Final Fantasy XII

Why does this game look better than most modern games?

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god im so fucking keen for this

Do you think it would be worth it to play the original before this one comes out with the Zodiac system?

i wouldn't bother at this point.. depends how desperate/bored you are.. i havent played it in about 5 years and was considering a playthrough last year but decided ill wait

No. But if they don't change anything about the jobs, the original IZJS may wind up being better. Reason being FF12 doesn't have a lot of variety, so having characters with two jobs is going to bridge the gap back to the homogenization that made many people dislike the original.

Is the Zodiac system generally agreed to be an improvement over the original?

I never had any problem with the original but I am curious just how the jobs will work out, since I never checked out the International version way back when.

Why does that girl literally wear a skirt that's shorter than even stripper skirts?

Problem with the job system is they didn't rebalance the weapons to fit it better. So the same shit weapons are still shit and the best ones are still the best. Katana and 2-hander swords still rule the day.

stop slut shaming

The important thing to take away from that image is that Basch is a man of refined taste.

It's one of those fake out skirts. It's actually a pair of shorts with a skirt around it. Shows it in the concept art.

Wait, I'm curious. Can anyone tell if the visuals have changed noticeably from the original like the X|X-2 Remaster, or is it a faithful HD translation?

no because the fast forward button feature is too essential.

the original is such a snorefest without it.

Not really, its mostly a 50/50 thing. Haven't played the zodiac system myself but simply reading the differences slowly puts me in favor of the origenal system.

because fan service/because Japan

because sex sells

it helps you regulate your party roles much better.
it's better that way because if you teach too many characters the same stuff you will lose and you'll have to start all over.

They fixed Van's abs, that's all you need to know.

>being gay

Most people agree it is better, only few people like actually think the original system was better.
I'm not going to deny the Zodiac Job System is quite restrictive, though. It gave strategy but sacrificed something in return.
Maybe they shoudn't have done this job system, instead do it in a way characters have access to all licenses but only a predetermined number of them, after gaining a certain number of licenses they would be locked out of the others. Or something like that.
Or they could've just let the player choose if they want to use the Zodiac Job System or not in the beginning. On another related note, I don't know what to think about the 2 Jobs thing in the remastered version. It looks like they are trying to get the best from both worlds but I think this isn't going to work and might actually ruin the game if not done well.

So we have no choice but to play this with its job system? Won't give us an option?

No, but at least you can pick two jobs this time, meaning that no job is left out.

Does that mean you can switch between the jobs, or do they stack on each other? Like subclassing.

Stacking. There's a license that gives you a second license board.

Trailer made the game look better than it actually was. Kind of hyped for it.

>Why does this game look better than most modern games?

If you mean visually: neat and clean models and textures, nice even lighting complimented by a deft color palette, fluid mocap, and no overuse of postprocessing or particles.

it just looks like an upresed PS2 game with AA.

Cause you're blind
Still looks decent though

Why is the voicework still ultra compressed? I thought they were improving that.

I'll play this again if it comes to PC. I completed it once many years ago and scenes from the game have still stuck with me. It's pretty memorable.

If they don't have access to the master recordings then there isn't much they can do.

She is blending in with normal people also eat shit Ashe is cute!

>they deleted the masters
Square never fails to amaze.

It was quite an elaborate illusion they crafted what with it seeming like the story would be good and prevalent.

Pretty hype desu. I think I'm grabbing Splatoon 2 instead though. I'll grab XII eventually, but not day 1.

Love the aesthetic. Shame I never grew attached to the party outside of Balthier. Frustrating how the game seemed so attached to politics yet it didnt make me care much about the people in the first place. So why would I care for their politics?

FFXII never really asks you to care. Things just unfold and you can feel whatever investment you want. It doesn't force you into extremely long cutscenes like other mainline entries, and the gameplay between them is sometimes staggeringly long.

So why do game companies toss assets only to resell their wares?

Fuck square enix. Im still mad about the shit mobile ports of ff games and them tossing the master data for their prerendered artwork. Fuck them.

Let's see if I fixed this.

I'm only speculating that they don't have the masters. I have no idea if it's true or not.

Because excellent art direction.

It's likely considering what they've said and done with past ports. Square has always done this, release and purge fucking everything. They had to mine a retail disc to port KH1 to PS3.

FFXII is probably the best looking game on the PS2, at least in terms of graphical fidelity.

I just wonder what incentive they'll give me to buy this instead of just emulating. I guess the audio won't be compressed to shit. Hopefully there'll be some gameplay tweaks.

You can pick a second job for each character later in the game. Some enemies also have less health.

>second job

Thank God, that's probably my number one complaint with IZJS. Can only pick half the jobs and if you don't pick the right jobs then you're fucked. And really XII is so fucking long that it's not exactly the most replayable game, so forcing you to play the game twice to experience everything was not a good idea.

Also I'm glad they didn't fuck up the faces like with X.

Probably XII and KH2
The Pirates of the Carribean models will forever hold up

>later in the game
The screenshot they showed had the second board license pretty close to the start of the license board.

>and if you don't pick the right jobs then you're fucked
Fucked against super bosses, maybe, but there's no combination of jobs that you can't beat the game and majority of hunts with. I played through without a healing class, for example.

KH2's facial animation is unmatched. The PS4 version looks like a new game.

God no, way too uncanny for my tastes, they don't fit the rest of the game at all. Didn't help that the world was an almost line-for-line rehash of the original movie (with the occasional "Sora Donald and Goofy" thrown in), would rather just watch the movie again. The game otherwise does look good, though I'm not a fan of the low quality fish-faces that pop up in certain scenes.

until it goes to the flat face when you run around

Talk shit about pancake face irl and see what happens nerd boy

jobs work great, much more enjoyable than the original. The only thing that kind of sucks though is that you cant change jobs and you pretty much lock them in at the start


Why is this taking so long to release? Are Square actually changing the game significantly or something?

I'd like to know as well. It'd be nice if they gave the option to play the original.

Can't wait to play the best FF game.
Better be made of gold when it comes out, though.

I'd really like to play 8 and 9, though.

Probably because they didn't want it to compete with their other releases.

Didn't the FFX remaster take three years to come out? I remember at the time people thought it had been quietly cancelled.

Why don't you?

How can I?

Emulation, steam, mobile devices, I'm sure they're probably on PSN too.

simple. FF8 and 9 are on PC/Steam with better graphics.

you could also emulate them on PC if you wanna.

>PS4 onry

S-E nooooo

It doesn't. It wasn't even the best looking PS2 game.

Yeah but the job system is arguably worse.

Yes, it's free. The remaster brings basically nothing. Game is still average.

They added insane amounts of bloom and blur. It's not as bad as the X Remaster but not ideal.

Could you explain where the strategy in this game is ? What strategies have you used please ?

What part of the game are you at? It's not like XII is a particularly hard game or anything.

You just use the analog stick to move around ant he game plays itself.

Shit looks good.

Why is the voice acting so good in this game?

Yes. That is the impression i have so far. I'm supposed to travel to an imperial research facility. I use normal attacks and healing items. I'm rather dissapointed.

Or use gambits and just hold the analog stick.

Too bad the game itself is boring shit. Seems like a pointless remaster if they're just going to give it a new coat of paint.

Steam or Switch version???

I use gambits. I have one to auto-attack and one to heal. I'm invincible already, i wish i had to use cool spells and win by the sweat of my brain-brow.

>It's not like XII is a particularly hard game or anything.
They made it even easier.

The only thing the game makes you do is cure debuffs for a couple of boss fights, otherwise just hold your analog.

It's a Sony Exclusive. This is dumb desu

Did you know the composer (Hitoshi Sakimoto) for Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics, Valkyria Chronicles, Red Shroud and also even Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen did composition for Final Fantasy 12?

I would wish upon a star that Square Enix would employ this man to compose more of the Final Fantasy games and other series as well in his unique style of composition.

For boss fights i can summon a mist whadyacallit aeon and use potions on it until the end of the boss.
I'm a mittle sad i seem to have broke the game this early on.

1 job is definitely too restrictive

2 jobs sounds about perfect.

depending how much they change the job system you could literally just only take 1 job if you wanted original IZJS system

I enjoyed FF12:Revenant Wings on the DS way back when the DS was new. Right about 2007. I wished Square would expand upon the series and create more stories out of Ivalice.

Square is dead.

After having played the original on PS2 and tried emulating the International version on PC; I still find it the most boring FF I've ever played.
Hell I even enjoyed XIII more and that thought scares me.

They are still making way more money then you user. They are very much alive and kicking.

Can't wait for this. Ff12 is among my top ff games and I replay it every couple years but hold off since their ps4 announcement. My urge to replay is unbearable at this point. Shits gonna be gud

It was in a weird spot. I like it personally but a lot of aspects didn't work too well. It's not really fun setting up gambits. The combat is kind of repetitive and a lot of boss fights are just healing loops and wait a long time till it's dead.

It had a lot of flaws compared to other battle systems but overall I liked it. The setting is great and some of the characters are great.

It's very hit or miss. I like that the combat is kinda braindead as I play it for a relaxing game.

Will this release bring a renaissance to the 'ondore lies' meme?

they got stage actors instead of letting Yuri Lowenthal voice every character in the game.

Let Ivalice rest in piece in pieces, give me a real Crystal Chronicle game. The spinoffs were fine and all but I want a real crystal chronicle game that explores the crystal chronicle's world more on today's consoles.

As much as I like Yuri Lowenthal's portrayal of Haseo and Luka. I would like it if he doesn't voice anymore characters in the future. But with this whole Voice Actor Allience bullshit going on I don't think he will stop til his name is in every game.

>pay chinks to remake textures
>only remade first level textures and main models
>leave everything else untouched

why does Squeenix give these people money when all they do is a hack job

The game was extremely challenging when I played it, requiring planning out a dozen moves in advance and manually using every move with every character just to survive.

Then again, I'm not a casual who grinds in RPGs.

You're in the wrong thread mate.

Why didnt they just reuse the KH2 engine for KH3? Im serious

The models and faces and animation are all perfectly acceptable when upscaled

and you could just blow your load on the environment

>Then again, I'm not a casual who grinds in RPGs.
Only challenging place was probably Giruvegan for me. Which part are you having/had trouble with?

Yeah I'm not saying he's a horrible voice actor but he's so oversaturated I'm sick of hearing him.