Other urls found in this thread: as model vehicles to advance theories of population and community ecology.pdf


Except you can artificially increase your STR through chemicals
And then you use points to raise DEX


What's going on here?


>calls DEX "STR"
>calls SPD "DEX"
itt: op doesn't know his stats

False. You have a limited amount of points to distribute regardless how you obtain them
>tarantulacucks forced to build turrets so they won't get their home invaded and either be eaten or forced to move into a cuck shed under a rock as the scorpionbro lives in their home as model vehicles to advance theories of population and community ecology.pdf
>spidercucks time and time again forced to leave habitats because scorpionbros live there
>spidercucks forced to pay alimony to wasps that specifically target them in the form of getting themselves eaten by not just another male's young, but another species's male
>spiders are this cucked

Some potions can easily give rather long lasting + STR boost

>ripping limbs off

scorpionbros please show us the way


Grasping those limbs in the first place was hella dexterous.

And he's snipping them not ripping them.

>start shit
>get hit

Are cockroaches strength or dex?

>chopping off limbs isn't STR

dex and res


everyone knows the alpha arachnids are solifugae/camel spiders

>1 with high strength vs a few weaklings with high dex

>implying SPD builds have ANY DEF
>implying his limbs aren't just BEGGING to be knocked off by even the weakest ATK

Survival 99

>shhhhhh no tears, only dreams now
every time

why are scorpions are so fucking OP, who ever thought they were balanced in any way

>no insect fighting game where you build your fighter and lose bits during battle and keep on truckin like a mech game

I never knew how much I wanted to see this

While I actually agree this is a poor example as many scorpions make spiders their primary prey. that's not necessarily an example of strength so much as natural selection. Look at how quickly that venom put out the spider - it's probably quite specifically designed to kill spiders.

You'd see the same response with spiders and centipedes - centipedes are often arachnid killers by preference as well. What'd be more interesting it centipedes and scorpions - some of the more exotic centipedes are like land borne pistol shrimps with fucking poison.

>implying scorpions aren't STR/DEX

>that one guy who grinded for so long he can take on raid bosses by himself


... Andj ust out of curiosity I look it up and find this!

Cockroaches are VITfags

But who gives a fuck? INT is the master race anyway.

I was hyped for the centipede getting cut in half. Disappointing

min maxing fags

Roaches are like peasants in HOMM.

They aren't good but there's so fucking many of them.

>Not just maxing VIT and resistances

>implying tardigrades are VIT rather than being able to toggle infinite VIT for no other stat working