay you shouldn't be playing videogames
Both of those games are entirely different games, but both those games are also extremely good games for totally different reasons.
In short, fuck you faggot.
>Sup Forums shits on story driven games
>Sup Forums shits on games with light stories
>Sup Forums shits on games with no stories
Dont ask for Sup Forums's opinion on stories.
Average Sonyfag
But not every game needs to do away with their story just because of gameplay. That's stupid. It doesn't hurt to have a story that compliments the gameplay.
Witcher 3 would've been boring as fuck if there was no story.
>Some people like a narrative to move you forward and give you objectives or goals.
I've never had a game where the narrative motivated me that much
>wow shooting these enemies sure is fun
>oh jeez Princess Brapenburg says all these enemies are racist towards the Hacklehofs. Wow my enjoyment is enhanced
Ever play replay a story game? Kinda boring. Ever replay a well made gameplay-centric game like Super Metroid? Timeless
"serious" story based games just come across like mediocre games that got stapled to a rejected hollywood script like TLoU.
So I guess only neo-Sup Forums likes games such as Plainscape Torment, then.
false equivalency. try again.
I'm a PCfat retard.
>branding people as Xfags solely because of their opinions
>being a filthy brand loyalist to begin with
You are the true fag here.
The story aspects weren't what was wrong with Hotline Miami 2.
A game with good story and good gameplay will always stick with a person more than a game with just good gameplay(UNLESS they are multiplayer and serve as a catalyst for meaningful personal interaction)
so you enjoyed the videogame for reasons other than the videogame
if you can't enjoy your favorite videogame with all of the story stripped from it, that means it's a bad videogame
He's so wrong it hurts.
Consider The Stanley Parable. It's basically a game where you're the narrator's worst enemy, and the reason it functions so well is because of the story and the narrator. Without that, it's just wandering around an office building attached to a warehouse and utterly, utterly boring.
The Stanley Parable works ONLY as a story-based game, while also being a story which can ONLY be told in the medium of video games: Even when the game presents you with a few choices like a choose-your-own-adventure book, you can find ANOTHER path by literally jumping from a moving platform onto a catwalk.
Games are a young medium and there are ways they can tell stories that can't be told in any other fashion. The author of this is a fucking retard.
How is that a false equivalency? It is exactly relevant to the discussion at hand.
You can't jump into an argument and suddenly make up your own rules idiot.
Games without stories have always been fine.
I wouldn't say they're all better than the ones that do have stories, but I'm sure it's easy to pull off
Well an RPG doesn't need a story to have decent RPG elements.
Take pic related for example, the story is basically non-existent, but it has much more in-depth mechanics than modern RPGs.
I honestly don't see the point in playing a single player game with no story. It feels completely pointless to sit in a room by myself playing a game with no story to tell me. It would be like reading a book with a list of objects printed on the pages but no actual story or anything being told.
Multiplayer games don't need a story though. But single player games absolutely do.
>Consider walking simulator. Imagine if it didn't have the epic self-aware narrator. Man, that would suck!
How about you name a game that's not meme letsplayer bait?
well yeah, muh """classic""" cRPGs like planet escape tournament are only liked by underage babbies who never played an NES game in their lives
Yeah because good gameplay and having a story are mutually exclusive.
Why do movies even have stories? Books do it better. I play a game to play things and I watch a movie to see things. I don't want to waste my time trying to keep the arbitrary plot in mind.
>I'm a PCfat
Spoken like a true Sonyfag.
We've now reached the point where a game without gaming can be a game because it's an extended cutscene. Amazing.
No, it doesn't make it bad, it just makes it less than what it is. The game would've been enjoyable exploring and hunting monsters, but not as enjoyable as it is with the narrative and characters present throughout the story. It's an addition to the gameplay that compliments it well by being relevant to the character and his story.
you were equating making a game with little story to making a game with a good story that sacrifices it for gameplay.
I'm so sick of this pseudo-intellectual crap.
Gameplay is enhanced by story. It gives context. It adds stakes. It makes you invested. Not all games need it but plenty of games are better with it.
No. Because the greatest games ever made involve great narratives. Video games are only truly great when every part they consist of works in harmony.
>hurr games need a story
A year later
>hurr fuck stories just get rid of them
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH shut up just shut up i swear to god make up your fuckmig minds about this shit
If you want my fucking opinion games are best when story is integrated into the gameplay and is there but not so obvious as a brick to the face
I think you just don't like video games that much, user.
will this nigga shut the fuck up wit his dumb ass essays
more bideo james should have stories implemented as modules, and come with the main one, and then receive additional stories as expansions or mods.
Souls series has the best approach to this. Games need to learn from it.
If you have a story keep that shit on the box and out of the game
>good gameplay and having a story are mutually exclusive.
Actually, yes they are. A movie needs to tell a story to be good, a video game doesn't.
Chumming the water I see
>muh NES
Outside of SMB, Castlevania and the Mortal Kombat bootleg the NES was a shit console filled with garbage.
Did you even read the subheading you dumb shit.
that's all this place is, every day.
and it's the best approach we have.
Video games should play to the strength of their medium instead of trying to shoe horn in the literary narritive which does nothing but take control out of the hands of the player
>muh story fags BTFO'd
give me some good games that don't have any story
How about you stop responding to people when you don't know the definition of words or phrases they use.
>Man, if we took out one of the defining features of a game, it'd sure be bad
No fucking shit, Sherlock. Let's take out the reverse chronological order of the movie Memento while we're removing core elements of the game!
>Extended cutscene
>Much of the game is informed by your choices
Pick one, faggot.
Agreed. If it wasn't for saving the princess in Mario, I would've never played that game. I felt like I was really there, as a fat greasy plumber on my endless trek to defeat the evil dragon and get the girl! Man, video games are supposed to make me feel good about myself.
You're implying I ever said that every game should have a story in the first place, which I didn't. I simply stated that not every game should sacrifice their story component because one retard who started gaming in 2010 has too little an attention span to read 1 line of dialogue.
My first console was also a PC back in 95 playing Quake and Command and Conquer, you little shit.
sim city
Is it just me or does it seem like the majority of Sup Forums thinks that story=dialog.
While this is true for a handfull of games, not every game that is story heavy delivers it in walls of text or hours of cutscenes.
Any video game made before 2007
If Skyrim had this without a story, I would be completely content with it not having a story, and just roaming the world exploring and doing mercenary work.
>hurr Mario is the only game with a story
Mario is actually enhanced by what little story it has though.
What a great game Quake was, I wish FPS still had level design as good as it does.
>Trolling this hard
There's a lot of shit on the NES, no doubt, but offhand I could name about a dozen titles which hold up decently today.
Games just need to stop using excessive amounts of cutscenes and exposition bombs to tell a story. Games like Nier Automata, MGS, Souls, and Undertale make good use of the medium for storytelling, without feeling intrusive to the actual game. A story should compliment the gameplay, not be an excuse for a lack of gameplay.
Stories provide a framework and a "seasoning" I guess.
You need a reason for Jill and Chris to be in the Mansion, even if the star of the game is the level design and atmosphere. You need a reason for Fox to shoot his way to Venom, even if the star of the game is the endlessly repayable easy to learn hard to master mechanics + scoring.
>Play Sonic 1-3
>Start game
>No text boxes telling me robots are evil
>Encounter Eggman
>Get killed the first time because there was no cutscene to indicate he was a villain
>Get a game over within a few moments because no NPCs telling me rings keep me alive
Holy shit is that how video games really were before story existed?
rollercoaster tycoon
Did you actually read the post you were responding to?