What's more important; armor that looks good to you, or armor that has better stats?
What's more important; armor that looks good to you, or armor that has better stats?
Other urls found in this thread:
depends on the game but generally aesthetics
>caring about armor's stats in Single Player
you know a game is bad when "fashion" in it is the only redeemable quality
stats stats stats
Armor that looks as bad as possible
I love me clown suits
Every game should have a cosmetic armor slot so you can wear whatever you want and still get the good stats.
ha never noticed it has a vagina and an asshole
I will NEVER understand what devs are thinking not letting players do this.
Good mix o' both man.
The latter while you're learning the game. The former after you've leveled up enough, or gotten a good enough hang on it to care more about your appearance.
I always wear the best hat.
fashion is very important
this is true
>Enemy's wearing armour that is resistant against blunt damage.
>Use piercing weapon against him
>Little damge is done because muh cosmetics.
It'd honestly never work in a game with various damage types and reduction
it always bothered me that your character's mid-section was exposed. I wish that armor set was sealed tight (with the exception of some open parts to make it look like your character could breathe in there. It would make it look much more badass. The only good thing about the mid-section being exposed is that it lets you see underboob on female characters.
early in the game, stats, but at a certain point, muh a e s t h e t i c s
>caring about an armor's look in single player
both if possible. if not stats. Mainly poise if you're i'm going to use heavy armor. If you're going to use cloth "armor" or leather armor than maybe i'd check to see if it had good resistances but that's about it.
Looks you fucking dunkass. This goes for both multiplayer and singleplayer.
Always fashion, no exceptions.
her dick is exposed to so much danger though
His three pawns will protect his dick, don't worry.
dude I was joking I didnt know that character was actually male...goddamnit. why must you make a male character look like that? oh thats right you wish that you could look like that irl.
>No game with a fashion meter that adds a deflection bonus from being so fashionable that weapons themselves cannot bear to harm such a beautiful form
wait...i got the two characters mixed up. the one in red in the second pic is definitely male but the other might me male too for all i know. ill just leave it there though.
They're both dudes. And I do kinda look like that irl
The true master patrician can attain both in perfect harmony.
Fashion, duh.
I can make up for the deficiencies by my competence.
>Not wearing well rounded protective armor in battle, and changing into fashionable street clothes when in towns
Looks > stats
Every time.
What I want to know is, why the fuck is it never both?
because op and a bunch of people in this thread are retarded.
Transmogrification is the most important, so I can combine best stats with the best look.
The real question is: should there be any ugly armor at all in the game?
what's the purpose of having bad looking armors?
Even Terraria did that eventually.
SoulsBorn is the only series I can think of where you can make practical outfits that look fantastic without some sort of costume system.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Stats if you suck
Fashion if you know what you're doing
Both if you're a patrician
why not both?
>what's more important-
games with fucking transmog. it's 2017 for fucks sake. any game that doesn't have this feature is shit.
Would this set be practical in real life?
games are a visual medium, so VISUALS are relevant.
name 1 (ONE) Dark Souls armor that is not practical irl.
protip: you can't ____
Ok what is the point of armor?
To protect the person wearing it, so there's your answer fashion fags
The skinny chicken legs of Artorius's armor was always off putting. Kind of sad we never got an 'in prime' suit of his instead of the shitty tattered and broken one
I balance between both.
Armor that has an effect on how people in the world perceive you. Wearing big spiky edge lord armor makes you look scary, but dressing like a well to-do merchant engenders trust. Things like that.
Against some things, yes, but a stab th the breast would ufck you up.
We talking common monsters? if so, why would they wear transmogged armor?
If we're talking pvp, who the fuck cares? single player is the relevant mode of play, and quit being a min maxing faggot anyway and just win by gettin gud, not le use the wepon his armer is week against lulz.
Sure as fuck didn't help him save the one he loved
armor my man
Armor values should just be equalized based on total armor or something for PVP in Souls games.
I'll make up for the lack of defense by trying not to get hit.
How about this armor set then?
Armor to get married in
Style baby
I guess it would leave you heartbroken
Currently farming loyce souls to get this set. After about 4 hours im at 20 souls pls kill me the grind is unreal
>ywn be as cool as the Ivory King
a mix of both
for instance, in souls games, i like to fastroll, but i generally prefer the look of heavier armor sets, so i tend to mix and match until i end up with something that looks decent
for example, i just played through demon's souls recently and wore a combination of the knight helm/leggings, and the black leather gloves/top. looked pretty similar to the elite knight set in DS1
One thing iv never understood is what was the old chaos? I mean the entire zone was frozen by his wife because he couldnt defeat it, then you come along and defeat him and... thats it? What the fuck was the old chaos.
The Old Chaos is some of the remnants of the Bed of Chaos. The Ivory King personally fought against it before actually going into there, where he would battle until he was overwhelmed. I assume that the Old Chaos expends the last of its energy summoning his charred corpse to fight against you when you show up
>weapon wielding arm is less armored than the shield arm
This always triggered me
How about this set?
The latter, because even the best looking piece of gear will get old after hours of gameplay.
1st playthrough always stats, subsequent ones it's looks.
The lack of crotch armor concerns me.
Is that an actual set of armor that I can get in DS? Which one do I have to play to get it?
>normal-looking armor
>+1 STR
>gay as fuck-looking armor
>+2 STR
It's the poster armor of DS2, and reappears in DS3.
Faraam Set
>search for possibility to save priestgirl
>the witch, who cursed the priest girl accompanies him
>witch falls in love, eventhough she just wanted him to see suffering
>he falls in love with her
Spin off fucking when?! You know it is still strange, that he actually shows up in souls 3 and only because of that I think the 'souls 3 is before 2' bullshit makes kinda sense
Fashion is the one single thing DS2 got right
>3 before 2
>2 ends his story semi-happily with him failing his quest, but gaining the love and loyalty of a qt witch for the rest of their life
>3 ends his story with him guarding her corpse at the literal end of time/the world, only for you to stunlock him to death
2 isn't canon
any 2 cameo in 3 is pure fanservice too, none of it makes sense or ties in to anything else. It's just so you can get DaS2 gear.
Yeah but 2 never explained what happened in the end, while in 3 suddenly there is alva before the place where a witch is imprisoned. If you kill him, his armor is in the same cell, and the outfit of karla says 'it shows signs of a long journey'
Either bullshit fanservice or another timeline convulted meme shit
Which is it, Sup Forums? Full set of matching armor, or a mix-and-match of different sets?
Personally I hate using full sets unless its for a themed build.
Those two stories don't contradict.
I use the Atorias chest piece, Lorian leggings, Black gauntlets, and Outrider Knight helmet in DS3. Like you, I only use full sets for cosplay reasons
Can I control how much damage I take? If so fashion 100%. If not I'll sacrifice as much defenses as I can for fashion.
>Outrider Knight helmet
fucking nice
>2 isn't canon
from soft says its canon therefore it is. Do you even know what canon means? The only ones who get to decide whats canon vs fan fiction are the ones who own the rights, aka from soft/bandai namco.
best set right here
I'm surprised more people don't use it.
It's super cool
>Arty chestpiece + Outrider Helmet
My nigga.
bandai doesn't hold the rights to develop the game
also actually play the game to realize that everything from Dark Souls 2 is dismissed as inconsequential and exists as random references in 3
Armor that is realistic.
>not wanting to wear the gayest armor possible
>also actually play the game to realize that everything from Dark Souls 2 is dismissed as inconsequential
>i havent played any of the dlc and barely paid attention in game: the post
Evidence A: Dark Souls 3 isn't shy about referencing Dark Souls 2
If the developers had truly wished to distance themselves from Dark Souls 2, why would there be so many callbacks to that game? You see a Dark Souls 2 giant well before you see any Dark Souls 1 equivalent. Laddersmith Gilligan's corpse is found in the Profaned Capital. The Shield of Want directly references Vendrick. The Fume Sword directly references Raime. Lucatiel's set directly mentions both her and Mirrah. There is a picture of Nashandra in The Irythyll Mansion. Some of the Mimics act like their Dark Souls 2 counterparts. There are likely even more callbacks I haven't mentioned, and why are these so prevalent if From is allegedly trying to pretend Dark Souls 2 never happened? When Episode 7 came out, there wasn't even a nod that the prequels ever happened, and if From was truly trying to give Dark Souls 2 the Firstborn treatment, I daresay they would have done something similar.
Evidence B: Specific events and entities from Dark Souls 2 are referenced
This means that the references go beyond mere callbacks. Lucatiel is specifically described, as is Raime, Vendrick, and Gilligan. Since these people actually existed, and actually did the things we saw them do in Dark Souls 2, it wouldn't make sense for that game to not be canon.
Stats are important to a degree but aesthetics is more important to me than min-maxing in single-player.
I have the most confused erection right now.
Evidence C: Making Dark Souls 2 non-canonical wouldn't make narrative sense
If Dark Souls 1 is the beginning of the cycle, and Dark Souls 3 is the end, then there would seem to be a need for something of a middle act. It would be like a story with an introduction and a climax, but no development. Dark Souls 2 gives character to the innumerable cycles that took place before its prequel and sequel, and thus to simply expunge it from the series would be to lose a vital piece of the story.
Potential Evidence: We don't Hollow naturally
I say this is potential evidence because I'm not 100% certain this is the reason we do not Hollow in Dark Souls 3 but its still worth mentioning. Dark Souls 2 was more about the curse than any other game, and the main point of the game and its DLC was mostly trying to break it. We succeeded in doing this by the end of the game, and without any good alternative reason as to why we have to be forced to Hollow in Dark Souls 3, I'm going to go out on a limb and say its connected to how we broke the curse in 2. Now this piece of evidence is a bit flimsy, but thankfully I think the case doesn't really need it in the first place.
Conclusion: Anyone who wishes to say that Dark Souls 2 is non-canonical needs to come up with a good response to every point mentioned above. Moreover, they must then come up with compelling evidence of their own against Dark Souls 2 being canon. Until this happens, I regard Dark Souls 2 as just as canonical as the first game, and I would recommended others do the same.
If the stats are minor, then looks.
If the stats make a huge difference then I have to bite the bullet and take the armor
Out of the way plebs, heres some REAL fashion
>showing your face