Is Alpha Protocol any good?
Is Alpha Protocol any good?
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it's aight
Pistol is the best weapon. One of the best RPGs I've played despite technical problems.
Like a lot of obsidian's games, it's pretty buggy but if you can get past that there's a really great RPG underneath it all
minus the russian embassy mission I fucking hate that one FUCK
Buggy RPG with a somewhat "...Huh?" plot, has some bad gameplay ideas (Whoever decided that a motherfucking spy game needs shutguns needs to be castrated) and some good ideas too, like multiple ways of solving/getting what you need to advance.
Plus waifus and husbandos.
It's a super buggy mess with some janky gameplay but when you get used to it it's a rollercoaster of fun wacky shit where the choices actually matter for once.
If you like pick a path to adventure books sure.
If you like video games not so much.
It's a bad game that has some cool ideas, that are poorly executed by Obsidian.
>great cast
>conversation system
>choices that actually matter
>general gameplay
>mini games
Pretty much everything else just sucks. Could have been a good game if Obsidian was actually competent at finishing games.
>Alpha Protocol
God, you fags are delusional. It is a classic 5/10 game at its very best. It can be fun, but it has a lot of fucking issues......A LOT!
It's a janky, buggy piece of shite. Still, it's one of my favourite games ever because of the insane reactivity and some fun gameplay elements.
Scarlet is best girl
Play on Easy, spec Stealth, put points into pistols for bosses, never find out why he doesn't like mountains
No. It's frustrating as fuck. I dropped it within a half hour.
Objectively it is a terrible videogame, but it's also really great.
No way fag
It's okay if you don't use the pistol. If you do it's one of the easiest FPS on the planet.
No, the game feels woefully unfinished and the gameplay is all of the worst things about me1 with cover-based shooting., the story is mostly incoherent or pointless and despite the rational guess that it should get better after the middle east segment it never does.
The gameplay is 99% terrible combat, and 1% meaningless conversations with laughable dialog where you're just farming for positive reputation.
Dropped it after I realized you couldn't romance Sis.
Came back two years later and beat the game. Still bitter as fuck about Sis but the game, especially with certain endings, is very satisfying.
This game feels like a job.
You do your shitty job, only to come back to your office where they have to talking to people you don't know and don't care about, answer some emails, before you need to run back into the field for 3 hours of unadulterated grind.
When I played it I tried it on a stealth approach but that was terrible. I expected something like Deus Ex but nope stealth was just ass and ai isn't any good either.
So I played it like a fps instead and it was ok.
Pretty linear maps and gameplay isn't anything new.
Dialogue options are ok, character progression was pretty cool from what I remember
Hacking minigame is terrible.
overall i'd say it's worth 5 bucks, gives you some 10+ hours of entertainment. There's better stealth games and there's better fps games out there though, that's for sure.
It's certainly not mediocre, no other game does the dialogue wheel this good and with meaning, as opposed to Bioware games and Fallout 4 where it leads to the same shit. The story is told well and doesn't pretend to be more than it is. This is a 7/10 at the absolute best.
The only issues for his game are the shit animations, unbalanced gameplay and overall bugs.
If you got frustrated when playing Alpha Protocol, I assume life must be very difficult.
>Objectively it is a terrible videogame
If you think you can call a game objectively bad because of bugs, notice that you shouldn't even be able to play the game due to the bugs when you call it objectively bad.
You can apply that to any RPG ever. Go back to /r/games please.
>This is a 7/10 at the absolute best.
nah mate it's a really average game
boss fights are trash, there's no depth to the combat/stealth, ai is bad, and it's buggy
>boss fights are trash, there's no depth to the combat/stealth
Ya, that's what unbalanced gameplay means. The boss fights are ruined because of the pistol. The depth is as far as giving you multiple options of what to specialise in; again that is ruined by being unbalanced. Stealth is as complicated as being hidden or seen, which is typical.
The AI is only slightly more sophisticated than a Call of Duty game, and that isn't a compliment. But AI is hard to get right in any game ever.
yeah real cool specs
"better gun type A or better gun type B or better surviability"