Trailer released 6 months ago

>trailer released 6 months ago
>not a fucking word since then
>game "supposedly" launching in ~5 months
Say it with me now

Other urls found in this thread:

It's Rockstar everyone already knows this faggot

Not really a surprise.

Expect a another trailer on e3 probably from Sony, and it saying Summer 2018.

>GTAV one month from Launch in March 2013
>delayed 6 months out of nowhere
We all know

it's high noon

Busy working on the multiplayer no doubt.

You mean the multiplayer money shop.
Will the currency be bonds or gold bars?

Man if only there was an annual event, an “expo” if you will, where game publishers and developers give us new announcements and updates on upcoming video games

*sigh* but I guess that's just crazy talk

>RDR is well loved for it's story which is about the death of the west, an interesting and underused theme, and redemption
>squeal teases ANOTHER fucking magnificent 7 knock-off
Way to to completely kill my excitement.

It's better to keep quiet then to be a fucking no mans sky.

> Gold bars

How the fuck would they fit them in their pocket you dumbo?

You mean the "solo" campaign, because it's pretty fucking obvious mp is going to be their prime focus.

Gold bags

Rockstar have always been like this and have never fucked up the release of a game.

Whether this one will be any good is another story.

Buckaroo Bucks

You'll be eating your words when it comes out.

Gold doubloons

Bronco Bucks

Though Rockstar barely attenss it. Last they did was announce gta v for ps4 at sony conference

>Online heists
>Reach the gold train before it reaches the bridge
>Player has disconnected
>Mission failed
>5 minutes loading screen back to lobby

If ain't "broke"...

Rockstar was snubbed by E3 way back when GTA3 was in development.
A decade and a half later and they still hold a grudge over that.

wait why, violence?

Red Dead Redemption was a huge clusterfuck too, way over budget and the code was a disaster, still what came out in the end was very good.

The original came out on May 10th, we'll surely get a trailer then

What, you think that when they announce the game that it's already done and they just giddily sit on their hands waiting for that date to arrive and release the game?

Fuck no.

They're busy working their asses off to hopefully make that deadline. You don't focus on marketing this early on unless you're EA or Ubisoft.

Rockstar only advertises once the game is released. We'll get more info when the game is closer. They do this with every game, always have.

Basically Rockstar wanted some spotlight for GTAIII. E3 refused and sidelined them.
Or something like that is what I've heard over the years.
E3 refused Rockstar, so now Rockstar refuses E3. At best some console publisher will announce or mention some title of theirs, but the publisher never gets to show anything more than a logo. Examples:
>Nintendo - GTA Chinatown Wars
>Sony - Agent (Forgotten and never released at Sony's expense, but that's another story)

same way they did in Red Dead Redemption?

Nah, the remake sucked. Rockstar can actually write some interesting takes on a slapped to shit and hung out to dry genre. I'm expecting good things after RDR was so fun.

honestly, chill and hope this isnt an Andromeda, (but you know, Rockstar, good track record, the obvious)

>but you know, Rockstar, good track record, the obvious
Lel. All the talent has left Rockstar at this point. Now all that remains is the North Korea of developers. Did you miss the Leslie Benz drama?

i guess i did, what happen user?

To clarify:
The guy who salvaged RDR was Jewed out of the company last year.
And by "salvage" I mean "Another head honcho had to beg him to come help fix the unplayable mess that was RDR pre-release."

Once I hated it when game were delayed. But in 2017 delayed is generally the only sign that the game is going to be quality. Means that they care about their game.

There was a year after the first GTA V trailer, I honestly don't know what you expect.

This isn't a problem unless you've got an ass cancer or something.


>it's gonna be a prequel of john and his old gang
>like gta V the online is gonna be the base game

>Rockstar only advertises once the game is released
How do people just sit online and tell baldfaced lies?
GTAV was announced in 2011. They put out eight different trailers before the release date. Plus screenshots, viral marketing, murals in cities, etc.
Fucking retard, it's delayed as shit. Eat a brick.

Strap in lads, it's time for a tale about modern Rockstar.
>Benzies was part of a three-man leadership team that steered the Grand Theft Auto franchise from 16-bit obscurity to global multi-million dollar success. Together, he and the Housers became close pals and enjoyed fabulous wealth and power. GTA publisher Take-Two lavished profit shares and bonuses on the three men.

>All was going well for Benzies, until (he claims) the Housers kicked him to the curb and denied him his share of ongoing profits. Rockstar's lawyers have responded by claiming that Benzies' lawsuit is "bizarre."
>Benzies says he was persuaded to take a nice sabbatical for six months, but while he was away, Rockstar fired his own son as well as a bunch of his best pals, while cutting off his access to company emails.
>When he tried to return to work at his offices at Rockstar North in Scotland, after completing his sabbatical, he found himself ordered off the premises by the office manager.

>Benzies says that Rockstar threatened him by "making scurrilous allegations" about his actions while at the company, "a revenge tactic they had used before with other respected employees … in an attempt to concoct false grounds for termination."
>In response to that, Benzies makes an eye-popping allegation. "Sam Houser … orchestrated and encouraged a company culture involving strip clubs, personal photography of employees in sexually compromising positions, and other conduct grossly in violation of standard workplace norms."

>When Red Dead Redemption was in production, the Housers were in charge. Benzies had no role in its making until, he says, things started to fall apart
>Benzies alleges that Sam Houser sent him the following email message. "PLEASE help me/us get [Read Dead Redemption] into shape. I am a jabbering wreck right now. I need The Benz!"

Expect Rockstar to put out a trailer around E3 time. Gameplay soon coming afterward.

>like GTO 90% of the added content will be priced to sell what ever the new shark card is called
>like GTO the big robberies/heists will be the most painfully scripted content in the game, making you want to just give up and buy sharkcards

>Guy is literally the only big talen R* had
>Takes a break after GTAV
>Gets fired because he supposedly took a leave without permission
>He says that's not the case and sues them
>We will never know what actually happened or why

a double cross worthy of a rockstar game.

thats fucked :(

pretty much chained the aussie devs to the desk

The best part is
>He says he's been deprived of royalties worth more than $150 million
I'm Rockstar can pay if they lose the lawsuit, but that will still hit where it really hurts.

wait, wrong guy, im thinking of the LA Noire devs

>GTA devs have a culture like a GTA scumbag character.

It'll be delayed. They would need to start releasing info and a some trailers soon if they want to make the fall deadline, and even then they never start marketing 6 months out.

>He says he's been deprived of royalties worth more than $150 million

Rockstar does this with all their games, you fuckwit.
>release trailer year before release
>release another one two months from release
>week of release
>release like four different trailers


>Hear more news about rdr2
>rockstar announces a deluxe edition of rdr2
>deluxe edition comes with port of first rdr
>you can only get the rdr pc port if you buy rdr2 deluxe edition

Ah yes, L.A. Noire's development at Team Bondi.
I pity any dev who ends up working under a pretentious "artist" of a boss.
Last I heard next he wants to make a game about colonial era Shanghai.

Rockstar have turned into greedy cunts.

That GTA/RDR mod got shutdown cause they thought they would lose money over, even though GTAV has made them around 2billion.

GTA online was the worst thing to have ever happened.

Rockstar keeps us in the dark until near release. This is nothing new.

honestly i think CDR will/has replaced rockstar in that aspect of a good dev team coming from left field

>Rockstar game
>Releasing on time
Pick one.

Benz is the one who decided that GTA5 should push online mode more (he stated it in his lawsuit), so he can go fuck himself.

Brokeback bux


yeah, whore of the orient isnt happening
>I pity any dev who ends up working under a pretentious "artist" of a boss.
we have a limitless supply of these self important hacks here since the studios are mostly startups by bored 30-something trust fundies and chink shovelware companies

>Post-GTA V
>Trusting Rockstar
>Buying Rockstar games

They went full Kike with GTA V. They're not going to stop just there, they're going to go full Kike on all their games now.

I honestly laughed.

he was also the director of gta online. fuck him

It hurts.

In hindsight IV wasn't so bad. At least its multiplayer wasn't a microtransaction scam, and the only dlc was as big expansion packs with their own stories.
People rightfully give IV shit for the things it did wrong, but in the end it was the last GTA with a soul.

i don't think todd is pretentious. i just think he's ran out of juice and should just fuck off already

poor todd, );

It's because The Benz sorted it out

Not with this one tho. I think RDR 2 is the first Rockstar game after Benzie got out.

>In hindsight IV wasn't so bad

It wasn't bad at all, user. A lot of anons on Sup Forums sperged out for no reason. I and a lot of those same spergs probably clocked 900 hours into that game, I'm sure of it.

GTA IV just goes to show that good gameplay mechanics that feel "right" with a solid story to hold it all together beats an outrageous and wacky game with a convoluted blockbuster hollywood movie story anyday.

I really miss the old GTA III style. It had an air of mystery to every aspect of the game.

You mean Post RDR

GTA V was shit

the pc port was a fucking disaster

>getting hyped for cowboy cash shop 2 or any future jewstar game

its over, find another game

the san diego team might at least make a good single player game

Fuck off, fatass redditor.

it was a disaster 8 years ago. its perfectly playable now and anyone who says otherwise is memeing. game was actually updated last november.

>people now type like Tumblrinas unironically
>and no one else cares
Please, nuke this place already.

Man I hate GTA online, if not for that shit we'd have had 3 good rockstar games by now. FUCK YOU ROCKSTAR YOU FUCKING JEWS

Thought ran through my head too.

Take Two will give them the dick if they don't cooperate though.

It's a lost cause, bro. Rockstar sold out.

GTA 4 runs worse than GTA V.

>MRW Rockstar is dead

>it was the last GTA with a soul.
When all you have to defend your shit game are reddit arguments you know it's worthless trash.
GTA 4 was a massive piece of shit, and of course only a bunch of contrarians in Sup Forums like it due to the Zelda cycle, the same people that will defend GTA V when 6 comes out.

Good, this industry deserves to die.

it's probably gonna get tens from everyone except Jim Sterling, and sell amazingly well.

nice meme. you could hit 50fps with a 580 at 1440p and that was 5 years ago. 560's and 78xx radeons could max the game at 1080 with over 60 average fps. this was benchmarked on numerous sites and that with social club shit and gfwl running both of which are no longer required to run the game. this meme is old and tired and hasn't been valid in years.

i think this thread gave me cancer

No, you only get the port if you preorder

I get 50-60 FPS on GTA V while I get drops to the high 30s on GTA 4.

That game was a fucking disaster in every way and i'm glad Sup Forums likes it because it means the rest of the world doesn't.

yeah, i know. i like gta4 better than gtav and it's fine now on pc. i'm just saying there wasn't no reason for people sperging out

>Say it with me now


>Zelda cycle memeing over GTA 4

Is this the most cancerous thread on Sup Forums right now?

update your ancient pirated version senpai

i think ive always ran gta4 at 60fps
ive had it for only two years so i dont know anything about the initial port

I played GTA 4 once and I barely remember anything of it.
It was one of the most personality-less and forgettable games of the 7th gen.
Never felt the drive to replay it even once.

I just finished playing through IV, TLAD and am playing through TBOGT right now. Enjoy being butthurt!

But I came to appreciate IV before V came out.
Mostly due to the expansions and terrorizing other players in free mode with helicopters, but still

>Is this the most cancerous thread on Sup Forums right now?
*checks front page*
i don't think so

using redditor buzzwords and all. nice try, reddit!

Confirmed most cancerous thread on Sup Forums

Your new is showing.

gay tony is better, fuck jesse, he gets fucking stomped in gta v which is the only redeemable thing in that game

*takes a drag off of his vape*
is that all you got, kiddos?