Anyone else excited for Destiny 2 on PS4 and PC?
Anyone else excited for Destiny 2 on PS4 and PC?
i'm still sad that i had to stop playing destiny when they stopped support for ps3, just when they added all that cool shit and i started getting really fucking fun pvp weapons like the tlaloc. im never gonna get to play this game again
xbox one or die
Pick one.
Nope, I got enough shitty bulletsponge enemy games on PC as it is
PS4 gets some ships, shitty strikes, and shitty PvP map. I like the xbox interface better
>excluding all the guns
Kek, xcuck.
Im not touching it, they lost a good amount of respect the first time, especially when they decided that locking half the game for dlc was fine.
Ahh fuck I forgot. Still.
The hawkmoon was a based as fuck weapon. I was pissed off when i found i had to wait a year just to get it. I eventually quit destiny and never ever owned the gun
>103k defense
Name 1 (ONE) reason to play Destiny instead of Warframe.
It's fun
Destiny has an end game, and better gameplay, oh shit sorry I did two and have more
can you describe more I'm thinking about buying this on pc
Who gives a fuck about Destiny 2 when you have a Master Chief Halo 6 and beyond.
>some shitty f2p game
>genius game made by a beloved studio
Hard choice
You won't get the limited edition extra rare Spartan armor if you don't pre order destiny 2 though.
I'm excited to single out the Music of the Spheres pieces from the soundtrack
I'm excited for it to be over
Does that count
The gunplay is top tier, being able to customize your play style by gear and weapons even if a weapon is the same type it plays differently, and the PVp is like old halo, but the difference is gear can help you way more then skill, but it has some great gear elements for a decent lvl of customization, pve is fun and you can't find a game like it in those terms, PVp is halo but different in the loadouts. Story is meh but apparently good if you disconnect from the game to read books online. I doubt they will improve that but I continued to play past the bullshit they did because it's honestly the most rewarding and fun to play shooter, the loot gives a reason to continue
But that's not the Master Chief, I want the real thing.
Grinding in Warframe is pretty fucking awful
That and at times Warframe doesn't feel very smooth
Only if they pull the shit with multiple season pass.
> bought first season pass.
> the the shit out of the game with 3 max lv character
> found later that The Taken King don't include in the first season pass or anything else
It already bad enough that some people won't be able to get the season pass and not having access to more content, but having multiple of it only going to divide the community even more.
Man, Warframe is FUCKED when this comes out on PC.
Only reason I spent 1200 hours on warframe is because I couldn't justify buying consoles i'd sold before it came out.
Fun movement though.
But there's like more player characters than types of enemies that aren't just swaps almost.
Wait what?
They just stopped giving a shit about it on PS3?
Titanbros > Sissy Warlocks > Hunterfags
The additions and expansions to the game were simply getting too big for the PS3 version to handle. The same goes for Final Fantasy 14, the Stormblood expansion will be the end of the PS3 version.
It's a shame Titans are objectively the mechanically worst class due to how the game works
Not excited, just cautiously curious what they do with it.
I thought they were considered one of the best, at least for PvE asides for having shitty range on melee and not having a blink.
>the PVp is like old halo, but the difference is gear can help you way more then skill
Not at all. It comes down to having map+radar awareness, and having your class mobility powers down.
Fuck forgot to link posts
It's a shame all the classes ultimately move, fight and take hits the exact same way regardless of how you adjust your little stat bars or what perks you use.
The season pass explicitly says exactly what you are getting, why are you surprised that anything that came afterwards isn't included?
I still think destiny would be a great 3rd person game. instead of first person
>Being this wrong
There is a massive difference between the classes when it comes to mobility. Titans are the fastest things alive once you get skating down, nothing can come close.
Hunter with quad jump and speed comes a close second.
I'm excited as fuck, get ready for may 18th livestream. Also you assumed everyone is getting Destiny 2 on Roach-infestation 4, instead of the superior Xbox WON+ PC combo.
If its play anywhere(it wont be). Ill buy an x1 scorpio for this.
The grinding in Warframe has become something so obscene that you would have to be a masochist to enjoy it. Every mechanic and addition to the game is all about extending that grind.
I never thought that Destiny was that great, but it's by far a better game than Warframe at this point.
Titans = Warlocks > Shit > Hunters
>Warlocks and Titans both have a perfect balance in subclasses of anti-mob offense powers for orb-making and support in the form of team revives, buffs and shields
>Hunters have lolshootguy, lolstabguy, lolbarelyslowguydown
Not all Hunters are shitters, but all shitters ARE Hunters.
Only if I can actually be Captain King in a cape.