Vidya died in 2007

>vidya died in 2007
>every game released during the last 10 years has been 100% shit
How do you cope with this?

you say that like its a bad thing, video games are irredeemable trash, find a better hobby

I don't I am unable to find a reliable way to kill my fucking self

>100% shit

Dude. Fuck you.

Vidya didn't die user... you did.

We are the first post vidya generation.

Like the other user said, I don't. My life is an empty meaningless mess. I look back at the decisions I made that brought me here and wonder when I ever thought it would lead to anything.

just because you're cynical as fuck and can't enjoy any vidya past your precieved "golden age" doesn't mean it's shit

It wouldn't be any better if we fell for the wife and kids meme
I fucking hate kids
And women are pieces of shit
My only solution is to either wait until I die or just speed it up and kill myself

You're write. OP forget to mention how horrible writing has become too

>Hating kids
>Not liking the idea of raising a small version of you

Honestly, you sound like a pretty miserable person. I doubt anyone would miss you, so why not just end it?

>>every game released during the last 10 years has been 100% shit
ummmm, sweatie

I just can't get a fucking gun or otherwise I would
Even my mother is depressed as shit
I think me dying is literally for the best so she can continue her fucking life

by having lower standards than you desu


I obviously hate myself, so guess

You dont need a gun, man, there's thousands of other ways to do it. Get creative, it's your one chance to do something good for yourself.

>western vidya died

Might be time to just kill yourself user because there have been plenty of good games already just this year.

by not having the same opinion as you
by actually enjoying video games

Video games were always bad, your taste just got better. There has literally never been a genuinely good video game.

>Member Since: 14 Jan 2009

Gaming wise, nearly anything made pre-2003, and a few select great titles thereafter.

2013 was probably the worst fucking year in history. It's just been pure emptiness since then. That's when we finished the downward spiral and hit rock fucking bottom

I just want a reliable way to off myself fast
Don't want to end a vegetable or paralitic, you know
That would be a million times worse than right now.

You died in 2007 user, try to remember. You are in a better place now.

>Can't wake up

>Every game in the last 10 years as been shit


>Titanfall 2
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Nier: Automata
>Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Just a few off the top of my head. Why do fags act like this? 2015-2017 has almost been a new golden age.

Yeah vidya has been pretty great recently. I'm about as pessimistic as it gets but I can't find much to complain about.

In 10 years. 10 fucking years and that's all we've got.

I said off the top of my head, Want me to make a full, decade-spanning autismo list? Stop being a fag.

I saw every single one of those being out and not a single one of them catched my eye
Go and shitpost me with "you got bad taste" memes

By not being a massive faggot who gave up on everything.

You stop browsing Sup Forums and play some video games

>I'm a fag that can't have fun and actively chooses not to have fun

I play fun games all time time. Sorry you're such a sadaack joyless fuck user. Maybe you should try to become an hero?

I have fun just fine if I replay smb3

I think theres more than that user, you should see a shrink or talk to someone, theres literally nothing wrong with videogames nowadays

2012 was pretty great

My favorite series started in 2009. Suck a big one, OP.

i thank god everyday that im not jaded and cynical like most of you faggots


People like op remind me why I should always cherish and have good memories of every game I play.

Sounds like autism.

It actually was really good despite all the negative memeing and shit-posting.

>Games aren't shit, it is a problem with you
Yeah dev, surely it is the consumer fault that you make shit games

Stop being a retard.

>If you're an autist that only eats chicken tendies from McDonalads and think all other food is shit, it is shit

Okay Gregory. Want me to put on your Power Ranger VHS and turn on your batman nightlight?

>Liking classic shit and stuff before the 2007 makes you an autist
nice excuses

I definitely have more fun with older games it seems, I would much rather play DS and GBA emulators on my phone or laptop all day, play everything I missed while being in school and broke. But there has been a steady stream of good games in the past decade, there's no doubt about it. The trick is to only play the good games.

Liking classic shit isn't the problem, being a fucking sperg and acting like modern shit is awful (baselessly) is the problem.

You probably consider paid for dlc, microtransactions, paying for online and cosmetics alright.

You should play either one of these three games then you moron.

>Final Fantasy XV
>The Witcher 3

I don't think I've paid for a single DLC this gen, or last gen
You have nobody to blame but yourself if you buy the DLC. If not, then, you're in the same boat as everyone else. Just play the good games and support the good developers, it's all you can do.

Those are great games.
Find a different hobby if you can't enjoy it anymore.

>Final Fantasy XV

>You probably consider paid for dlc, microtransactions, paying for online and cosmetics alright.
Because every game has those, right? Fuck off, retard.

Lots of good games. You just don't feel it anymore, can't accept new or different ideas.
Find something else to do, this is a video games board. Maybe try fitness to make your self feel good both mentally and physically.

Yeah, it's a sea of trash with a few sparklies here and there. Honestly the way I cope is going back to games from previous gens that I missed out on. The Dragon Quest series and Megami Tensei games are some of the best time investors I've encountered, despite being barebones. I'm also into recording gameplay and challenges to keep my interest from wandering.

>Vidya didn't die user...
How do you die someone?

By not living under a rock.