You wanna cast a spell? I wanna cast a spell!
You wanna cast a spell? I wanna cast a spell!
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An incredible discovery!
*Adapts your path*
Dooooo you hear it's caaalll?
listen closeeeeely
>still playing RNGstone when way better games exist
How so you like Blizzard's jew nose going deeper and deeper into you rectum with each expansion
Like what?
And dont say Shadowverse aka Shadowcraftverse.
>Blizzard's jew nose
every TCG is jew. if you're going to play a TCG then play the one is most accessible.
>way better games exist
Which ones did you intend to shill?
can't believe this was my first thing i thought of
>been playing MtG non-stop the past month
>Hearthstone and Shadowverse now looks like baby shit in comparison
lol enjoy your shit game amigos
Excuse me sir, but I must ask of you are personal query. MIND IF I ROLL NEED!
the GATES are OPEN
Blizz takes it to new levels of jewry
>Blizz never releases the drop rates of card packs
>Gadgetzan """glitch""" were people open the same pack multiple times
>Barely gave out a apology and gave a few packs to people even when they bought hundreds of dollars of packs
If you don't think Blizz actively fucks with card packs you deserve to have your money taken
Still my favorite start:
Dude random effects lmao
literally any card game that isn't Hearthstone is better
Its fuckingnobvious Team 5 has no fucking idea how the fuck to design a card game and the game simply gets worse with every expansion
Not only that is you are playing f2p you can barely make a good deck per expansion, and thats only if you are lucky with opening packs, literally any other game is more generous
>picking the best craft in the game
>losing to second best craft
shut the fuck up, Rowen
>literally any other game is more generous
If that's your only argument for why any card game is better than Hearthstone, then that's not a good enough reason for me to switch. I play f2p, and have more than enough cards to make 1 or 2 fun decks to play, and that's all that I can really ask for.
What other aspects of other card games are better than Hearthstone, other than HS "keeps getting worse" and other games just throw a bunch of free shit at you, to hope you stay?
prob the best designed card in the game
>new players don't realize how powerful the new warsong commander is
i honestly don't know how people can keep playing this game after that shitshow
The only reason people still play Hearthstone is that they've sunken way too much money and don't want to feel as if they "wasted" their time and money
should be +2
that card will never be played again. thanks blizzard
>new players don't realize how powerful the new warsong commander is
Wait, did he actually say that?
i have fun with it. i've always wanted to build a wall, and now i can
especially for such a shit stat line for a 3 drop class based minion with a limited effect
the fucking neutral wolf is 2/2 for 2 and gives +1 to anyone next to him
To be fair, he didn't say that the new Warsong Commander is good. He's just saying that new players don't evaluate cards well.
"This particular design, 'your charge minions have +1 attack...' is, is something that, yknow, new players just don't know how good that is."
>It's real
Okay, what the fuck.
>gets windfury
>attacks again
so how did you guys like the amonkhet prerelease last weekend?
Went 4-1, pulled two invocations. I don't actually collect anymore, though, so I gave it all to a friend in exchange for him covering my dinner and drinks the rest of the night
Why is this line so good? Not even a huge fan of Hearthstone, but the Defias Ringleader and Bandit were entertaining.
Sad you don't see them anymore.
sweet deal desu. i dont really collect either, drafts all the way
>literally any card game that isn't Hearthstone is better
The fucking plants vs zombies card games is better
Has anyone made a decent 1:1 emulation of the game yet? You think it'd be easy as fuck.
man when i played hearthstone i always ragequit when that happened
Yeah, a new whiskey bar just opened up, so I got some good value there
That deck is so boring to play. The only enjoyment I get from it is being left at 3 health and armorering and taunting up against aggro scum and winning.
i like it because it shits on quest mage. extra turn mechanics are absolute cancer
its a little unfun to get steamrolled by hunters, but no deck is good at everything
If there was a Dirty Rat effect for 1 mana you could have lethal on your 1st turn, playing 1st, in some obscure and unlikely situations.
So you get your Deathwing yanked out. how do you get the extra 18 damage?
Not but pic related is the tits.
Actually, it's really not. It's on par.
The grind is actually worse than Hearthstone.
The volume of PvE content is nice and having proper gating on PvP content is wonderful, but the card grind for a good deck is atrocious.
They're absolute jews, no doubt, but at least the game is balanced
Is it true MtGO MIGHT be changing?
>play exodia mage
>warrior spends entire game taunting up and building himself an ungodly amount of armor
>none of it matters, none of it ever mattered
That's solely because everything is imbalanced. They don't even try to make everyone on equal playing fields, they just let the horrid grind and RNG sort out who has what which defines what you can make. And because of the asymmetrical nature of the game, most everything balances out.
Fuck Freeze decks tho.
>trading card game
>no trading allowed
>no real cards
>as much of a game as a slot machine
how have I not seen this before
They're CCGs
yes. there's something "magic digital next" in the works but that could mean anything really
I hate this deck. Control warrior was always reactive but now all you do is play taunt after taunt after taunt and hope you don't die to stupid shit like hunters adapting 1/1s into poisonous or pirate warrior when your first playable card is 3 mana.
Event cards are a neat way to dripfeed balance
would be much better as "minions you play from your hand with 3 or less attack have charge" which implies if they gain more than 3 they lose their attack
>getting involved in the cardboard crack trade
no thanks, m8.
Yes, there were many potential options like that that would have actually balanced the card instead of removing it from the game. Unfortunately, Team 5 is made up genuinely stupid people.
*bird noises*
Is that real? Did they learn literally nothing from Babbling Book? I am so unbelievably glad I stopped playing.
eh, later they made a charge specific text saying charge but not to face but this was way after they raped warsong, that might have worked as a decent half step nerf
I play for free in tabletop sim with my bros
>Is that real?
As is this.
blessing of might and adapt windfury?
At least you can play around that card, since you can play around stuff in your own deck. No way to play around babbling book.
>babbling book
about that
oh and unstable portal was fun, lets try that again
At least I don't feel any desire to return now
if its any consolation, mage isn't exactly a top class nowadays
there are bigger things to rage about, like rogues shitting out 4 5/5's with charge on turn 5
I don't really care if it's good, I care that I can just lose for no reason against a deck that just got lucky. Terrible design philosophy
well you always risk losing against someone with god tier drawing
Rouge sucks now, the quest should have been based on burgle/deathrattle.
Oh well.
Shadowverse is objectively better then shitty fucking hearthstone. Go fucking play heros of the sto... oh wait smite and Dora are better. Go play overwa... oh wait team fortress and paladins are better. Go play diab... oh wait path of exile is better... go play starcr..... warhammer is better... maybe wow?... ff14 is better..... maybe you should kill yourselves blizzards kek.
Seriously. Could've been "Play 4 cards from other classes".
it appears my superiority has caused some controversey
>tabletop sim
why not cockatrice or xmage?
Not as funny
Elder Scrolls legends is better
Some of you are alright. Don't come to rank 14.
>Giving this piece of shit a 3/4 body
Why did C'thun minions have such retarded value?
Tolvir is shit, play crawlers instead.
because they're vanilla minions if you don't play cthun
>it's a "Mage has a million Ice Blocks from Primordial Glyphs and other spells" episode
>not doing all your dailies, rerolling 40g quests, keeping your friends list full and hoping for 80g friend quests
>not having 5000+ gold every time an expansion drops
>not going 6.5+ wins on average in arena
>not having 15k+ dust in reserves
fucking plebs. haven't spent a dime on the game in 2 years.
>tfw you live less than an hour from Bethesda and the game is unavailable in your region
This some bullshit
How many dimes did you spend two years ago?
"How good that is" doesn't inherently state it's on the "good" side of the bad/good spectrum, although the implication is there. Classic lawyerspeak. Everything Brode says is lawyerspeak.
i dunno, like $60 i had in my account from selling d3 shit, spent that at launch. bought all adventures with gold. i think i did pay $50 for TGT preorder, that's the last purchase.
>Let hearthstone consume your life for the past 3 years
I dunno if you should be acting so smug after spending at least $110.
i've bought 50 packs of each set and never made legend. ask me anything
It involves Gallywix, Mind Vision, Thoughtsteal, Radiant Elementals, Forbidden Shaping, Shadow Visions, and a crapload of stolen Innervates, Nourishes and Raven Idols.
>spend 0-2 hours a day on a game
>not enough time to get into other games
yeah my life has really been consumed
$110, half of which was fake money. pretty good for a few years of entertainment.
the problem with hearthstone is that I'll spend the first week or so of an expansion trying out new decks and stuff
and eventually I'll just come to the conclusion that a mid-range hunter deck is the best one and just play that for the rest of the time
You wanna make an Activision shill thread?
What is wrong with Sup Forumsfags? Why are they imagining Jew noses penetrating their asses?
All this latent homosexuality and none of them can admit it - it must be unhealthy.
you both deserve it desu
Shit's on my quest shaman to
>murlogs :DDDD
>taunts jeep wasting murlics
>get mega find out
>have hand full of not-warleaders
How do you get Gallywix and Druid cards?