Why is the combat so shit?

Why is the combat so shit?

It's not in Death March.

I don't think it's shit its just not fun at all.

Witcherdrones will tell you you're not playing on the hardest difficult but it still fucking sucks with the garbage bamham combat and spamming the same spell in evey encounter

shit game

It's just a movie bro

It's shit on Death March too

You spec'd your character wrong and are spamming the light attack button while playing on one of the easier difficulties. It's your own fault for being a moron.

1. The movement is some of the worst I've ever seen in a video game. You slide everywhere and it feels awful.
2. That fucking combat stance.


The only times I've had fun with the combat in this game was very earl Death March before my character became OP and when facing something significantly higher level than me. Unfortunately, I am an autist who just had to do every side quest, meaning I was fighting stuff that was far lower level than me for 90% of the game.

It really isn't that bad

They used to rely on QTEs and are only now putting some effort into combat.
They should improve as they start to learn more about gameplay.

It's not. You just have to make an effort to use variety and keep it flowing and not repetitive. Just like in Ryse.

If you do pacifist run. Oh wait, you can't, it's not an actual RPG.

Play something else then

Witcher has always had shitty combat.

And somehow Witcher 3 managed to make it worse.

>pacifist run

Why the fuck would you want to do that?

Why don't they copy Dragon's Dogma? Game would have been absolute goat

This desu

I somehow made it half-way through Witcher 2
Then I just couldn't take the boring and pointless combat anymore

Witcher 1 was even worse
Dropped it after a few hours of Mouse1 QTEs

>Witcher 1 was even worse
>max out Igni
How did they let that slip through testing?

I don't think they cared much then, and they still don't.

You're bad at it

The first two games were at least amusing. Walking in to an enemy camp and cutting down eleven men at once and watching them ragdoll was entertaining, if nothing else. Spamming the fire spell for upwards of 1000 damage each made endgame combat quick and easy. Geralt flinging himself hundreds of feet across the battlefield every second while one-shotting everyone in his way was at least a spectacle. There's little novelty in 3's combat which means there is little to distract from the fact that every fight is just a speedbump before you get to talk to the next guy.

The combat it's like the combat in dark souls but without anything of which makes it good.

It should have been something more like Dark Souls 3 but a little less difficult.

You are me?

what makes dark souls combat better

i actually agree but i don't know why.

>max out Igni in W3
>Burning damage attacking their HP bar for a % of it instead of a set damage number, like Swords cause, makes even Skull-level enemies melt like bitches in front of an underleveled Geralt

CDred just subscribes to the PURGE IT WITH FIRE philosophy

install ghost mode, install quicker animations. fun.

Movesets, not just press X to hit, there is ways to hit your opponent. Punishing, you can't just spam attacks or use one that deals better damage, something always has it's downsides. Every move matters. Environment, you can freely move around and whole world is a battleground, not just getting stuck in "battlestance" within short circle. Appeal, by making it more realistic it's much more interesting to watch and get into it, rather then watching someone flipping around with a speed of light and waving purple dildo. Lots of people become interested in medieval weapons and armor.

Because you're spamming quen and dodge like a faggot retard.

did you try enemy level scaling?

>another witcher hate thread



Because he's an autist that has an extremely specific view of what an RPG is.

I've noticed that it's really peaked recently, particularly after the shambles of ME:A, it's almost as if people were comparing Bioware against CDPR and EA noticed.

Call me crazy, but it makes sense that EA has started slamming The Witcher series, because CDPR stands a good chance (especially after the massive success of TW3) of taking a much larger share of the RPG market, one that EA has lazily dominated.

There's literally not much to pick on with TW3, the combat is easily the weakest part, but its still really satisfying and challenging on higher difficulties.

That's literally an exploit though, Letho normally doesn't let you do that shit.

Besides, this isn't really showing why the combat is bad, this is showing you that the devs really didn't want you to kill Letho

Letho has exactly the same move set as the "brute" enemies you encounter since the beginning of the game, he's not really a nice boss.

The real problem (and I'd say the only problem) with TW2 combat was that enemies would insta parry+counter you with absolutely no warning of any kind, they'd just randomly do it and there was no way to counter it so it was annoying as fuck.

That's why the game is hard as hell when you're low level, because enemies will arbitrarily one shot you because you dared to attack them more than 1 time in a row, then on later levels it just becomes annoying because they're barely scratching you.

BTW anyone hates how TW3 had extremely inferior combat animations from TW2?