Will you play it Sup Forums?
Will you play it Sup Forums?
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Yeah, depending on the quality of the mod.
>new vegas with a slightly better engine
Works for me
They've been working on skyblivion and morrblvion for 6-7 years. this isnt going to come to fruition
Absolutely. I'd still be playing NV now but with my new PC it seems to CTD for no reason every ten minutes.
wht ded thy men b ths?
>mobile kotaku screenshot
It's like you're intentionally trying to be the biggest faggot possible. Fuck off.
This will get DMCA'd like the project torecreate RDR inside GTAV, if he had any brains he'd keep it secret until it was completed.
Sure, the core gameplay of Fallout 4 is miles better than 3 or New Vegas. The only issue is the garbage quests and content it has to go along with it.
Bethesda encourages it.
Rockstar desists it.
>new vegas with fallout 4s smooth movement and gunplay
yes please
As long as it retains the SPECIAL and stat distribution system of NV, sure.
If its staying with Fallout 4's leveling system then hell no.
It won't be done for at least another 10 years and I'll have probably killed myself by then
As long as they're not using assets directly ripped from the previous game then Bethesda doesn't care. That's why some projects got shut down, but others like skywind and the oblivion one are just fine.
this wtf, i had one with just the unofficial fixes and it crashed all the time anyways
Bethesda straight up lets people use assets from their old games in fan projects. Just look at openMW
You can even use ripped assets as long as you require people own the original game, see openMW
WTF I love Todd now
Ah yeah that makes sense too
Going to get shut down, and no one is going to give a fuck because it wasn't shut down by Nintendo.
It's already been stated
Probably not. It will just be an empty map with nothing to do. Even if they get around to actually recreating all the quests, I've already played them all and don't want to do it again.
Beth literally doesn't care.
Rockstar =/= Bethesda
For all of their faults Bethesda are not pricks about their IP
unless your mojang[/spoiler[
As long as you put forth (more effort har har) than Bethesda they dont care?
Not really.
Reminder that Bethesda encourages this kind of thing. See Skyblivion and Morriblvion, openMW, Tales of Two Wastelands etc.
archive it, i want to read the article
It wont make it to completion and will get a cease and desist just like the red dead map in gtav
Will he convert the Project Nevada mod to mod his mod?
Fuck yes.
If the layered armor stays same with the power armor i'm all for it.
>People keep comparing this to a shutdown of another conversion mod by a completely different company
Are you people retarded or something?
Well modders already imported half the outfits from NV into the game already. All it needs now are the quests and npcs.
It doesn't matter how much you reskin New Vegas, its still going to have that same weird feeling to the gameplay because everything feels pretty old and wonky. Fallout 4 was a downgrade in every fucking aspect except gameplay, the update engine makes the gameplay feel a lot better.
>giving a game company credit
Wevare suppsoed to hate all of them idiot why dont you?
Don't people normally play NV for all of the mods they can also install alongside it? Won't making a FO4 version of it render all of those mods unusable?
How will this look? I have a feeling it will look incredibly amateur even by Bethesda's standards.
Also what about NV mods? The mods make the game.
Only if every gameplay mechanic is in, mostly the ammo stuff though.
>updated models
Will it have fully modeled vaginas as well?
In terms of combat mechanics Fallout 4 is better than NV and 3. It's just that everything else is so fucking shit
I just hope that we can see a proper stat system make it in, but I don't know how limited FO4 is for mods,but I've heard it's shit.
>Fallout 4 gameplay
>Fallout NV story, dialogue, and world
I would unironically play the shit out of this
Hopefully better. Modders already make better textured outfits and guns than Bethesda themselves. The m4 garrand mod is the best.
Honestly, some modders model shit better than Bethesda's professionals. If this guy is autistic enough, this shit could look really good in a few years.
However, he'll probably burn out and drop the whole thing.
Fallout 4 is actually a perfectly fine shooter, on a core gameplay level it is the best Bethesda has ever done. Fallout 3/NV are complete garbage when it comes to core gameplay.
>For all of their faults Bethesda are not pricks about their IP
I guess they've ruined fallout so bad, the fans doing it doesn't bother them.
>same story
>with worse gameplay
And to top it all off, my NV mods can't come over with me.
I'll give this a pass.
>with worse gameplay
But NV had shit combat mechanics
Fallout 4 is honestly not that much better. You guys praise it like its FEAR or something.
Look at the difference made just from the better lighting in Fallout 4, really it's just porting the gameplay mechanics.
Theyre taking the originals and putting them in first person view, its not about the shooting but the stats that go into it which are lacking in fallout 4
These things never get completed. Still waiting on Skywind and Skyblivion.
It is miles better, this isn't even debatable. Fallout 3 and New Vegas play like trash.
Todd loves when fans do his work for him. He has even hired modders to do more work for him.
It's an improvement, it's not the right kind of improvement though, elements like holding enemies up could be refactored really well, just like the games better robot hacking, but without a well rounded perk and stat system player building would be shallow in comparison.
Uh Bethesda havent been pricks since Oblivion my man. Its why Japs love their games. It allows amateur modders to play with a virtual sandbox using their engine and go wild with it.
Want to be a cute anime girl wearing space marine aquila armor fighting nazi robots in an irradiated wasteland? Go nuts.
I'm still waiting on that one mega-mod where you visit the Oregon wasteland if that didn't get cancelled.
>Will you play it Sup Forums?
Did you mean "Will you play this video game"?
Why did you assume me saying "Fallout 4 has inferior gameplay" also meant "NV has amazing gameplay"?
4 just didn't feel right. The animations are utter shit, the "enchantment" system felt off and the enemies in 4 (and Skyrim for that matter) are the most bullet spongey in the whole series.
The only improvement was melee combat felt slightly nicer, on the grounds that it used Skyrim's engine as a base to build from.
oh yeah, and this would also require me to actually buy Fallout4.
This has me giggling like a motherfucker. Every Bethesda game, EVERY BETHESDA GAME can have another Bethesda game put into it by modders. Skyblivion, Skywind, Tale of Two Wastelands, the list just keeps on growing
>my man
>bring the Japanese into it
>bringing up mods which is nothing to do with Bethesda
Japanese people don't make the retarded animu waifu mods you numbnuts.
Having all the characters use the much more visually pleasing Fallout 4 faces and the addition of soft body would be great.
>not pirating
The silver lining of not having changed their engine since 2001 is that you can port all their games into their other games since they all run on the same dilapidated gamebryo.
That's pretty cool but for the life of me I NEED a few mods for NV because I'm so use to them. I'll probably pass on the mod but I hope this creates a thriving sub-mod community that will rival NVs.
Yes they fucking do. Are you dumb?
>Bethesda havent been pricks since Oblivion my man
And that's around the time they got ahold of the fallout IP.
Gee, nevermind, I don't even wanna talk to someone this stupid.
But they do. Are you dense? Never seen a nips Oblivion/Skyrim mods before?
They do.
>he doesnt know of the massive Japanese modding community of Oblivion and Skyrim
Seriously go visit Black Box Skyrim Mods and Dragonporn. Theres a reason Skyrim got a perfect score at Famitsu.
Not an argument.
>>he doesnt know of the massive Japanese modding community of Oblivion and Skyrim
But I do. I was wondering why you brought it up though.
I have literally no idea why people, Japanese or otherwise, download shit like that. Same goes for people who download star wars/warhammer/star trek/whatever into their games.
Might try it, but then again
>FO4 mechanics
I think I'd rather just play FNV.
I hope Cascadia turns out nice
Why would he? Most of PN is already in Fallout4.
a weeb coat of paint just makes it more accessible for them.
Because you said Japanese don't create animu mods? He just posted proof.
I was just reinforcing that Todd doesnt really care what you do with his game. If a japanese man wants to make a about shirtless gay whiterun guards who punch shit, he doesnt care. And if he tolerates what others devs would scream MUH ARTISTIC VISION, Im sure he also wouldnt care if someone ported NV into FO4.
That wasn't me silly user.
>Patricia Hernandez
Yeah. Might be good. I'll play it if he recreates all of the DLC.
depends, if they get rid of that fucking terrible borderlands loot shit then maybe i'll have a reason to pirate FO4
And the shitty UI
I didn't play Skyrim so Fallout 4 was my introduction to that god awful UI and I have no idea how you guys can deal with it.
oh, well i assumed there's already something like darnified for FO4 anyway
shit UI has been bethesda staple since oblivion
Is there anything like The Journey or Perfectly Modded Skyrim for Fallout 4?
I liked fo3/NV's UI
it definitely wasn't nearly as bad as oblivion/skyrim's, but the menu scale was pretty terrible since you could only have so few items on screen at once even though there was plenty of on screen space
Please stop making this. It will take at least 4 years and will still be a buggy mess that is overall worse than the original. They won't make any money and wont get any experience in programming or anything in any useful engines. It is a completely worthless project that no one even wants.
no amount of modding will make new vegas anywhere near good or playable
I dunno, user, I think you underestimate how much autism fuel Bethesda game modders run on. They never stop, especially the porn modders
I hate the Skyblivion and Skywind teams because they keep releasing shit and making progress but I definitely won't live long enough to actually play them.
And Skywind will feel so hollow if they keep shitty Skyrim gameplay.
But can they fix they horrible dialog system Bethesda put in FO4?
It was shit for it's time and it sad FEAR is being praised now thanks to constant steam sales slapping posters at store page.
F4 core gameplay is BETTER vs older FPS view fallouts. Deal with it faggot. No one is comparing it with other shooters until your dumb ass posted "FEAR".