WHICH IS IT Sup Forums?
Which is the better game?
Persona 5 is hurt by its handholding and generic writing. While the dungeons are fun to play, I will never go back to it after beating it.
The one that is not open world.
I was less disappointed with Persona 5.
>comparing genres
Poor desicion making
why are zelda kids so pathetic
Both are overrated as fuck.
They are two different games, you can't compare them in a "which is better" sense
Seriously, why did you put the thirds option retard? the question was which is better, not which is good, or deserving of goat.
This is nonsense. I can absolutely say with certainty that Dark Souls is better than Drakengard.
I feel like there were too many characters repeating the same things over and over again, and Morgana's limiting you at many points is aggravating. On the plus side, the music is fantastic and the dungeon crawling is great. The social links are overall pretty good too.
Zelda does open world better than most, and the exploration and freedom is for the moment unparalleled. However, the lack of music is a bit of a bummer and most of the side quest are underwhelming. The bosses were on the easy side too.
Both are my GOTY's right now though. They both excel at what they are trying to do.
I got bored about 20 hours in with Zelda, I put over a 100 with P5 and I'm eager for more.
If the Cat wasn't so fucking annoying I would say P5. But Morgana cock blocks you far too much at night time.
I agree, if Morgana didn't limit one so much I might have ranked it higher than Zelda. I also feel that there are too many days wasted on exposition.
>you talked with your friends
Persona 5:
Battle System
Solid overall Social Links
Railroaded at several points
Cringeworthy "shitty adults" dialogue
Morgana handholding
Open World exploration
Creative Mechanics
Hyrule Castle
Underwhelming music
Hit or Miss dungeons and bosses
Lackluster Sidequest
Both are good. Both are overrated. Zelda is better overall. As fun as Persona is it's a very safe game that doesn't really do anything new.
I'm actually a bit surprised Persona is winning. That's probably due to the fact that it IS safe, but polishes what it excels at. Whereas Zelda, tries something new for it's own series and excels for many, but doesn't for others.
That or that Zelda fans are sleep.
It's like you're actually expecting people to have played both instead of console warring.
Zelda was amazing. Persona is always good but kind of got stupid in the middle and didn't recover. Zelda made me want more new stuff, Persona 5 makes me miss the cast of 3. So one vote for Zelda.
Why are you comparing two completely different games in both genre, setting and atmosphere?
Because it's fun. One can still say I like MGS3 more than Mario Galaxy. And that the former is the better made game for w/e reason.
But comparable length, which is fucking crazy for a Zelda game.
Or you know, it's because we're all sick of open world games. Zelda should have hopped on that train five years ago and then hopped off it. But Nintendo is always late to the party.
Nintendo's been on the open world train with Zelda ever since the series started.
These are such vastly different games. For sheer fun I'd say Zelda. For depth and difficult choices, Persona.
And you're not sick of by the numbers JRPGs? There have been a hell of a lot more of those than open world games. Hell we already had two games that used the exact same formula as Persona 5. The game has zero ambition and is derivative as they come.
Nah. When people say open world, they don't mean that the game isn't totally linear. They mean the style of design where you wander around the map checking off your grocery list. They mean the style of design where the main plot is five minutes long and most of the game is side content, which can be done in any order and doesn't connect to each other.
Wind Waker has an open world, but it isn't part of the open world school of game design.
2.4 million Switch owners
53 million PS4 owners
wonder who could shill harder
>And you're not sick of by the numbers JRPGs?
No, because unlike open world games, by the numbers JRPGs can be good.
Also, P5 is only by the numbers within its own series. It doesn't innovate, but when your series is so unique from the rest of the genre, you don't need to. Someone who had never played a Persona game but had played most other JRPGs would find P5 to be very innovative.
wherre the fck is nier automata
Dark Souls and Nier are referred to as open world and don't fit this definition at all.
They are referred to as open world by idiots.
Both are great games, but BOTW was a better time for me IMO.
Open world games can be good too, as BotW and several others have shown.
I was really disappointed to find out how half-assed the stealth was in Persona 5. The fact that hiding spots don't use line of sight is embarrassing.
Wish they played to the premise more, that would've been a shakeup. Instead it's P3 again with QoL improvements and even slicker menus. Good, but not blowing me away. Hell, Zelda had better stealth.
>Open world games can be good too
The only ones I've particularly enjoyed were a few pre-Skyrim WRPGs.
I really do not understand this complaint. Didn't bother me once when I beat it. In every other game it's just a voice in your head saying you can't do anything tonight. Isn't it better to have an actual character talking to you? And it's not like the game isn't balanced around it. You can easily finish everything in a single playthrough.
>You can easily finish everything in a single playthrough.
You're full of shit.
Morgana's just a face on the real problem of scheduling in Persona 5 being annoying. And yes, 3 and 4 did this too, but it wasn't as annoying then because they didn't constantly put you back in your room with nothing to do but sleep.
>Isn't it better to have an actual character talking to you?
Actually, I don't think P3 and P4 did do that. I don't remember P3 and P4 consuming multiple days in a row for story stuff and then not allowing you to do anything day or night. Sure, you'd lose one day here or there, but you'd never lose the better part of a week.
>Both action focused games that focus on killing mobs = Comparing an open world action adventure that gives you complete freedom after 10 minutes to a narrative heavy JRPG that guides you for ten.
For people that like Persona more, what do you like about it more?
I pose the same question to Zeldafags. What makes Zelda better than Persona to you?
>Comparing apples to oranges
Full retard.
They don't do it as frequently or annoyingly but it did happen. I think in 3, Mitsuru signed you up for summer classes and drafts you into helping with the cultural festival.
The important point was the days just passed. It didn't lock you in your room for no reason.
Still, I often hear how much of Sup Forums are Nintendo fans. So I'm a bit surprised to see the results. Are waifufags more abundant than Nintendofags?
I like Persona more because the style of gameplay is more enjoyable to me. I like the structure of having constant goals and milestones to be accomplishing in terms of advancing social links, getting new abilities, and I also like the variability in fusing Personas and making them the best you can. I also enjoy the very heavy story focus and appreciate the fact that they many strides in improving the combat in P5 compared to previous entries.
I dislike open world games because the urge to explore is entirely dependent on how interested you are in the world. I don't care for Zelda in general as well so this just makes the world even less enjoyable for me to explore. Also crafting systems and durability on items are nearly two of my most disliked things in gaming. BotW is just not a game for me.
persona 5, a game with a 1990 gamplay, good, what the fuck are people smoking in this god damn hell hole of incestuous retards
press x to win
P5 is a better Zelda game than BotW
What are you talking about?
k you say it as if thats a bad thing
Persona 5 is a game for loser weebs on Sup Forums who wish they were born in Japan to experience teen life and romance in a Japanese high school
Persona 5 is shit.
you mean like this site ?