Is this, dare I say it, actually a good game now?

Is this, dare I say it, actually a good game now?

they didnt change anything . same old shit man

This is some low quality shilling.

They didn't even change anything about the gameplay

new map and a new hero is a gameplay change

Is it a more effective Skinner box now?

No it isn't, it's additional content to be used with the same gameplay

if I play 10 games of this for the overwatch skin, will I have fun?

it's a nice distraction, which is all it's ever been good for desu
play with friends for maximum effect


A new hero and a new map is additional gameplay content.

i'd add you but i only play heroes of the storm once in a great, great while
i'm mostly into wow

That map and hero won't be in every game. It's not changing the core gameplay, it's just a new piece that you can use with the gameplay.

Every time one of these games releases a new character, do you see people going HOLY SHIT, IS THE GAME FINALLY FIXED? No, the discussion is "what do you think of the new character?"

Context is important.

>5 assassin teams all day

>That map and hero won't be in every game
Still a gameplay change whichever way you stay to spin it.


An irrelevant one in the context of a game being "good" as of a single update. It's not going to fix or ruin the game. Please learn to read.

That guy was right, you stubborn douchebag. It's a gameplay change even if you spent the rest of your life saying it isn't.

Stop trying to bait people.

>It's not going to fix or ruin the game
That's clearly an opinion you made on your own so its no a valid point. But here's a fact for you, a new map and a new hero is a gameplay change.

I'll be your friend if you want user.

No, it isn't. You're shitposting and grasping at straws because you can't accept that your post was contextually irrelevant.

These games add characters all the time, and it's never considered a gameplay change. A character or map won't be in every game. A gameplay change is something like altered XP curves, reworked itemization, etc.

When a game releases a massive update and they call it "2.0," and I ask about gameplay changes, I'm asking about core system overhauls. The same new maps and characters they release in every basic update is not a gameplay change in an update pitched as a reinvention and new era of the game.