It will be a commercial success due to casuals
We smash now!
It will be a commercial success due to casuals
We smash now!
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T-t-they can still change it even post-launch right?
Don't compare smash to this trash.
Whats dp mean? Double penetration? I think thats fair, shouldnt be able to hit someone twice in 1 move
great now my friends who are terrible at fighting games will love this.
I know my one idiot friend who loves SSB Brawl more than Melee will play this a ton and then complain using facebook statuses because even for it being so easy he'll still get butt-raped online. I'm actually looking forward to his social media cringe when this comes out.
>who loves SSB Brawl more than Melee
What does he find so fun about brawl?
So how is this game a real fighting game and Smash isn't?
>overly simplified controls
>2v2 doubles
>muh wave dashing
Literally the same game at this point.
I'm pretty sure there was an Auto mode in previous MvC titles, what's the source of this info?
shitendo killing more the gameindustry
Fuck oooooofffffffff.
Capcom made SFV specifically to pander to tourney autists which is why it flopped, the logical thing to do now is reverse the other way.
But you don't use items in competitive smash.
Probably tripping.
Or the fact that even the most braindead mouth breather on the history of the planet can destroy 90% of everyone else if they use the included "win the game" character (Meta Knight).
And that's before you learn about the really insane shit like being able to go invisible/invincible as long as you want.
This won't change much, DP is such a simple motion. It'll only effect extremely casual players who won't play the game for more than a week or two anyway. Literally pointless but does indicate how shit the game's gonna be overall.
I think you could already do that in another street fighter game, maybe SF4. Just with diagonal downforward twice instead of down twice. It wasn't listed as the standard input but it worked
But it's a $ony exclusive.
>already talking about 6 dlc characters before the roster is even fully fucking revealed.
Capcom has some serious balls. I'd almost call them based if I didn't hate them so much.
where is the source?
inb4 neofag
It will get worse
As a casual I don't like this because the inconsistency with other games for some moves will upset my OCD
The only thing that makes me shit at fighters anyway is I have trouble getting good at the games themselves, not the inputs, a monkey could learn the inputs
Good. DP motions were a bad idea when they were first introduced in Street Fighter 1
Fuck it, whenever I try to play a fighting game with my friends nobody really knows how to do anything anyway.
Video games are changing. Now the functionally retarded like myself can play. Why are you so mad?
I know some fighting games already use that instead of the traditional DP move
Doesn't Persona use that same layout for shoryu-esque moves?
I think Jewpuncher also uses this layout.
I know this feel.
but i just suggest Soul Calibur and it's usually good cause that game is braindead but manages to be a lot of fun with non-fgc people.
Do you really think this will change much for people who aren't too retarded to DP? Its just a retard friendly input, its not going to even the playing field in any way whatsoever now that some paste eater can finally mash DP like a slightly less retarded paste eater.
Yeah, just checked, Akatsuki does use that layout.
They removed down punch motions but not half circle or quarter circle motions?
Smash 4 Ryu Shoryuken use the classic input.
MVCI is more casual than smash.
First they came for the pirates, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a pirate.
Then they came for the key resellers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a key reseller.
Then they came for the heavy discounted buyers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a heavy discounted buyer.
Then they came for me—someone who merely wanted games to be on sale sometimes—and there was no one left to speak for me.
>I have MvC3 and friend has SoCalV
>Somehow he finds V weirder to play
foward, down, downfoward.
I think DP motion is traditionally seen as the most difficult
They changed the core mechanics long before they changed anything else. Like I said, its a pointless and shitty change but it doesn't actually change much. The game itself will be full of plenty of terrible choices that actually ruin it.
>in MvC2 skilled players who mastered the game and found the combos towered over inexperienced players
"Well we'll have to do something in this one to even the playing field, then. We'll simplify the control scheme and increase hitstun to make combos easier"
>in MvC3 combos were easier to make and perform, and as a result the skilled players dominated even more powerfully
"We should further simplify the inputs and execution to make it easier for casuals, what's the worst that could happen?"
I know your feels friend, they already destroyed my favorite genres now the retards won't leave my one and only alone, now they're coming for it too. Hope video games crashes once these retards are content for winning against """"elitists""""
Problem is muscle memory.
And since Marvel and SF players overlap, it would be hard constantly switching between SFV and MvCI doing DP motions.
Hadoken/("Fireball" attacks) = Forward, Forward+Punch
Shinkuu-Hadoken = Forward, Forward+2Punch
Skinning Bird Kick = Down/Back+Kick
so, how did Sup Forums react to MvC3, exactly like these past threads?
>They actually change the dp to down twice
>Casual friend comes over
>I suggest we play Mahvel since its casual friendly now
>"Bruh how do I do this move?"
>"Is it down twice because I have to hold it?"
>"Stop hitting me, I don't know how to play"
>"How am I supposed to hit down that fast?"
>"Man this shit boring let's do something else"
Capcom underestimates the power of Casuals.
>pointless and shitty change but it doesn't actually change much
To be fair, you can LMHS LMHS your way through 3 pretty easily. To play it really well is difficult, but you can't get quite as far in SC by mashing, which MvC3 practically encourages to the inexperienced.
So asking for someone who plays games like Akatsuki.
instead of down, down + punch can you also do downback downback + punch to get the dp in that game
To be fair, are DP motions even used that much in Marvel?
In MvC3 for example, i pretty sure you basically don't touch Ryu's Shoryuken.
Dude who leaked the entire game. You know, the one who revealed that there's no more mutants.
Less Shitendo, and more Capcom going full-retard and thinking that the only way to be successful is to dumb down everything. Like they tried with SFV controls (almost no hold motions and everyone uses similar motions otherwise for attacks).
That's going to fuck with me way too hard.
Like, I don't even care if they go the Persona route where it's all boiled down to quarter circles and the three buttons, but this is actually retarded and anyone who's been playing fighting games for longer than a year is going to fucking blow chunks at this game if there isn't another control scheme.
Fighting games were dead the second gaming became casualized anyway. I don't know why you expected them to survive as a bastion of elitism
>To be fair, are DP motions even used that much in Marvel?
As a person who plays a lot of Doctor Strange and Dante, yes you really do.
even in smash you can DP with the old motion\
Remember that time Ono said the SFV team wanted to make SFIII look like child's play and Ono shut them down?
yeah, we need to do something about him.
So this is bad because it messes with the meta and reflects a further change of babbing down the game systems?
DP motion is simple as it is, for people who aren't retarded this doesn't really effect anything. The only thing it really effects is people so stupid they can't do a DP motion. This isn't going to change how neutral works or combos or anything that actually matters. Wait and see how those were ruined.
Casuals will be turned off by the shitty fucking graphics
>the genre's difficulty comes from button inputs
>somehow this constitutes 'competitive'
calm down, caps makes you look like you needed this change
motherfucker I have been looking for this video for YEARS
The dumbest part is that it's going to do nothing. The things that draw normies in are all related to presentation. A large cast with a large variety of characters, things like World Tour mode or Chronicles mode from the Soul games. Fancy story modes.
Put that shit in the game and you'll draw in the casual audience far easier than you'd draw it in with retarded DP inputs that will ruin the game.
The guy who leaked the entire game recently.
Name one game that's difficulty isn't determined by button inputs.
Hardmode: no Tetris
it's a perversion of the things i hold dear
Seriously, my friends may not be able to DP but they don't give a shit.
Video games are dead. It's no fair if your favorite genre doesn't die with them.
Point & Clicks
Exactly, look at Rising Thunder for a game that tried to appeal to normies but nobody gave a shit about. Though I honestly hate Rising Thunder more for it's horrid artstyle where the robots look straight out of Dreamworks. Would love for an actual cybots sequel or spiritual successor too. That was just babbified street fighter cosplaying in robot costumes.
Harvest Moon
any tbs
Can i turn it back on? I have more trouble with double taps on my pad. I prefer the DP motion.
>Street Fighter is likely dead
>fighting games likely dead as well
>Metroid, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, all dead
>F-Zero dead as well
>futuristic racers, dead
>old school survival horror games dead
>old school parkour platformers like Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, dead
For what reason do I have to continue playing vidya?
I like Ace Attorney.
Taste that narrow can't be saved.
Does anyone else think this makes it harder? Hitting down twice feels slower than using the smooth dp motion.
all turn based games (no timing tied to input)
all strategy games (difficulty is in planning and decision making rather than reflex. championship level play, where both players have attained perfect mastery of the system, is the only point where reflex determines the winner)
all shooting games, including shmups (simple controls)
doing your mom (one input at a time per player, plus it's a 3v1 with my buddies)
Tell me what else is there, friend? :^)
I fucking hated She Hulk's runner stance in UMVC3, so yes.
>using normeibook, even just to laugh at other people's misforture
It will be harder for people who can actually do a DP. DP motion is a little bit tricky to learn but easy to master, this looks like the opposite.
Why should I? You obviously won't like anything else.
I assume this is because while they were testing it they were getting overlapping inputs. I had that problem doing 6C236C with chris in UMVC3, but by going right to neutral and doing 236 there was no problem.
so fuck you capcom
Those were all more or less my favorite genres or games.
There's plenty else I like, but it's just not the same.
Good. I don't have the time to spend the entire day to learn a single move.
I imagine it will be for people who find doing dp motions to be second nature. I know doing the awkard down, forward shit in MK9 felt clunky and shitty compared to a fluid a hadouken motion.
>Dude who leaked the entire game. You know, the one who revealed that there's no more mutants.
Sounds so weird, why would they change the dp input if there's already a easy mode.
>Street Fighter is likely dead
>fighting games likely dead as wel
Fuck off with this.
Theres a whole spectrum of other fighting games going strong.
How is this any different then SFIV's shortcuts?
Good. The difficulty from fighting games should be from having better game knowledge, decision making and reads than your opponent. Not some arbitrary input barrier.
>try to washdash
>try to crouch fierce
>try to hi-low mixup
dd+P is a dogshit input.
SF4 didn't remove the dp motion.
Down down punch is a replacement to DP motion
shortcuts where an alternative.
>going strong
>less online players combined than SF5
>tfw no less than a year ago I downloaded SF2 and forced myself to learn how to Shoryuken after never being able to do it as a kid
I'm not okay with this.
i agree with youbut there are still a few good games.
Try Axiom Verge, AM2R if you haven't, replaying Super with a new route, Hollow Knight (kinda), Valdis Abyssal Story.
Hyper Light Drifter if you can deal with it being more of ALTTP than Super. It's basically sci-fi metroid-style top-down zelda with guns.
Try Fast RMX, Redout, and GRIP
just a few suggestions
the good games still exist, it's just really really hard to find them.
I even found a good space sim and a good mech game last year, but your taste doesnt seem to need those.
there's just so much shit, it's hard to find the diamonds in the landfill.
go play chess or any other board game instead then. If it's pure twitch reactions then go play an FPS. Fighting games are shit if they don't have any execution barrier.
Please do not talk about fighting games anymore for it is now dead and it deserves a peaceful memorial.
Fuck Capcom.
With that attitude its no doubt.
You can still easily find matches in those games.
I mean you can always just jump into fightcade and get invited for a match in seconds