Well, Sup Forums?

well, Sup Forums?

Same swing speed.

2nd of course, unless I have high luck/crit chance

Left for PvP, right for PvE.
I only need to BTFO just one nigger with a 100 swing that crits.

I dont like praying to lady luck

Left is better.

Average damage is higher for the left. I'll take that one

rule of large numbers will only work in your favor on huge health enemies, good luck not getting 3 1s in a row when you need 5 more damage

Left has better chance of high damage often


what's the hp of the enemy?
am I in a party or solo?
is crit a thing?

Left is more interesting to use and theoretically better.

Right. I hate relying on luck.

>max acc on right is 45 dps
>max acc on left is 100 dps

Sure sure, but there's more than one enemy in the game surely. It'll be more effective over the course of the game.

>damage 40 to 45
My life has already proven my luck stat is at -100 i won't take any chances.

consistency is much better than muh big numbers you mouthbreathers

What's the distribution like on the first one? Is it even or is it biased towards the middle or either end?

Over 5000 simulated swings, left does an average of 50 dmg per swing and the right 42.5 dmg per swing.

Therefore, left for bosses right for trash.

the one that does jack shit damage and slow but looks good

best answer.

This is actually correct. The main reason being that in the situation where you'd need a sword you really can't afford to roll multiple single digits in a row.

The rule of averages is empirically true, but is not the full story for a weapon.

>ok, this enemy would die in 3 swings, i better plan my dodges/blocks accordingly


He's feeling generous and wants to donate one of his swords to your faggot ass.

Which do you choose?

this. lady luck is a whore.


depends how 40 damage relates to enemies.

For example, assuming there's no damage reduction, if enemies had 80 health I'd want sword 2, it guarantees me a kill in 2 hits, sure sword 1 will 1 hit KO 20% of the time, but it will also have a 30.81% chance of taking at least 3 hits, and some of those will be 4 or 5 or 6 etc.

If there's no obvious breakpoint like that, I prefer the higher average damage of the 1-100.

right. less damage on average but knowing what you're working with shouldn't be underestimated

well that depends

Do you feel lucky, punk?

Right because fuck RNG

Left is
>guy who has a million saves on rogue likes and every one of them is on highest difficulty
>97% of the saves are files where he died within the first 4 floors of the dungeon
>the other 3% of saves are some insane high level
>on the highest one he claimed he threw a battle because he was tired of being god

While the right
>a handful of saves after he quit the game
>a mess of different characters but all generally using the same skill set he likes
>refuses certain gameplay elements like never using a certain item type like a mama potion on a Templar even though it gives everyone a basic speed boost as well
>his highest game he claimed he was defeated by a boss deep into the dungeon

Who are you Sup Forums

Neither because I don't have autism

>diceroll combat
I don't play trash games. Give me a game that tests actual skill rather than having the number generator play the game for me.

literally every game you'll ever play is full of dice rolls kiddo

>min acc on the right is 40 dps
>min acc on the left is 1 dps

the third one
>got gud and beat the game

this is how i play darksouls


>not being no enchantment master race

>hurrr but it's bad if you start considering this other crap!

Same type scenarios could be said for right sword too you fucking retard.

death and protean. curve the blade inside them from below, and kill them in 3 seconds or less.

Does the double hit from Ghost work with Poison? If so that.

Ghost + Curse
Enemy's next attack reduced by 75% is breddy good
Ether + Death
Literally overpowered if that counts.

Luna + Judgement.
Literally impossible to lose.
Death is probably 50% of Current HP

The first one, if you find a hard enemy you can reload until you get the rolls