Is there anyone that got all 5 main endings and thought the game sucked?
Nier Automata
No one actually liked the game.
We just wanted that beautifully sculpted robobooty and some mediocre combat.
My cousin Tom
No, because if you actually disliked the game you would probably be sane enough to quit before that.
Cause' we're going to shout it loud
It was a good game but not great
pretty much like every other game this year
I liked the game okay but don't even feel compelled to finish my 9S playthrough. Last thing I did was kill the robot that wants to be beautiful.
I'm on my 9S playthrough now. I hated hacking at first, but started enjoying it once I found out I was able to take control over machines.
I feel like I overused 9S's hacking ability to beat enemies. Just that I felt the need to use the triangle button as much as I did with 2B or it'd be wasted. I regret it now.
>5 endings
What? I beat the game in a few minutes, how was I supposed to know I had to play again?
There's literally a message right after the credits saying there are multiple endings in the game.
I got all five endings and I think the game is great overall, but it's definitely not my GOTY.
BotW was consistently enjoyable for me from start to finish, Automata on the other hand had quite a few segments that really tested my patience.
I thought this game would be my GotY, but it began to decline in the third act. I still greatly enjoyed the game for what it was, but I roll my eyes when fanatics talk about how 'deep' and 'groundbreaking' it was.
Also, enjoyed the 9ass.
Oh. Sorry, I usually skip cutscenes in games.
You underestimate some people.
I wish it wasn't limited to non-aggro enemies.
>but it began to decline in the third act
What? That's when the game gets really good.
I got all 26 endings and platinumed the game. Didn't think it sucked, but didn't like it as much as the original NieR, story-wise.
No plans to pick up the DLC.
This is what happens when you play a game after hearing its praises, your perception is ruined.
Not him, but it didn't ruin BB for me.
I liked it when shit got real but it took forever to get there.
It's very disjointed. I wouldn't have minded visual novel esque segments to help flesh things out like what they did for Devola/Popola
The game was fun, but the story doesn't compare to the original Nier. Automata tried to be sad but I didn't feel anything. The payoff with Adam and Eve wasn't what I hoped for either. Great gameplay with a story that doesn't really go anywhere.
From taking a glance at metacritic, I thought the game would be average (yes, 8.8 does seem like an average score this gen) but was pleasantly surprised and came out with 10/10 enjoyment.
It makes me wonder if I'll enjoy BotW at all. I'm not usually into open world games but if you can call Automata open world, it's the type that I can enjoy.
then you can blame only yourself
BotW isn't horrible. There's just a LOT of open, empty spaces. Doesn't really reward exploration (aside from seeds and shrines). Side quests are pretty few and far between, too.
Then again, it felt pretty satisfying to beat Ganon while riding Ganondorf's horse.
The dlc seems lame too. Clothes and a crappy arena? Give me a story based exspansion.
Automata was good in spite of its open world, not because of it.
I'm hoping later DLC's have that shit. That said, nobody was expecting the game to be a success, so I can understand why SE wants to strike while the iron is hot, and nobody had any expansion ideas, so they just threw a bunch of crap together.
I'm not buying it, but I understand why its happening.
>Automata tried to be sad but I didn't feel anything
Ending C was the only thing that made me feel sad in the game because I liked A2.
There was a particular segment I thought could've been done better to be a lot more sad. The part when 2B was slowly getting corrupted by the virus, it missed the chance to show quick snippets of her past with 9S from when she first met him.
I ended up feeling much for her death.
Admittedly, it was to a degree. However, A2's sudden inclusion after 2B's death ruined it for me. I couldn't give a fuck about her character and the game failed to make me like her in her twenty minutes of screentime before it's time to bring the plot to a close.
If you played the original, you wind up feeling for Devola, Popola, and Emil.
user did you die in the opening
Platinum does like to do new campaigns for other characters so maybe we'll get A2 standalone campaign
One thing I missed was the feeling of dread like I had while in the shadowlords castle. I went into the game blind and had no idea what to expect. Since Automata wasn't my first Taro game, I knew what story beats to exspect.
I didn't think it sucked, but I didn't like it. By far one of the most unenjoyable casts of characters I've ever played. I felt so indifferent to the entire cast, with the exception of Pascal and Emil, that I just did not give a shit about what was going on in the story. Not the "I wasn't paying attention to the story" type of not giving a shit, but the "I just do not care about you." type.
Absolutely dreadful cast, great music though.
according to them they have no money
>Only playing through the entire story before hating the game
>Not platting the game
>Not platting the game without buying trophies
>Not getting 100% intel files before deleting the save file
Step up your game, OP.
I just felt it was average.
Route C/D was great but the journey there was a slog.
I enjoyed it but wasn't crazy about it. I got bored and actually just stopped playing it for a few days before I even beat Ending B. While it sounds weird, I didn't really enjoy the combat that much. I don't know if it's because of the rpg mechanics or what. I enjoyed the first Nier immensely, so much more so then Automata even though I still liked Automata. I think another reason I wasn't into it, was that I didn't really care about the characters that much, while in the first Nier I was invested in every character, more so then I think any other game I've ever played.
Wish I could give you an answer here, but I can't play the game yet because of the damn white screen issue
Yeah the dlc feels very futile, but still I'm planning to buy it myself. In a hope of showing SE that there is demand for dlc. Maybe we get more and better dlc if this sells well. Maybe it makes SE give Taro more budget for the next game. And even, maybe just a small change of SE letting Taro remake original Nier for PS4. A man can dream...
This, the game didnt really try to tell you an actual story, just made shit happened on screen. Almost all the side characters were more interesting than the main cast and in the main story nothing felt like it actually mattered.
Some joker can say "but that's the point", and I'll simply say that no, the point of the war and everything being futile would've been much more effective if I felt motivated to care about it to begin with. The story is just flaccid as hell, and the best parts of the main cast are all buried in after-the-fact.