ITT: Strange Artifacts

ITT: Strange Artifacts

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Nobody cares that you wasted $1500+ on stupid shit. This isn't your blog.

>Autist this buttmad that he didn't get the deal of the century

How do you think his life will end?

He will die when he adopts his true form. A being of horrific power that can not be called a living creature.

I have to wonder if the people who document and covert anything to do with CWC are equally or more so autistic then he is.

I thought this was charged back?

are u the retard who bought it for 2000$ on ebay?

In a puddle of his own filth

septic shock due to his "vagina" that grew in

he becomes a dark souls sewer boss

hey m8 if it is you pls post an entire albums worth of pics and angles of the totem for shopping purposes

If he has $2000 more than you to blow on garbage, I wouldn't be calling him a retard, retard.

I bet Chris just went and bought a bunch of lego sets with that money

nice try, faggot

You understand that you will never recoup your investment on that and you now just have an ugly piece of shit with no value that you can't even display to anyone but the most retarded Sup Forumsfags, right?

>walk into dark sewer
>no music, no light besides your torch
>no choice but to push on forward
>suddenly a distorted Gwyndolin theme sung completely off pitch starts playing

That should be a texture mod.

>the odor that thing probably lets off

I recently re-watched all of the shit he's done through the years and I think one of these days we're going to come on Sup Forums, hear some Sonic music playing through out the day and see the sticky reporting the death of Chris-Chan by his own hands. The worse part won't be that he was killed in a crash, that he committed suicide or that he died from some sickness. You'll go in remembering his legacy of austronomical accomplishments and find that he died by something incredibly retarded. I don't know what that may be, but you'll laugh about how absurd a death may be.

>trust fund babbies and neets living off the government are more retarded than people who work for their money and know the value of a dollar

Simply, no.

Why do we constantly bully and tourture this poor guy???

>poor guy
You have barely taken a step in the Chris Chan lore
This shit is too good. Needs to be on netflix

How much radiation defense does it give you?

750$ on Skylanders actually, and a 400$ necklace for barb


Holy fuck that's still a thing?

>tfw Altus will never release a DLC CWC Palace mission where you fight your way through CWCVille


What happens when he dies? How long will the mourning go on? Do you think you'll change your life at all because of it?

>Sup Forums road trip to his funeral

It would be the biggest thing to happen in forever


I'll bring a jar of pickles

The end of an era. A new king of autism must be chosen for Sup Forums

How will tomorrow go? Will I do well?

Will I get laid on my date next weekend?

don't you mean
>of the centruery

What will happen to Chris when Barb dies?

When the world is destroyed by a nuclear bomb, this thing won't even have a fucking scratch on it.

Will I get laid on my date next weekend?

Everyone better paint their arms blue.

What happened to the shirt he was trying to sell? The last bid was 25,100$ did someone really pay for it?