What is the greatest fighting game match of all time?
Other than le ebin Daigo parry moment match
What is the greatest fighting game match of all time?
Other than le ebin Daigo parry moment match
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every round of Time Killers ever played
Either JWong's MvC2 comeback with solo Cyclops or iHeartJustice making FChamp ragequit with Level 3 Phoenix Wright.
>Asks what the greatest fighting game match of all time is
>Personally acknowledges he knows what the best was, but asks anyways
wew lad this board is becoming more retarded by the day.
Any match with RyanLV, I swear I'm watching a TAS every time.
The Daigo VS Kawamura Huitzil mirrors
>iHeartJustice vs FChamp
What made that so great was that he beat him twice. Justice put FChamp into the losers bracket, then eliminated him later. It was great. I'd like to see Justice rep his backup team more, though: Cap/Dorm/Strange. It has as much synergy as his main team, but doesn't rely on the Phoenix Wright setup.
I'd also recommend the trollfest of the first to 15 match of FChamp vs KBR, if only for massive amounts of salt.
That, or Perfect Legend losing 13-0 in a first to 10 match.
These are STRONG contenders. Some that come to mind but may not be #1 are:
>Infiltration counterpicking PR Rog with Hakan in EVO Top 8
>That insane BlazBlue Grand Final from a few years back (Not even big on BB, but the drama in that set was MAGICAL)
>FChamp/KBR rivalry in UMvC3, especially if you combine the time where Champ rekt KBR in a FT10 and taunted him while smirking like a cunt but then lost to him in Grand Finals the very next day as Yipes was almost screaming totally biased anti-Champ commentary
Garireo VS Dogura grand finals BlazBlue EVO 2014
cl0ckwork vs neo money match is probably the best hour and thirty minutes I've seen in awhile
what does that ebin meme mean?
>inb4 newfag
This was hype
Didn't PL eventually avenge his loss to Sonicfox, though?
pretty much this. calling it ebin doesnt make it any less impactful
Who cares. Fucker lost 13-0 in a first to ten. How the fuck does that happen? Why couldn't he just walk away? Also, I heard he lost his sponsorship after that shitshow.
>can flawlessly downback HP juggle Urien
>doesn't get optimized followups off stun
I don't get it but the man is still hype
Someone post the video of Mike Ross & Floe talking about the match and DESTROYING PL from his play to his out-of-game actions.
This one?
i fucking love this series
this is some good shit
this dumpster fire of a match
No doubt
RX vs Pierrot
Check it out also all kuroda's matches
The FoTNS match, you know the one
This video is nearing 10 years old and still remains one of my favorites
Lowtiergod vs Viscant
>Just one match
wombo combo
>They hug each other at the end
i love good sportsmanship
This match was hype af but not that great
Shit, I had a vague recollection of a hype KOFXIII EVO match on stage, and this was it. So glad XIV is gonna be at EVO this year, I missed XIII those years it was gone. Such a good game, played some sets with friends last week even though I'm bad (Maxima/Ralf/Raiden reporting).
What happened to bala after those finals? I never saw him afterwards
That first fucking round.
webm only half related and posted to get you to pay attention to me.
He started dating Anri Okita and shares an apartment with her.
I wouldn't call it the best, but this is my favorite.
ltg vs viscant is the highest quality drama and ltg getting exposed.
He's moved on up in life.
Unironically my favorite. It was fun watching viscant shake off the rust and learn the matchups just in time to win. Convincingly at that.
>Not playing Melee with ping pong
>Playing an out-dated fighting formula
Absolutely heretic.
Only worthwhile post in this thread.
nigger I play lethal league don't even start, bet you won't boot it up and go online FAGGOT
Pierrot is a wall
She's pretty boring but this wasn't a bad watch.
> that one Deadpool teleport suicide at evo
Not fighting games. jk that shit was gold
this brings back memories
I love this match so much.
>one sided stunlock fights
Yeah because Kuroda is a fucking animal that can't be stopped.