There is literally nothing wrong with Kotaku

As a gamer, Kotaku articles are generally very relatable to me as a PERSON.
>While songs do not get English subs in the game, all of them have English titles, so when my son shouts for the song names while I am playing I can say something other than “Katakana Squiggles.”
This is something I can see myself doing as I have a son that likes to play on my PS4. We both enjoy games like Persona 5 and Gravity Rush.
If you find yourself unable to enjoy Kotaku articles, you might be an emotionless bot.
>b-but shit writing!
There exists no such thing. Stop spreading this lie.

Other urls found in this thread:

here is your (you)

>As a gamer.
Stopped reading there.

>The gender gap is terrible
>Revolution 60 is a masterpiece
>It's okay to punch nazis
>Halo 3 is worst halo
>Gone Home is great
>Sexism os still in gaming

these are opinions. Are you saying no one can have them?

Not shitty opinions, no.

Yes you twat

do you people live in a third world country or something??

Yes, your moms asshole

I'm a burger, thank you.

I'll take that as a yes.

You're everything I hate about this hobby, fuck off.

Faggiest opening lines ever.


All right, I'll bite. Which writer is this? Pat?

>this user went this far, but couldn't finish editing the last two stories on the side

Lazy shit. Triggered as fuck.

I'm not a faggot but thanks for trying... :)

I'm not a writer, just a fan. I see Kotaku disrespected constantly on the interwebs but Sup Forums is the worst offender. I had to speak up.

enjoy your dying site, faggot

Did they really praise Revolution 60?

Hey don't reader to OP as a fag! He is a same gender lover not some tool gay white supremacist!

But OP, you're not a person you're just an anonymous shitposter on a Tuvaluan underwater debate team board.

Kotaku's been getting shit on since its inception. The internet has literally never respected it.

The only changes have been in what they do that's pissing people off.

You're either a writer, paid shill, or you doing it for free because you are a good goy who buys into blatantly false propaganda. Do you want a list of things kotaku has said that were objectively wrong?

I bet you want a big strong man to floof your hair like that before gently but firmly resting his hands on your shoulders signally you to get down on your knees and play videogames

truly the dark souls of journalism

It doesn't piss me off though so I guess some people are just different... maybe they are mindless bots like I said...?
Sure, why not? None of it is going to move my opinion.

And I'm sure you conveniently left out the part where they call Miku sexist trash.

Whats the dark souls of music, books, tv, and film.

>>b-but shit writing!
>There exists no such thing. Stop spreading this lie.
made me reply, here's your (You)

remember, sage bait threads

Regardless of it's politics it's mostly click bait garbage.

So unless youre a paid shill why are you telling us? No one is stopping you from viewing shitaku.

Just like you have opinions, the majority of Sup Forumss is that its shit tier writing. I know you wont convince me otherwise and i dont want to waste my time trying to change your view.

So stop making shit threads.

Wasn't kotako bought by a spic news network?

Why do they still exist?


More like, when the majority of the internet hates you from the start and thinks you're sensalistic, clickbaiting tabloid garbage, there's still going to be some trash on the fringe who loves your jerry springer antics.

It's ok to be low-brow trash user. I like fart jokes sometimes myself. But when you can't admit it's your thing and not everyone else's, it's you with the problem.


1) J.S. Bach
2) Finnegan's Wake
3) None, it's all shit
4) Citizen Kane

click bait


hey gais what's going on in this thread?

yea sure, and I have wings.

who is this

I'm gonna need source on this senpai.

If dark souls is the Citizen Kane of video games, then it deserves a little better than Bach

are you fucking deaf it says right there

damn those are some great tits
