Was the original The Legend of Zelda, a good game ? as far my experience goes...

Was the original The Legend of Zelda, a good game ? as far my experience goes, its a disorienting mess and unplayable without a walkthrough

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The game is actually unplayable by post-2000 standards, but it's competitors were adventure games on Amiga so you do the math.

It's playable without a walkthrough if you aren't an idiot.

It's a perfectly playable game (as it's always been) and it's still one of the greatest entries in the series.

nah, the games progression is one that promotes random exploration, this got better in later iterations, then it got worse because they became too obvious

If you can't get through the game without a guide you might be mentally challenged. It was designed to be accessible for 12-year-olds. Still a great game tho, 10/10.

>it's still one of the greatest entries in the series
That's objectively incorrect.

The ideas of the game and what it brought to gaming as a whole are nearly unmatched in gaming history, but as a stand alone game it's not better than nearly any entry in the series save maybe it's direct sequel.

Removed from history and judged solely as a game it's objectively inferior to even Skyward Sword. I am sorry, but that's just the truth.

You can honor the game without bullshitting yourself.

>it's objectively inferior

stop. thats not what that word means man.

Nothing about a videogame is objective unless it is fact.


So many Nintendo franchises on the NES kick the shit out of the original Zelda

name 3

I wouldn't recommend it to children, because modern kids are retards with ADHD. But if you're an adult and a video game enthusiast, then yes, you should have played Zelda 1. Whether you enjoy it or not, it's an important part of the medium's history.

I only ever used a guide to get like 1 side item and some of the heart containers.

1. kys
2. kys
and 3. kys

But it is a fact...

>unplayable without a walkthrough
Im getting real sick of this meme and the casuals that spew it.

>kids these days are retards
So you're saying you as a child were able to complete this game without a guidebook?

It's way better than Skyward Sword, if you disagree you're objectively a dum dum.

kys you're (твoй) self

It's better than Adventure of Link, Ocarina, Majora's, Ages, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Phantom Hourglass and Triforce Heroes. That makes it one of the best entries in the series. It's up there with ALTTP, Seasons, Link's Awakening, Minish Cap.

Keep in mind that back then game manuals had a lot more info in them such as enemy weaknesses and item uses, and LoZ even came with a map.

no it's clearly an opinion when you say that one game is generally better than another.

objective would be saying that skyward sword has a higher resolution than LoZ.

Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game of all time, you've proven yourself to be a total pleb dude.

Not them, but I drew my own guide for it. So I guess I did cheat

Nice argument famalam

I knew this thread would be filled with tweenposting.

Wow, an "objective" statement with nothing to go along with it but buzzwords!
You sure are one heck of an intellectual critic, user! Congrats!

OP here

The game clearly has some major flaws on it, how would I suppose to know that I need to burn that one specific tree in that one specific place or how I would I bomb that one specific tile in the wall in that one specific place of the map

I prefer Zelda 2, I think it was more polished. Maybe I approached the game wrong

>modern gamers can't beat Zelda without a guide
No wonder video games were casualized. The industry would have died otherwise.

As well as higher quality of gameplay, mechanics, better puzzles, better enemies, better story, art style, controls, the list goes on user.

And SS isn't even a good game.

Four swords adventures is the only good zelda game ever

Dungeons are less intuitive than later games. But the game came with a map you didn't need anything else really.


Has buzzwords become a buzzword now? Have we finally reached buzzception?

I have no idea how I beat this game more than 20 times as a kid, when I can't remember jack shit about it now.

these are all opinions boyo

if you use words like
then your being non-objective, its fine that you think SS is better than LoZ but that doesn't make that an objective statement.

Great analysis a.k.a "here's a bunch of shit I won't even try to prove true"
Start posting on reddit, you'll get upvotes up yer ass

For me personally, LttP is better in every way. Yes it's technically less linear but the gameplay is a lot more fun, the level design is better, the music is better, everything is better. LoZ was the game Nintendo had to make, LttP was the game Nintendo wanted to make.

It feels like people are more in love with the idea of LoZ than the actual LoZ. Breath of the Wild barely took anything from LoZ but because it was open world it was somehow an inspiration from it. Even though you can't even leave the Great Plateau until you go through the whole tutorial. Even though the divine beasts and shrines are fucking nothing like LoZ's dungeons.

Maybe you frogs are just retarded.

maybe, but your opinion is invalidated by that fact that you only like that game more because it's different.

technically more* linear

There are hints and general clues in the layout of the screens, but it's not exactly intuitive by today's standards. But keep in mind in its day you would be spending a lot of time amazed with the size of the map and testing bombing and burning everything to try and find something.


I agree with he LttP point, it wasn't even my first Zelda but the graphics, the gameplay, the story, everything felt like it fit perfectly together. I can still remember that map in my head with all of its secrets.

what the fuck is reddit?

The bush you need to burn stands out like hell, it blocks a shortcut. Even as a kid I used every item on it hoping to destroy it. Not that hard.

>wahh why isn't everyone a ten year old with infinite time to sink into the only game he got for christmas and the only one he'll have till his birthday

Games have gotten cheaper to buy because they're sticking to a 60$ price tag despite inflation, so no one's forced to go through a game with literally zero hints on what to do and figure out through pure exploration what the developers expect the player to figure out because they'll understandably choose a game that's more intuitive.

It was great as a kid with too much time. I could just dick around and discover things slowly all day. Unlike today, if you could beat a game in a day, it felt like a waste of $50.

and because it's better.

A place, where your skin-level "discussion" belongs
I did it for the first time 2 years ago. Took whopping 6 hours. Sure is a timesink, better spend the time shitposting on Sup Forums and climbing Ubisoft towers in the new AC.

You absolutely could. The only real bitch was the Lost Woods.

There were also less games competing for your time back then.

real deep dude


explains what makes it better.

Either way I won't agree but I'm interested to see if you have any actual arguments for this game

This has to be a shitpost
There are no hints in game of where to go whatsoever with some points being cryptic as all hell

I'm talking without a walkthrough idiot.

>There are no hints in game of where to go whatsoever
Try exploring, you'll find people in caves that give you hints.

>I Need Quest Markers: The Post.

They can't accept that people can be different without being inferior, probably because that's how they feel about themselves.

That game was absolutely cryptic if it wasn't your first game. Like literally no Zelda game since then has been as cryptic as LoZ and that's not a mistake.

Oh yeah, we all better forget how even 5 years ago a guy saying "lol skyward sword is better than the original loz objectively" would have been the laughing stock for the whole thread. After all, now 4chins is the most normalfag place of them all.
Fuck off with your faggotry.
Are you an idiot? An adult human being doesn't need a walkthrough to complete a moderately easy game with a comparatively tiny map. Are you a special person? Are you twelve? Or both?

I didn't play it until the Game Cube era, and it is to this day one of my favorite games, and I replay it at least once a year.

So, yes, it is.

>Like literally no Zelda game since then has been as cryptic as LoZ
And the vast majority of them are casual as fuck. Hmm, funny how that works.

The shitty NES-era translations didn't offer much help.

so did you literally just randomly bomb and burn things till you found the secrets or are you aware what a lying underageb& you look like

This. I'm the user above who didn't play until the 2000s, and I beat it without a guide. And it was great.

>LOZ translation
The English version is more helpful than the Japanese version and LoZ's script is much more useful than Simon's Quest's script.

Nigger, LoZ itself is casual AF the only difficult thing in the game is due to major elements of the game being hidden behind random walls.

LttP and LA are the actual right way to do what LoZ was trying to do, lead the player to objectives without making it too obvious.

>No argument
>Better call him underage
That's who you are. DSP, except even more pathetic.

I played the original LoZ like 4 years ago and the only part that eluded me was the burnable bush dungeon. I always tend to get stuck on at least 1 or 2 things in every game though and it's usually something stupid like that.

Would it count if I beat the game with the aid of save states?

I did for countless hours
The cave hints are vague.
Some can give insight of how the game is played but not where to go or what to look for

Not even. A lot of game people call "difficult" or "complicated" have tons of hints and messages hinting of where to go without directly saying it.

Early CRPGs like Fallout games do this a bit and so does the sequel to LoZ Zelda 2 Even.

He never even said the game was bad, fuck why can't any of you take any criticism without freaking out and throwing insults. The game has obvious problems with leading the player to objectives which is why in LttP you couldn't just bomb random shit to find important parts of the game.

Ok you guys convinced me, I will play LoZ only using the map that came with the game because I have a shit sense of direction and see how it goes.

it was perfectly fine and still is
compared to most of the games at the time it was quite easy and simple even without a guide
"""gamers""" these days are just a bunch of babies with no problem solving skills whatsoever

>still perfectly playable

Pls reply (seeking approval for a friend)

Seen this thread so many times...

If you bought the cart new back in the NES days, it was very playable considering it came with a 60% completed map, manual that hinted at everything you needed to do (including how to kill Pols Voice with the controller mic...if you had a Famicom), and a "secret tips and tricks guide" pamphlet.

With all that, you were good to go through most of the game. Only the 2nd Quest would pose an issue, as everything you thought you knew was completely changed. But even that was fully playable if you were willing to dick around and explore a lot.

If anything, The Adventure of Link was more difficult as all you had was the manual. No maps, no tip books, nada. and had a more convoluted game map once you finished the first two Palaces.

Everyone raised on Ocarina of Time & later are little babies.

>tfw games made for children are deeper and more challenging than games made for adults

In nearly every screen it's pretty obvious which places are possibly bombable. You need to be seriously autistic to never notice this stuff. He asked whether or not I bombed shit randomly and I didn't because I can pay attention to a literal KIDDIE FUCKING GAME.

There's a shit ton of cryptic shit in the game to pad it out, and even then it's insanely short compared to literally every other LoZ title ever made. Not that that's a bad thing.

The game literally came with a map.

OP obviously just watched this faggot's video: youtube.com/watch?v=5ySSq2d5mKE

Of course, it's all bullshit. I beat it when I was a retarded 8 year old and it still holds up pretty good today, poor translation and all.

I assumed there was something hidden on every screen until I exhausted every option.

Almost every bombable wall or flamable bush was in a spot on the screen that made me want to try that location first, or close to first.

It's generally accepted that most people were not able to complete this game without a map and guide but fine have your "I did it better" award.

You beat a game without a game(if you actually did)congrats

Calm down nigger. I like the game. I'm just saying that older games like the original LoZ were at a lot more liberty for being cryptic and requiring experimentation and letting the player just be lost, because they knew most players weren't at liberty to give up a game because of that. Which is why saying "IT WAS MADE FOR KIDS" is retarded; they knew kids would get stuck, they were banking on it in fact to pad playtime.

>Like literally no Zelda game since then has been as cryptic as LoZ

You mean, the main game hasn't been as cryptic, they're filled with tons of cryptic side-quests.

Sorry for being rude. I just can't look at Zelda as cryptic after shit like Riven's dot puzzle. I should go to sleep. Good night to ya all, stay cool.
I can't believe we're at a point where the "go out and explore" attitude of the original Zelda is so definitively called bad exploration. Better neck myself, before I shrek myself.

>Zelda was one of the first games ever owned
>become immersed in the world of Hyrule and exploring it
>beat game without guides or walkthroughs since they were uncommon and expensive at the time

>according to modern gamers I just don't exist as something possible

Fuck you. Eat shit.

Don't mean to get off-topic here, but is pic related and Metroid II good and also still playable today?

yea but even those have more hints than the main story of LoZ

Yea, they're pretty fun too

>Kid Icarus

>I'm stuck in the lost woods
Go south and ask a dude in a cave
>what? Grumble Grumble...?
Some old dude already told you what to do you retard
>Oh noes all these magic knights that come alive if I touch them all lined up for no reason I'll just leave them alone
No you retarded fuck, kill them
>Nobody makes any sense!
No, you're just not paying attention. Reading comprehension. Why you no have this, smegma-breath?
>What's with these rocks that look like arrows?
Why don't you explore in the direction where they're pointing
>What's with this spring without a fairy this is hard!
Try using your secondary weapons you retard and see what happens
>This tree thing is blocking my path wahhhh!
Burn it down you stupid animal
>I don't know what order to play the dungeons in!
They're numbered for a reason mongoloid, though only a few require you visit an earlier dungeon for its item first
>I can't find the final dungeon fuck my life!
Yeah, fuck you. Go bomb the most OBVIOUS rocks in the fucking game
>I'm in 2nd quest though...
Bullshit. Go to the cave in A1, one of the furthest locations in the game. Duuuuurrrrrrrrr
>Why won't the old bitch do anything?
Go exploring. You'll find a letter in a cave. Go give it to her. Stupid...
>Waaahhhh!!! That mean man took all my money!
Then don't bomb/burn his fucking hiding place entrance
>What?! I'm supposed to REMEMBER that? That's too hard!
Then write down those locations so you won't be a fuck-up and embarrassment to your fathers' testicles the next time.
>Why can't I carry more than 255 money?
It's called a Rupee, tumor-for-brains. And it's capped at 255 due to tech issues.
>Where are my arrows?
Are you even paying attention to what you're playing dingus? 1 arrow = 1 rupee. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.
>Grrrr...THIS IS TOO CONFUSING!!! I'm gonna go play Ocarina of Time. At least that game holds my hand from start to finish so I can't possibly get lost or frustrated.
Yeah, you go do that.

The flaws are just too numerous to ignore, in my opinion. Metroid 2 is one of my favorites in the series, but now that AM2R is out you have no excuse not to be playing that instead

Quite playable. But there is no dishonor is referring to a map if you wish.

Complete and utter garbage OP. Your opinion, that is.

>there are people itt that need to be hand holded for the entire game


It's playable if you're a kid in the 80's with literally nothing else to do since you don't have the internet or even a PC and your only other game is Super Mario Bros. Then you can spend hours checking every pixel on the map until you eventually advance. That's how it was designed, it's supposed to waste your time with "exploration"

>no "LUNK"

It's one of the many NES games that were good for there time but don't hold up in modern standards. Your better off playing other 2D Zelda like ALttP and LA.