Early game boss is now a regular enemy

>early game boss is now a regular enemy

>early game boss survives somehow and fucks shit up

Post the extended version :)

>killing enemies heals you

>boss is a female so you capture her instead of killing her

>Boss gives 0 exp for epicness

>early boss becomes your friend and companion

>Wow, what a freak! Looked like a talking penis.

>Early game regular enemy comes back as boss

>final boss is now day 1 DLC

>That hard as shit boss is now a regular enemy, and there's like 10 of them in one room

>main character from first game becomes main boss in the sequel

I like when this happens.

>Enemy stoya is now an ally after you DP'd her with your early game companion

what game does this

What games do this? Only one I can come up with off the top of my head is torchlight 2.

deus ex invisible war
pokemon gold and silver

There's a couple but the only one coming to mind is Prototype

>final boss wont take you for his wife


That line just felt awkward, like a "hey, we can say this now" but it feels out of place.

>final boss WILL take you for his wife

Donkey Kong Jr.

>character says their face is tired

>first game is the second game in the first game

>all that dried semen

Suddenly I'm in the mood for Krispy Kreme. No homo.

a lot of SMT games

Stoya is a breed apart

name one game

sauce please?

ik is stoya, but the video

how the fuck do you even manage to turn your computer on?


The Bard's Tale.

Any of them will do user

Prototype 2

He looks like Buzz Lightyear with Zurg's cape.

downloading now better be worth

>fire spell uses mana
>dealing fire damage heals hit points
>healing provides mana
>literally beat the entire fucking game spamming the same fucking fire spell non stop

Fucking Stick of Truth.

>Friend and companion becomes boss
Have you found a reason to fight yet, buddy?

Come back Rei

Prototype 2. Turned Alex into some Darwinian ass that his Prototype 1 self would be very much against.

Which one? Or are you talking about the joke one?

Wait really? If this is true I will play SMT for sure

>Enchantment reduces magic consumption by 25%
>It's additive
>Equip four things with the enchantment
>No magic consumption

That still makes me furious.
Prototype wasn't going to go down in history for its story or character development but just fucking your main character like that and using some comic bullshit to justify it was ridiculous.

>Final boss's technique changes like a chameleon
>Final boss moves on you with the speed of a centipede


They also changed his voice actor so he has even less in common with the version from the first game.

That's fucking terrible though. I hate that shit.

>game progress revolves around solving all 99 problems
>final boss is a bitch

Honestly from the trailers I thought that the "Alex Mercer" was a clone and that the real Alex Mercer was gonna be Heller's ally/mentor.

But nah, fuck that, let's make the Alex the villain with the shittiest excuse known to writing.

Pokemon Silver

>the first stage becomes the first boss

>marry Beyoncé

name at least 16 games where this happens

>deus ex invisible war
I forgot you could fight JC. I played that game like 20 times and almost always sided with JC or the Omar because they have the endings I most want to see in real life.


Stoya is gross. She has these disgusting nipple piercings that look like they're bleeding.