
How would Sup Forums feel about a 3d remake/continuation of the Megaman Battle Network series on the current consoles.
Would it not be god teir?
Fuck me it gets me hard. Megaman.EXE is one of my favorite characters and i enjoy the games so much.

Does anybody think that an updated playstyle with new graphics WOULDNT be amazing?

I need it.

I liked these games a lot when I was younger. I think I would like to play it again without those nostalgia goggles as a new game on console/PC. I remember I never beat the final boss because I wasn't good at games, and am still shit at them today.

>posting worse cybeast

Birb pokemon.exe is just a discount copy of a badass bug wolf. Also, I want this.

Capcom should've released a collection for the 3DS with added online and believe, it would've been godly. Too bad they don't give a fuck about Megaman anymore.

Hell, just as Megaman Starforce got the best game if the series with Black Ace/Red Joker they decide to just can it forever. Operation Shooting Star was fucking awful too.

So yeah, there's no hope OP.

I'm guessing because Star Force exists by "3D" you mean a free-form 3D game. If that's the case; I'm pretty sure the appeal of the Battle Network games would be up in the air without a rigid grid-based system to properly position attacks. I mean look at Network Transmission.

>all those typos

Man, I need some sleep

Battle Network is one of those 2000's series that would have lended themselves really well to mobile, if only freemium wasn't the only option devs went for.

If they brought busting, in its original form from the games, as a smart phone app it'd be pretty cool. Also, I'd prefer a real game of the series

How do you invision a new game playing like? I don't think much needs to be changed other then how encounters show up.

I think having more customization options for battlechips, armor, buster, and that grid upgrade thing would be great. It would require having a not shit upgrade tree but making stupid custom battlechips sounds like fun in my head.

It will always amuse me Falzer was ultimately an anti-virus gone horribly wrong.


Not from Capcom, I don't care how much your 5 year old self is over imagining about how "super totally awesome"'that WOULD be.

I want BN to either stay dead or get a collection pack of the original games, than to see Capcom pick it back up and smash it into the ground like a piece of glass.

Y'know what I'd have liked?

Cross game compatibility for vs modes.

I'm pretty sure the only way to make Capcom more gunshy about making a Mega Man game is to pitch it as a "3D Mega Man game".

Legends might've hit Player's Choice on the PS1 back when the threshold was 150,000 but they still act like the series was a catastrophe of funds.
Those 2.5D remakes didn't do hot enough to warrant sequels.
Maverick Hunter, MMU and MMO was cancelled.
Even the game staff doesn't like to remember the last few X games...

Whoa, hey guys. I'm here to save mega man gaming.

How many of these games have fridge levels? I remember that happening a lot for some reason.

The first and second one have ice levels. I don't remember what the rest had.

No, you're here to delude yourself and other people with an idea that will never happen.

Enjoy the Megaman cartoon, premiering sometime soon on Cartoon Network 7/8pm Cental.

t. Not a Capcom Rep.'re pretty savage

I'd be more than happy with them in the original graphics but maybe higher res sprites. the sprite work did the games justice.I would absolutely fucking love another game but a change in the art like that is the last thing that comes to min-FUCKING PLEASE I NEED BATTLE NETWORK WITH NORMAL ONLINE FEATURES.

I'm sorry. But with the announcement that the cartoon is now going on air, Marvel vs Capcom Infinte being the next big Capcom bomb, and quite afew other things like BoF sequel being a mobile game, I can't have anything happening to this spinoff series that's still safe and sound.

>tfw Megaman is dead

And players too. Even when devs put out non-freemium games they don't sell because people would rather pay a hundred bucks in a game one dollar at a time in microtransactions than pay five bucks for a full game.

There's an user already working to remake the first Battle Network in 3D.

Isn't it just a remake of the battle system and not the full game?

It's going to be the whole game, he's just working on the battle system first.
That's kind of the meat of it, y'know?

>Tfw I don't mind because Battle Network had a conclusion

Maybe if Megababies didn't act like such autistic asshats and sucked the conman's dick so much we would still be getting games. Nice job making Capcom hate you by standing together with a hack and even going down with him.
Now Capcom is still fine and well, while we get no Megaman games. Pride came before the fall.

Source? The FAQ page for the project doesn't say anything about remaking the whole game, just the battle system.

That already exists, it's called Starforce

>tfw Megaman isn't dead
I just want him to have a peaceful rest. But now they're digging up his corpse and using it for a cartoon.

Remake? No thanks.

Continuation? YES PLEASE.

It was my dream to get a new BN game of Lan in college, while I was in college. I graduated, but I am debating grad school. I expect a new BN to be announced by the time I decide what to do with my life come Fall.