Will it ever happen Sup Forums?
Will it ever happen Sup Forums?
I hope not at this point. They would fuck it up beyond all belief.
>female black lesbian protagonist
It'll be packaged with Half Life 3 and Duke Nukem Forever
Of course not
>Will it ever happen Sup Forums?
This is how you spot a phone poster.
So what is Blizzard going to do when they run out of WoW money?
>Run out if WoW money
The story has been fucked up beyond comprehension so no, unless Blizz pretty much retcons the entirety of WoW
hearthstone is warcraft 4
What would it even be about? They've revealed their hand with the Void Lords, And there's no way they wouldn't handle that in WoW, so whats left?
Hearthstone is making more money then WoW atm.
Also its Activisionblizzard and not just blizzard.
They have enough money to buy EA if they want.
>Sup Forums sees sjw boogeymen in literally imaginary games
they STILL have 10 million subs to WoW
But that game is based on Warcraft, they would have to make a new Warcraft game to expand the lore, even if it's not Warcraft IV, maybe it's something like WoW 2.
technically hearthstone is expanding the lore
I have always wondered about how do you experience the story in a MMO with like 10 expansions, do I have to invest 500 hours to know what the fuck is going on in Warcraft now?
Don't play MMO's for the story
Bathe in Overwatch lootbox money and Hearthstone bux
never. Warcraft fans are MMO players now.
There's an assload of stuff you can't even do anymore.
he's done his damage
all those retarded raid bosses in WoW
the creation of the void lords just to have "more powerful fantasy adversaries"
blizzard completely fucked up with the lore