You crack me up, little Sup Forumsuddy.
You crack me up, little Sup Forumsuddy
the only good thing that came out of this shitty franchise was the porn desu
>the 1997 cartoon had an episode where Sam and Max had to stop a terrorist from crashing a blimp into New York
>Sam and Max has porn
Do I really want to see it?
You don't say?...
Sam and Max game made by Platinum wen XD?
This don't look like the Lincoln Tunnel, Sam.
Is this the best episode?
Don't even joke about it. I wonder how they would implement a game over since S&M are Animaniacs tier when it comes to asspulls but an action/puzzle/investigation mix with Platinum's style? Fucking sold.
Goofy and Nick were best salmonax, prove me wrong.
>mfw Flint's business acumen
please don't use the word acumen again
C'mon, Hit the Road was pretty funny
Oh yes. This game is one of very few that are actually funny. And this one is probably the funniest one.
>We're gonna have to use every detective skill we know to find Bosco!
>They just blindly open fire
I wanna find a good use for that when the time comes to shoot a lot of bullets very fast.
Meh, it was slightly entertaining but breaking the extablished rules of S&M lore made me feel uncomfortable. Also most of it was derived from Day of the Tentacle.
I didn't even like S2 anyway (much less 3) aside from the driving minigames, felt like the naive nature of the series was being raped by some McFarlaneish influence, much like what happened to the Simpsons.
Pic related are the modern day Sam and Max I believe.
Cartoon King Koopa sounded like a better detective
Lucasarts Sam was basically Goofy
Max is pretty cute haha
>Sam: Fone Bone > King Koopa > Goofy
>Max: Tycho from Poker Night >= Maimtron > Delete > Dr. Loboto
Damn, this series has such an esoteric cast.
I wonder what his ears smell like haha jk
>Lucasarts Sam was basically Goofy
I know, and that's why I always read the comics with his voice. Sam needs that sweet soft deadpan southern accent for his character to work. Just like Max needs his thuggish Bugs Bunny impression.
I wish they would just fucking release the canceled game from 2004, it was basically heading to gold.
If they don't remaster Hit the Road after Full Throttle I'm going to fucking scream.