Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix

Did they fix all the shit that went wrong like save crashing, random crashing, and shit just straight up not working like its supposed to? I wanted to pick it up but not if this shit isn't fixed.

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is the 1st one better than the 2nd? I only played the first one and thought it was okayish. do I need to play the card game one?

No. There's been no news on if they're going to patch the game in the future, either.

They patched some of it, but dunno if they patched all of it.

The second game blows the first out of the water. A couple things in the second wont make sense without playing RE:CoM, but they're not that important to understanding 2's story as a whole, so you can skip it if you want to.

Chain of Memories is required to udnerstand the story but it's gameplay isnt that enjoyable. KH2 is the best in the series and is worth getting through Chain of Memories to play.

Read a summary of chain of memories or watch it on youtube.

2's story is a clusterfuck that pretty much ruined any sense of coherency the series had. If you can turn your brain off you can have a grand old time.

Also, if you play ReCoM:

Only level up health once per level
Level up sleights at every opportunity, then prioritize CP.
Use a treasure room once per world if possible. Memorize your sleights and you can beat most duels just by spamming them.

They fixed most of the glitches, I think it's still possible for the save crashing to happen but it's extremely unlikely now.

I bought it and played through most of it, I haven't encountered any glitches so far.

Combat is better in 2, story in Re:CoM is the best out of all three.

Played through KH2 last week. Got the save crash twice.

Most things are fixed. You will never encounter the majority of the problems introduced by 60fps. Save crashing still happens but is much more rare.

Nope. But don't worry, I'm sure they'll fix it when they re-release them again for the inevitable complete collection once KH3 is out.

>blows the first out of the water
I feel like I'm the only one here who disagrees with this. I felt like the combat especially towards the end just go way over the top to the point of me wishing it'd just calm down and go back to the original KH style.
I didn't particularly like the story either. It, in some ways, lost the identity it established so well in the first game.

>Gummi trophy in KH2

This is oh so much fun.

No. Emulation is still #1.

No I agree with you, KH1 is still my favorite. KH2 simultaneously streamlined the gameplay and clusterfucked the story.

>specially made a sleight deck
>arranged all of the cards in sequence so I can use sleights and strong magic one after another.
>lavish this deck with all of my best cards
>get to final level
>Neoshadows only have 0's and 9's
>get completely shut down, every time.
the hardest I've ever rage quit a game. I'll eventually finish the game after I rearrange my other decks, but holy shit...

The story in KH2 is shitty, I agree. Having played all of the games, KH1 has the best story in every way, characters, writing whatever. But the gameplay is almost intolerably janky. The lock-on is a joke, the balancing is terrible, and its got some of the worst level design I've seen in an RPG flat-out. Whereas I think purely on a gameplay level KH2 might be my favorite ARPG ever, it's just so genuinely fun to play.

I think if they remade KH1 with 2's gameplay and touched up the levels, it wouldn't be possible to top it.

I played the originals on PS2 (not Re:COM but I played most of COM on the GBA). What does Final Mix add? I know that in KH2 you get a bunch of sweet rematches against Org13, does the Final Mix version of the first game add any new bosses?

New abilities, enemies and a secret boss fight against Xemnas

The first final mix doesn't really offer much, it's mostly just a lot of heartless reskins and a few new cutscenes. You can get two new keyblades from the Ice Titan and Sephiroth fights.

The only big thing it adds is another optional boss fight with the Mysterious Figure (Xemnas) in Hollow Bastion. KH2FM added way more.

All things considered, it DID add a lot for Japan.

The original Japanese release of KH1 didn't have the Phantom, Kurt Zisa, Ice Titan and Sephiroth fights, so the Final Mix was the first time the japs got to experience those

1FM adds a new boss and keyblades
2FM adds Critical Mode difficulty and a bunch of other shit including a pretty sweet boss fight after you beat the game.

Well yeah, the western release had way more than the original Japanese release.

Exact same as you my bro. Played the whole fucking game until that stupid bullshit ending section where they can just break everything you have. Can't even use room clearing abilities either because of the magic absorbers. I just watched the ending rather than slog through that awful section. Never going back, it's just not worth it.

Finally finished 1.5 and got started on KH2 today. The memories are great.

>You will never encounter the majority of the problems introduced by 60fps
Even on Critical?

>They fixed most
This ignorance is ridiculous so many weeks after launch. All they fixed was gauges that filled out empty too fast due to 60 FPS, of which there are still some messed up gauges, and they extended quick run to be closer to the 30 FPS distance.

Sound clips still don't play, save crashing and much more rarely, save corruption still occur, and many parts of the game are wonky due to 60 FPS physics, not to mention being less stable than the PS3 versions, I've had crashes with literally no reason behind them

Difficulty settings make no difference to the 60fps problems, how would they?

He's wrong, the only 60 FPS issues fixed were some gauges and quick run, physics still cause issues in various fights like Axel, Roxas and Lingering Will and also cause other issues like Final Form Firaga both dealing less damage and draining more of the drive form to use

Sucks for you then. I didn't encounter a single glitch in 1 or 2.

You did actually, as some of them have a 100% occurrence rate, if you don't notice them then good for you, but spreading ignorant disinformation isn't something you should be doing. In fact 1 and 2 are the most affected by the physics and port bugs compared to BBS and CoM

I can attest to this. For some wacky reason in kh 1 I crashed 4 times in Agrabah while opening chests and in kh 2 I've had the save crash happen twice.

If you feel you must get this game be sure to upload your save data every now and then to the PlayStation servers. You really don't wanna lose your progress to save corruption

Listening every bug still in these shitports in a video would be feature-length. My favorites are the 60fps cutscenes in KH2 and the pirate ship Heartless in Neverland having no sound effects in KH1.

>tfw haven't crashed at all in any of the games

Don't forget most of the time physical finishers in KH1 literally don't make noise or are so muffled you can barely hear them compared to the original thanks to the port

I haven't had this problem at all and I just got done platting KH1.

KH1 unresolved problems: 1.02 didn't fix any of this shit. Don't let fanboys apologize for Square's laziness.

-Randomly dropped or diminished sound effects. Frequently, when hitting or being hit by an enemy, no sound effect is produced. This is very disorienting, especially in large mob fights as you can't 'feel' if your hit connected or not. This also extends to Gummi ship guns and certain enemy attacks simply producing no sound if too many other sound effects are playing around them. Other sounds also cut each other off unnaturally, such as the sound effect when hitting the Dragon.

-Hercules' sword spin move instantly makes him dizzy and ends. The attack no longer exists as intended, where he spins around the arena.

-The ending cutscene before the CG sequence where Simple and Clean is played: Kairi's theme is cut off by the fast load and does not finish as intended.

-Sephiroth's meteors spin far faster than they should, to the point of comedy. Video (Bizkit047's):

-The final boss of Hollow Bastion's first visit, Riku-Ansem: His multi-teleport ("Behold the power of darkness") attack is double speed and ends too quickly to be as dangerous as was intended on PS2.

-Wakka has a "weak arm" and can't hit you at distances he could on PS2, as his ball falls to the ground faster at 60fps.

-Rare crash: If Simba is out and the fight you're playing ends in a fade to black (rescuing Aladdin), Simba jumping during the fade-out will cause the game to crash.

-Yuffie's name is misspelled in the credits.

KH2 unresolved problems:

-The game randomly crashes when attempting to save, but doesn't save before crashing, so you have to replay everything from your last save. One player even reported it deleting their saves. This is very rare, but possible. It's thought that saving more frequently, like every time you enter a room with a save point, prevents it but we have no conclusions.

-The final boss of the game, Xemnas, doesn't present his "Reversal" reaction command ("You shall go together") sometimes, dropping it at least once each time the aerial sequence is run, so you randomly get hit as he teleports around you.

-The final boss of the Pirates of the Caribbean second visit, Grim Reaper: The chest reaction command doesn't deposit all of the coins you have at once like intended

-In Timeless River, the city's gun tower reaction command misses because of 60fps. Sora tries to jump on the tower and misses if he uses the RC too close to the tower. Workaround is to only use it when some distance from the tower, not right next to it.

-The Heal Stomp RC also misses.

-Various bosses are missing dialogue and sound effects. As enemies can't be heard unless they are nearby in this release, some quotes are muted by distance (Dragon Xemnas's screaming can't be heard because you're too far away from him). Others drop for no discernible reason: Jafar's "The world is mine to control" being the most obvious. The gummi ship missions are also very quiet because of the 3D sound almost muting explosions. Simply playing the original title on PS2 side by side with the PS4 port would reveal how many sound effects don't play or can't be heard. This is a different problem from KH1, as the sound effect drops in KH2 are reliable and predictable, and not nearly as noticeable outside the gummi ship. Video (Bizkit047's):

Sorry friend but that's an objective issue with the port actually, that's not something that you can not experience, you can not notice it or ignore it for sure, but it happens incredibly frequently, and any amount of basic testing shows this

More KH2 shit:

-Because of 60fps, enemies/bosses are not thrown as far back by attack finishers, and can retaliate in ways not intended on PS2, resulting in unfair player death. The Lingering Will's punch move also breaks through Sora's guard (the ability 'Guard') and hits him because of 60fps, unlike on PS2. With EXP Zero that's instant death.

-If a cutscene plays immediately after a text-box dialogue sequence, it will run at 60fps. Happens in Roxas intro, Olympus, Halloween Town, Pirates.
Relatively Minor KH2 Issues:

-Rare Gameplay Crashes: During the final boss of Halloween Town's second visit, The Experiment: If you perform the reaction command to throw its body, but die before touching the ground, the game will consistently crash. The bag minigame in Roxas's story can also crash the game, as well as dying under certain conditions against Xigbar. All three of these exist in 2FM on PS2 and are extremely rare, but they should have been fixed by now. It's been 10 years. Experiment crash video (Bizkit047's):

-The english voices in Final Mix cutscenes (the new ones) are noticeably more compressed than the ones recorded back in 2005. No idea why, and they probably can't fix it, but it's a thing. Some cutscenes in the collection are also PS2 quality because they were pre-rendered in their original releases. 1000 Heartless intro in KH2, and supposedly some scenes in the secret episode of BBS are prerendered, low res and full of jaggies. Again, probably nothing they can do about it past redoing them entirely.

-Some things are still 30fps. Shadow heartless, particle effects coming off your keyblade, the background enemies in 1000 heartless, etc. I'm not positive, but final Xemnas's ending laser barrage RC sequence also looked like 30. They're not going to fix this, it's just ugly.

if ive never played a kingdom hearts should i get this?

>The Lingering Will's punch move also breaks through Sora's guard

No it doesn't. The way the move works now is he stops forward momentum before he goes through you so the move will hit when your guard ends.
In PS2 he would go past you so you wouldn't get hit.
Basically now all you do is dodge roll after you guard. Its pretty easy.

They fixed the horrible Vexen fight, that's about it
Crashes from the PS3 version still exist, save crashing still exists, broken RCs are still broken, the new broken gold coin chest RC is still broken and of course all the missing sound effects in both KH1 and 2
The only game that is basicly perfect is ReChain

You're not alone, after replaying both of them i enjoyed 1 more, even though i thought 2 was better originally.

>The only game that is basicly perfect is ReChain

Which sucks because that game is garbage.

Ah, I was vaguely referencing what Bizkit talked about, and that's sort of what I meant. He can hit you even if you guard it, and that it didn't happen on PS2.
ReCoM supposedly has a messed up boss sleight on Vexen, but literally who else is testing that shit game?

>using complex strats
>leveling up anything but health
>not having a deck to just brute force through floors
>not having a deck full of 0's to cheese bosses
It's like you wanted to make the game harder on purpose

I'll gladly play it over KH1 and it has the best story of all the games

>S-rank all the Gummi missions in KH2 except for a handful of hard ones in one, long ass sitting
>I should probably save because it's easy to forget to doing this
Haven't picked it up since.

Chain of Memories plot: gang of nobodies in black coats trap Sora in their dungeon to erase his memories and turn him into their keyblade tool but Kairi's nobody who has magic witch powers over Sora's memories decides that's bad so she betrays them and after Sora kills the black coats he gets into a pod and Namine fixes his memories. Done.

Also Riku shows up and kinda conquers his inner darkness but not really.

2 as a whole is better but "blows it out of the water" is overlooking a lot good things about KH1 that KH2 just misses.

CoM is good.
Re:CoM is fucking awful.
Learn the difference.

>a lot good things about KH1
>good things


Again, i'll gladly play it over KH1, even BBS. I never said that it's amazing

What's wrong with KH1? BBS I understand, but KH1 had some pretty good fights.

>KH1 had some pretty good fights.

No it didn't. All fights in KH1 are hampered by the shitty controls.

Good fight concepts, non of the fights were actually good imo. While all the super bosses are cool, they're wasted potential

What aspects are shitty?

>solid gameplay that can be improved upon without making it a frantic mess of AoE attacks like KH2 did
>bosses dont arbitrarily decide when to be vulnerable
>Atlantis isn't a rhythm minigame and Ariel isn't TOTALLY fucking retarded
>Hollow Bastion still holds up as a GOAT level in KH1
>platforming isn't "level up your drives to do this"
>what's happening in the story and the worlds feels like it had stakes to it and doesn't have weird melodrama like Xemnas, Xehanort-Riku, and Ansem the Wise edging it up and Sora isn't just going around looking for his friend and happening to find the magic plot item but actually trying to close the world keyholes so that the Heartless can't eradicate these worlds
DESU senpai I think you're just a salty shitter who has some dumb frustration with KH1 that makes you think it sucks.

Chain of Memories is one of my favorite games. If you can't get into the card system then just play it on easy mode so you can experience the story.

The platforming, the combat, the camera.
There is literally nothing good about KH1's controls.

....this b8...
It must be darkness.

I've been trying to get through KH1 so that I could move on to 2 but holy crap this game hasn't aged well. Everything is clunky and the beginning of the game is so damn boring.

Everything is responsive and fluid. Button mappings make sense and input is immediately translated to action. Sora is easy to control and you almost always know what's happening. The worst control issue are the flying/swimming levels so I'd give you those. Hook's ship also gets super cramped.

>Everything is responsive and fluid

Are you kidding?
Am I being rused?

You'll need to be more specific unless you just want to jack off.

Got hit by the save glitch once in 40 hours of gameplay in KH2, thankfully it was only 30 minutes since I had last saved. Real frustrating though. The improvements over every other version of the game make up for it.

>60 fps meme ruined a fucking PS2 port

How about how nothing in KH1 is smooth or fluid.
That is the complete opposite of the controls.
The controls are clunky and non-responsive.
Sora feels like he has lead plates in his shoes.

the Grim Reaper thing I swear has always been that way, or at least since the PS3 release. It has admittedly been a while since I played 2FM on PS2.

This has been my experience with KH1 as well

Square ruined the port by not giving a shit, not 60fps.
Grim Reaper really isn't a big deal. Final Xemnas and save crashing are the main ones. KH1's biggest problem is sound effects. If those three things could be fixed, I'd sort of forgive Square.

You're describing DDD, where he's glued to the ground. Sora has proper physics in KH1 and never eats your jump inputs.

Yes, because you won't know the difference. It's the definitive way to play the games now and autists are just complaining about missing sound effects

It's autism when I can't tell if I hit an enemy in a crowded mob fight because the sound effects dropped?

yes, git gud

>"Hurr durr how can I possibly know if I hit an enemy without sound effects?"
If only there were huge fucking stars and recoil by the enemies to provide visual cues. How are you this retarded

Yeah, final Xemnas was disappointing. To anyone who doesn't know, just use Session during that move as soon as you get dropped to avoid getting rolled. Shouldn't have to work around an issue in the final boss of the game but eh.

>60fps affects in-game physics

I didn't realize this was even a thing, I just thought it was a display thing, but it does finally make sense in a way.

No shit I can tell visually, but the disconnect is jarring and stupid. You know your hit connected from the audio before your eyes see it happening.

Replaying KH2 and I'm still mad that Gaston got passed over again. Literal Beast's fucking Castle world and we fight a random Heartless monster.

Well Gaston DOES show up in KH.

Just in the mobile game though.

>Sora has proper physics in KH1 and never eats your jump inputs

This is sarcasm right?

in ideal situations in game physics aren't actually tied to the displayed framerate like this, I just think nobody on the KH teams ever expected the game to have to run at anything above 30. There's a lot of things that they clearly had to hard code to work in this version and it makes sense that they missed a few. You can see alternate ways of making it work in stuff like the original Bioshock 2 port for PC, where the physics are still running at 30 while the rest of the game is at 60+ and it looks awful.

No, I've been playing the game for years and never fucking noticed. You're just bad, I'm sorry. Sora is not clunky, people just suck at KH1.

it has to be, Sora controls like ass in KH1. I'll never understand the KH1 is better than KH2 meme.

tell me senpai

>I'll never understand the KH1 is better than KH2 meme

Nostalgia is a helluva drug.