Using Buffs/Debuffs every turn

>using Buffs/Debuffs every turn
>have Bufu on three Demons
>still can't win

Him and Medusa are the only difficult bosses
After them only David and Beelzebub are difficult
The rest of the game is a cakewalk

Casual filter

Anyone who played SJ. now git gud.

>beat Minotaur entirely by luck because my fire weak demon would keep dodging, I don't even know why, maybe it had Sakukaja or something
I feel like I've cheated,

David gave me a lot of trouble, but oddly enough the giant earth demon at the public office has been my greatest struggle so far.

That and getting cheap-shot on occasion by regular enemies.

You must be lying, unless Walter decided to tag along. All you need to win is a demon with bufu and keep your defense buffs up.

OP here, I just wrecked him. I'm a big kid now.

Getting cheap-shot is inevitable because Smirk is a shit mechanic

Did they get rid of smirk in apocalypse?

I found Pluto to be pretty difficult because of that damn almighty move that poisoned your entire party.

It's literally just a matter of luck. Whether or not his misses you, whether or not he crits. If you've got media, buffs/debuffs and ice attacks you can only keep retrying until you win cause there's not much else that can be done. Same thing with Matador in Nocturne, casual filter bosses are much more luck based than later game bosses it's ridiculous

Nope, they got rid of the "whole party gets smirk they get fully healed" but now there are skills that have additional effects when you are smirking so in theory it got better

>Mem Aleph

Did you make sure to unlock scrub mode?

Minotaur's pretty luckbased sure, but Matador's straight party building and buffing mechanics

>Matador's straight party building and buffing mechanics

That's true right up until he starts spamming Andalucia and leaving your debuffs on instead of wasting a turn to cancel them. At that point it is basically the same as Minotaur with his stupid fucking Labrys strike where the key to winning is hope you get a few dodges and he doesn't crit.

If he's debuffed he's gonna miss a shitload, evasion buffs are crazy good in Nocturne


Now beat medusa :^)

>he thought the dark souls of persona would be easy.

Persona baby detected.
Wanna know the tip to beat him?
It's SMT so pray to the RNG God for mercy

Playing through SMT IV for the first time, and is it just me or do evasion buffs feel like they don't do shit? I could stack it 3 times and I still get hit for days

because it is baby's first SMT, you are beneath a 4baby, 4fetus.
Merk can be an asshole because of the time limit. I'm still livid that so many bosses were cut just to be DLC. Neutral ending's true final boss is even fucking DLC

Both Devil Survivor games are easier than IV.

Try them out for size if you keep sucking.

>bought SMT at launch with the book and everything
>got as far as reviving the god by getting some hope Sphere or something
>just last night pick it up and go to purgatoriom and kick the shit out of you know who
>now I gotta go kill the main demon
How much longer til I'm done and can play Apocalypse? I bought that at launch too but haven't started it due to being busy and autistic about finishing 4

He taunt you before spamming Adalucia. It's basically a DPS race at that point

If your party have max Sukukaja he's going to miss

It is babbys first SMT.

You kill ayy lmao and it's over
You can play apocalypse already

You're at the last boss once you go through his dungeon.

But I would suggest fighting the DLC bosses if you can stomach their absurd costs. They're the best fights in the game.

Not OP but I am having more trouble in DeSu than in IV because it's my first SRPG

How deep is that final dungeon? I'm at the entrance. Got lots of reflect spells that I've been abusing.

I hope you like teleporter puzzles

One large annoying puzzle room, then a fairly limited teleportation hall. It will probably take you about 2 hours, boss fights included.

Not doing that as a light treat before bed then. Got it.

>SMT4 """"dungeons""""
almost as laughable as Persona 3 and 4 """""dungeons""""