Will he finally surpass Taro and Kojima?


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I just want NMH3

The only thing holding this nigga back is money.

Killer 7 and NMH beats out any Taro game. Hell SWERY does as well .


not really a high bar to surpass there

It's possible but would he surpass Todd?

He already did

Only once his master piece gets released for the switch


What do you consider is his master piece?

I think he's on Taro's level, but he still hasn't surpassed Kojima's meme power.

is he even working on the new NMH game?
was he even involved in the second one?

NMH3 will be his first game where he is directing in nearly a decade

He confirmed himself that he is writing and directing NMH3, he had more or less no role in NMH2

also Suda51 is involved in Let it die as a hidden consultant and being uncle death in dev jp streams

oh god now I'm super fucking excited
the suda train has no breaks this time

If Suda didnt make NMH2 I'm glad I didnt play it

It's fun.

but it's still Travis baby

Dude makes great 'B' grade games. They lack the polish of AAA games, but they're enjoyable.

No More Heroes is probably one of my favorite games on the Wii.

He also had a hand in lolipop chainsaw, killer is dead, and shadows of the damned.

Well Amazon has it listed for 70 bucks, don't know how much worth a psuedo-Suda game is

He's already in the same league as Taro desu.

It's still debatable whether NMH 2 is better than NMH1 , though the gameplay looks extremely similar they feel completely different.

>He also had a hand in lolipop chainsaw
Did he. Didn't James Gunn pre-GotG fame write the game.

Any game released in the past 5 years is better than NieR Automata, so he's definitely in a higher league than Taro.

I never played 2 so please explain

he already did
all of his games have been masterpieces

He's listed (at least on wikipedia) as a director.

I also forgot he had a hand in sine mora, but I haven't played that one, so I can't attest to its quality.

Grasshopper is owned by Kadokawa now money isn't a problem.

If he finally directs a game again, maybe.

He hasn't even properly directed a game since the original No More Heroes. He's basically been a brand name for all these years.

It's not bad, just doesn't quite have the same charm NMH1 does. Some changes were better but some of them were worse.

The combat doesn't have that rhythm the first game had , it feels much more loose. And the side step ability is much harder to time and some other subtle shit.

killer7 is better than most AAA games

I think SUDA did direct that game that was part of Short Peace. That was really fucking weird.

Only the best handheld mecha game ever.


>TFW sequel never

>lolipop chainsaw
boring and tedious. It's what Bayonetta would've been if Kamiya went insane and went ham with the mini-games minus the combat depth/cutscenes
>killer is dead
It was alright. Though it feels like half the game was cut/MIA
>shadows of the damned.
If I played the game blind and didn't know about the people behind it, I would've thought it was a Shinji Mikami game, minus the dick jokes and side scrolling level

were those good?

He'll forever be known as that quirky japanese dev.

There is a Japanese VN of Liberation Maiden me dude

so pretty much every Japanese dev/director with distinct personality

no that's swery

The short peace game was only a hour long but it was standard side scroller with great visuals and a nonsensical assassin story . It's a 5/10

Hell yes, a ludo to surpass even Killer7 incoming

>If I played the game blind and didn't know about the people behind it, I would've thought it was a Shinji Mikami game, minus the dick jokes and side scrolling level
you've piqued my interest, this looked like the absolute low point of grasshopper from the trailers, but i might give it a go

Surpassing Kojima isn't difficult these days.

Liberation Maiden is painfully short(you can probably finish it in an hour), but it has a ton of replayability. It also doesn't hurt that the premise is almost a direct copy of Metal Wolf Chaos(although nowhere near as hammy) and that is NEVER a bad thing.

Well, didn't Mikami handle the gameplay and Suda handle the writing for Shadows of the Damned?

Who opened that new studio recently?

Him or Swery?

Yeah but that never got localized and the jump from Mecha action to Visual Novel is just a giant middle finger to me. I like to pretend it doesn't exist.


Japanese dev rankings:

Kamiya > Mikami > Itsuno > Kojima > Itagaki > Taro > Swery > powergap > Suda

Suda will one day surpass Kamiya then


>Itagaki that high up

So how was Devil's Third user?

SWERY with Studio Drinking

I would sacrifice my left nut for a Madworld sequel or anarchy reigns sequel. Otherwise Kamiya sucks

Swery recently stated that his new game is gonna be Pervy as hell . HYPE

Kamiya > Miyazaki > Mikami > Kojima > Nagoshi > Taro > Itagaki > Suda > Swery

A decent multiplayer game that was DoA due to NoA
And something that feels like it was in 8 years of development hell regarding SP.
People have given shittier third person shooters better scores and they also have extremely select memory.
RIP cookieface

He's not that high up. Taro's games have always had shit gameplay (besides Automata), and Swery's only noteworthy game is Deadly Premonition. And Suda's just a hack (Killer7 is his only good game).

Itagaki's NG/DOA are masterpieces, and Devil's Third, while notably worse than other action games, isn't completely horrible. It just lacks polish, really.

>A meme to surpass the memegear!
what did he mean by this?

How the hell is Shinji Mikami so high , Evil Within was shitter than RE6 . He is never gonna make a decent game ever again .

>Evil Within was shitter than RE6
You have bad taste or played the game wrong case in point me when I first played it. It severely lacked polish but it was alright. Even if it just gave up and turned into a horde mode at the end

It emulates pretty good.

>game with actual depth

He's certainly surpassed Taro

rock scissors paper

What you just said made no fucking sense. The Evil Within went down fucking hill after the mansion level and the boss battles are just the worst.

Surpass them in what? Being a crazy motherfucker?

He's the definition of 'style over substance' type game designer, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Because of funding limitations he tries to use a lot of what he's given which can produce a lot of hit or miss results. When they do hit, they're typically out of the park though.

Making legendary games (Which Taro hasn't made any but Kojima made Policenauts)!