Who should win GOTY?


Neither. Both are pandering wank stains to convoluted fanbases.

Either of those two but it will probably go to some western trash.

The one that isn't open world.

Real GOTY here


Who cares, both games are excellent and should be enjoyed by all.Only gays care about GOTY Awards

I don't think it matters. They're both drastically different games, and they're both quality titles that are the best of their respective series and rhe best of the year.

One winning over the other doesn't mean much when they're both must play games.

Memeing aside, BOTW hands down.

Not even the best kikestarted game this year.

>it ends up going to Red Dead 2

I'll lose my shit if that happens, knowing how western titles have been lately, it'll probably be praised by critics for "tackling issues of race and gender in a time where minorities and women were oppressed", but they'll overlook the game being about the same as any other Rockstar title, and it's abuse of online currencies.

Persona 5 is already out because its a weeb game
It's going to be between Zelda, Mario, and RDR2 if it already releases this year

red dead 2



Mom said it's my turn to win GOTY!

Between those two? Zelda. I think Automata is better than both though. Either Horizon or RDR2 will end up getting most GOTY awards though. Unless Mario really blows people away, which I doubt.

FPBP as always

who gives a shit about what some random hack thinks which game is goty

theyre both good games that came out in 2017, enjoy the stupid game

NieR Automata. But my guess is BotW is gonna sweep. Unless there's some new big AAA game that gets everyone's attention.

ITT: 2chan

>japan winning goty
I think both games are great, but we know that's not how it works in the VGA

Not with that disgusting artstyle. And I presume MMO tier gameplay.

The one that doesn't have paid review.

Not with those story missions. Not with those side quests. Not with that story. The game was solid but still an all-around disappointment.

Monster Hunter 5 for PS4

Zelda isn't a Japanese game, or at least it doesn't smell as such to journos. Zelda gets unique protection because it's the sacred cow of gaming.

Neither will if RDR2 comes out this year

Neither should if Bannerlord comes out this year

B-But mom only told me i could get one!

Bannerlord is never coming out. Retaking of Constantinople soon.

Either Nier, Odyssey (if it's at least as good as Galaxy and 64), or BotW. P5 is good but it came out in 2016

Wanna say Breath of the Wild but it feels like it's huge amounts of popularity and praise might die down by the time official deciding takes place.

Though better that than Persona which will be forgotten in the following weeks

People have already forgotten about Zelda, and the honeymoon has worn off.

Zelda, it's a phenomenal game with a massive open world. Anywhere you see you can go to. It's a must have for the Nintendo Switch console and it is now available for purchase.

>for PS4

Nah that's Persona, sorry faggot.

There are going to be multiple simultaneous Persona 5 threads on Sup Forums even a year from now

And your reasons against Persona 5 ?

Persona should but BotW will.

Are there more Personafags than Zeldafags?

>Though better that than Persona which will be forgotten in the following weeks
Hardly, P3 and 4 still get threads even after all these years and P5 will not be the exception

That score is wrong, Zelda is a 97.

There are multiple simultaneous Zelda threads every hour. What's your point? Most Persona threads are literally just weebs waifufagging. Meanwhile, Zelda has DLC coming out throughout the year.

I can't see a single BOTW thread on Sup Forums right now. Only a Hyrule Warriors thread with a few posts which will die soon.

>paying for hard mode

>There are multiple simultaneous Zelda threads every hour.
Are there?
>Most Persona threads are literally just weebs waifufagging.
Oh the irony

Horizon Shills reviews don't count ;^)

>Still being this butthurt
Jesus just post the actual score not like it makes a difference

Star Wars: Battlefront II

What makes Persona 5 better than Zelda?

What makes Zelda better than Persona?

And Persona doesn't tackle SJW issues like misogyny or play like every other fucking JRPG? P5 is more handholding than most western titles as well.

>tfw for GOTY 2017 contenders we have
>A new Zelda
>A new 3D Mario
>A new Persona
>A new NieR
>A new Yakuza
>A new RDR
>A new Team Ninja game that's actually good

I'm totally forgetting some too. Who even cares about who "wins" some dumb awards show when we got all this goddamn choice vidya. 2017 is fucking awesome.

but yes RDR 2 will be the mainstream and critical darling because Rockstar