>finish pic related
>rememeber all those times Sigma flirted with Phi, Clover and Alice
Oh god why. Is this what secondhand embarrassment feels like?
Finish pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
it's not like they all didn't flirt back at some point.
Well, Alice was willing to wear a lab coat for him. And Clover seemed happy when they talked about a date. Maybe they're all into old men.
That and Alice once teased Sigma to touch her skin.
and pic related regarding Clover.
if you think all that's awkward now, you should play ZTD.
Replaying VLR in the near future will be interesting.
>you should play ZTD.
I'm waiting for a steam sale. I wouldn't mind paying full price if I'm guaranteed to get another 999/VLR but I've heard the game isn't nearly as good. God I want to play the game so badly but pirating feels bad. It can't be that bad, right?
>replaying VLR in the near future will be interesting
a year ago, when the threads were full hype train for ZTD's release, there was an user that streamed 999/VLR every weekend up until a couple weeks before ZTD came out.
he said he might do an anniversary stream, so we could all meme in real-time again.
>pirating feels bad
a lot of people pirated it- I did because my local Gamestop didn't have a 3DS copy on release day so fuck them
I wouldn't feel too bad about pirating desu.
For what it's worth, I really enjoyed the first 3/4 of ZTD but the ending was just so fucking irredeemably terrible that it retroactively ruined my experience.
I fucking hate how often these fuckers would pick betray.
The only logical option was to always pick trust. It's the only way to get everyone out, as far as they knew.
Sometimes it's justifiable, but it's the worst when they have 0 reason to betray.
well at least one of them was actively trying to sabotage everything, that was kind of the point.
also Sigma was admittedly a shifty-looking fucker.
I always wondered why didn't Sigma didn't notice his reflection, like at all during the game besides the ending.
the mirror was dirty bro :^)
Every single reflective surface was scratched and clouded
Yeah, but not everyone wanted that goal. There are several people that don't trust anyone and want to get out as soon as possible. There is also someone who is deliberately trying to fuck everyone else over.
>well at least one of them was actively trying to sabotage everything
Yeah and that wasn't fucking Clover or K or the other people who would betray your ass at a moment's notice
The idea of an old one eyed man wearing Sigma's goofy ass clothes kills me.
You'll vote ally right? You promise?
>There are several people that don't trust anyone and want to get out as soon as possible
And those people were essentially choosing to murder people. Anyone who picked betray, especially against anyone with low points, was a fucking bad person.
Do you think Old Sigma did that intentionally, so that Sigma wouldn't figure out he was in an old boby, or was he just trying to recreate history and didn't think too much about it?
Well yeah, that's the entire point of the prisoner's dilemma. There's one clear, objectively best, logical solution for everyone, buuuut...
Dio didn't help either.
Who forgot to give Jumpy his meds in ZTD? Tennymoldy was a crabby old fuck who just love his Quark, but Jumpy is just a dick
but he was wearing Sigma's clothes the whole time.
>Yeah and that wasn't fucking Clover or K or the other people who would betray your ass at a moment's notice
again, they didn't know who was behind everything or necessarily what was going on. in most of the timelines, all they knew was that they were trapped and people were dying.
>they didn't know who was behind everything or necessarily what was going on
Why would it matter who was behind it? As far as they knew, given the information provided to them, if everyone picked ally then everyone would escape. If you picked betray, you may end up killing someone.
Anyone who picked betray was a villain.
Some of them have valid excuses for doing that. Alice and Clover only pick betray because they think that they can get out of there and report this to the SOIS, and then the SOIS could save everyone. They want to get out as soon as possible so they don't die before contact SOIS. The others pick betray usually because they think a killer is on the loose. I don't think anyone other tan Dio voted betray when someone had 2 or less points. I think that shows that everyone else are mostly good people with their back to the wall.
That's what I love. Sigma's clothes are so fucking goofy, even more so on old one eye.
I wish they didn't change them in VLR.
>I don't think anyone other tan Dio voted betray when someone had 2 or less points
Alice does.
>Anyone who picked betray was a villain
You're forced to pick Betray in Alice's end to avoid a game over, does that make you a villain?
Yes, it does.
ok Justin
She probably thought Sigma was going to choose Betray FOR SURE because she was out during the geimu. Then again this happens on the branch where she betrayed you in the first game.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. To be fair though, the Radical-6 affected her very badly. After all the shit that she went through, all of a sudden she had to make a snap decision. She regrets it extremely afterwards. I still think she is a good person, even after doing that.
That doesn't change anything, she still fucking does it.
This right here though
>you literally look into that very pond for a puzzle way earlier in the game
Come on, now
>pick ally
>they betray me
>haha idiot why would you pick ally
>go back
>pick betray
>they ally
>what the fuck man, how could you betray me
>even sigma gets mad about it
she's a "good" person, but still a dumb BITCH.
Fucking Alice.
Yeah I guess. It's a shame such a perfect paizuri machine is kind of a bitch too.
Sigma is just autistic. Don't bully him.
Replay the game. The lights were off when you look into the pool.
Not if you look at the lion
The pool is still there when the lights are on though. There's no way he didn't catch a glimpse of his reflection at some point
I wish.
Alice only wear a necklace to cover her tits, and Sigma looks like an old retard.
Why doesn't anyone ever comment on their clothes? Everyone else looks slightly normal at least.
>Everyone else looks slightly normal at least.
Clover is a slut
Clover is pure, it's all Alice's fault.
aside from her hair it's not the MOST outlandish outfit in the game.
i'd say Dio dressed as a ringleader is the worst offender, cover story be damned.
I got Clover's end first in VLR and I thought she was using some sort of morphogenetic telepathic fuckery to kill everyone.
Couldn't he have noticed his weak looking arms or something? I don't know, I just find it hard to believe that he didn't notice something was up with his body the whole time.
he had bionic super arms
his arms are artificial, he finds that out in one of the endings.
It's okay, she's an undercover slut
I completely forgot about that
>dio escapes ending
>bp down to -1
>need to find a way to live
>the answer isn't the fucking cure to the trubocuraine or whatever it was called
>the answer is cutting your hand off
Fucking Sigma. Christ, this guy is supposed to become a genius?
The answer wasn't even that.
>the radical 6 slows down perception
>you don't realize you are on the moon
>the moon makes you feel as strong as you were at 20
The arms were just for looks
but the Neostigmine gun wasn't in the Quark end route.
So after playing VLR and getting an ending explaining who was K, and how he was jumped at another timeline. I was expecting him to show up during ZTD. What the fuck happened to him?
Was it behind a white door?
non-canon metafiction.
that's literally the only explanation we have.
We just don't know
The answer is shut the fuck up.
You were Kyle the whoooooole time
Also Junpei actually found Akane in the Nevada base
it's in the Treatment center's safe in two of the endings, but that's it.
Don't worry. All your questions will be answered in the next game :)
The person who jumped was actually Sigma's sperm. All the playable characters in ZTD have Sigma's sperm in them, and you're actually controlling that
ZTD is a really fun ride. It's disappointing overall but it's still worth playing.
I replayed it recently with a friend (who was playing it for the first time) and I enjoyed the shit out of it.
Especially Q. Q was filled with Sigma
>Akane tells Clover and Alice there's a way to send their bodies back in time
>surely this must answer the K question
>never brought up again
Fucking ZTD
God I hate this fucking hack so much.
You're gonna buy his next game.
We all are.
at least half of everyone here are going to pirate it and you know it.
Yeah I probably will.
I can't just leave the series behind though.
this fucking bitch. THIS STUPID FUCKING BITCH I SWEAR TO JESUS. Was her ending supposed to make me feel sad about her?
This is the only game I have consciously decided to stop playing. Story is so fucking stupid I can't stand it. 999 was ok, but this is just trash.
same desu. I look for ZE threads pretty much every hour.
>Is this what secondhand embarrassment feels like?
no. everybody wants to fuck an old dude
It's the shirt
My dad was killed by terrorists :,(
She got nice tits though
>it wouldn't even matter since the world basically ends in a few years
I'm still mad they threw away the All-Ice subplot like moldy leftovers.
>clover is just a jokester
this timeline was better when VLR was the cliffhanger and ZTD wasn't even thought of
You could say that VLR takes place in the timeline where Sigma never catches sight of his reflection, touches his face, or really ever question his appearance. It wouldn't be that hard to make sure there are no shiny surfaces throughout the shelter.
>touches his face
Wasn't it explained like, his body was used to itself so he wouldn't notice a difference anyway?
Same with his arms and the mechanical eye.
Is Sigma Akagi?
it was better with just 999 and its silly ending about the whole alice thing.
Yeah, I guess I should have said "never touches his robot eye", since that's the really difficult-to-explain bit.
Well a robot eye isn't going to itch or anything, so I don't know why he would touch it.
people touch their faces all the time, it'd be impossible to not notice normally.
unless of course there's some fuckery going on with sigma's perception with his robot arms so that it doesn't send a signal to his brain that there's a big chunk of metal that wasn't there before. i guess it's possible, but the game doesn't really explain it.
>ZTD Sigma is even hotter than VLR Sigma
>Excited to see him in 3rd person and his Dr. Klim personality
>He doesn't do shit but cross his arms the whole game and sound like a slightly more stiff version of young Sigma
uchikoshi's a hack, wouldn't doubt it
Uchikoshi actually got amnesia and forgot the personality of every character except Phi
Was it autism?
who was inside?
>there's a big chunk of metal that wasn't there before
It wouldn't have to ignore that.
To Sigma's body, everything is as it should be.
The only thing that's different about him is his consciousness, but all of the physical aspects of his body haven't experience any change.
For the same reason, older Sigma doesn't really remark on what it feels like to be in a new, younger body compared to his old and battered one.
It just feels natural because it is and has been for years.
dude was locked on the moon all his life for no reason. let him have his fun.
And of course, she was the Snake/Quark of ZTD