So i was wondering: did he ever face trouble with the actual yakuza for making the series?

So i was wondering: did he ever face trouble with the actual yakuza for making the series?

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From what I read they're happy to get free publicity (The game paints them pretty positively)

If he did find trouble, do you think he'd keep making the games?

This pretty much, especially with the older Yakuza that feel like Kazuma follows the way Yakuza are supposed to be
They hate how Kiryu is dressed though

No, just like Mario Puzo never faced any trouble for writing The Godfather.

fun fact: mafia bosses used to be just common thugs with low education and manners after The Godfather was released they starting behaving like Don Corleone.

why would they?

Unless he made them out to all look like tremendous fags I dont see why they would be mad

the yakuza are actually very nice people

People who murder people, sell drugs and pimp whores, are probably not that nice.

>No, just like Mario Puzo never faced any trouble for writing The Godfather.
From what I heard, during the making of the movie the mafia was everywhere on the sets and everyone had to tiptoe about the subject when they were around.

>murder people

No, at worse they do pimp people, but Yakuza don't leave bags and bags of bodies like the Mafia did.

No, because they encase people in concrete inside a barrel and then dump it in the ocean.

Yeah i know this from personal experience, the one who raped me was nice enough to take me back home

Lot harder to do that then leave a body

Yakuza are also patriotic as fuck, despite the majority of their lackeys being korean?

That's also Italian, faggot. Yakuza at worst beat people up, and try to keep civvies off their affairs to avoid collateral. You walk in the street, and people know who the yakuza are, and they avoid each other respectfully.
Meatball mobs are nothing like them.

They pimp women out of debt, but even so, they treat them well, since it's their source of money.

t. Takeshi

You know Japan only has a 99% conviction rate because they catch the wrong guys on purpose via written confessions. It's court system is extremely corrupt and who know how many Yakuza crimes are covered up by incompetent law enforcement trying to fill quotas.

Those were edgy teens, not Yakuza

Do we have any articles, or documentaries to back up these claims?

ITT: idiots who think a game series that has underground cities and castles made of gold somehow gives an accurate portrait of Japanese crime lords
Fuck this, i'm done with this board

ITT: underage

>99% conviction rate

is this a real fucking thing

a little bit too glorified view on the Yakuza for my taste. They kill bro, they also rape,torture. Whatever it takes they don't just beat them up. Thats not how a business like the Yakuza runs.

I will say they dont fuck with civvies often, however, only because its easier for them to run when there is no spotlight on them. Yakuza comes in all shapes in sizes from black hair, black suits. To Hawaiian shirts, gold chains and bleached hair.


t. man who loves roppongi nightlife.


Depends. Wasn't there an anecdote during the development where they met an old Yakuza who had an orphanage for money laundering purposes, but still ran it as completely legit as well?

Yes, might be a little lower but Japan's conviction rate is largely based on lies because they don't want shame

I heard this in Persona 5, and thought it was an exaggeration. Yeesh.

The full retard court system in the ace attorney games is based on the japanese court system.

Yeah, I agree with the glorify thing. Still, it's rare nowadays for them to look for trouble on their own where's no money to be gain, unless we're talking about the lowest rank members who do shit to feel like they're higher than they actually are.

I'll visit Roppongi next year, incidentally. Last year I went to Kabukichou just to geek out, but it wasn't that entertaining, outside geeking out about the few similarities with Kamurochou.

What does Roppongi have to offer in entertainment? I admit my budget is low, though. Around 3 grand outside the shit I want to buy to bring home and travel and hotel expenses.

what is up with the nigerians
they're all over ueno now too

Japanese court system is fucking corrupt as shit. It's crazy that Hashino slagged their court system that brazenly in P5.

Japan is secretly a terrible place

japan was an astonishing suicide rate. what are the chances the yakuza frames a lot of murders as suicides? i've always wondered about that

I'm not surprised. Is there anywhere to read about it? Like an interview? I'm EOP tho...
Same with P5, I guess - was it mentioned in the "works" or whatever the design book is? I have a translation of interview bookmarked, but didn't read it yet. Might just be with the main artist.


I think there's a book or something telling the history of the relationship of Yakuza and japanese videogame devs. Basically every dev but Nintendo and Namco had bussines with the yakuza (paying for "protection" and to fuck rival devs) whether they wanted or not.

probably a fuckload

the yakuza will take care of your old relatives if you work for them, for some its the only way to take care of your old pops when you are in a bad situation.

Yakuza is about family and if possible they rather have positive relationships with the locals.

I remember there was some news last year or before where some yakuza cancelled an event they had every year where they gave local children candy because they were at war with another group and didnt want to risk a children being hurt

Gee, its a real shame they were too busy murdering each other, to hand out candy to children.

it's because Japanese prosecutors have very strict rules

>fun fact
Got anything for me to read backing that up? Sounds too weird to be true so it must be plausible.

Is Phoenix Wright an accurate representation of the Japanese judicial system?
Here's an actual Yakuza member reviewing 3

They do huge money in sexual slavery, blackmail and coercion. They're just thugs that've been rationalized by Japanese "at least they're our thugs" logic.

Japan fucked up

missing cases way more related to yakuza
missing cases>>>>>>>>suicide cases

>Go to Japanese Brothel
>Your girl turns out to be a nurse from Thailand being held in sexual slavery who was tricked by a fake job offer/recruitment
>Never go to Red Light District again

Please stop glorifying these thugs. It's as bad as the "steel folded over 10,000 times" nonsense.

It's not as far off as you think. Prosecutors Winn 99% of all court trials. If your case goes to trial, then you're pretty much already considered guilty

>Thinking a political tier yakuza backed industry fearing yakuza

Pure gaijin.

>extortion against nips who are especially helpless
I hope your post is a bait

The blade fold thing is not real?

Yes, the prosecution is expected to win every single case. It's actually career ending to ever lose one.

It's both because of and contributes to their logic that "if you're arrested, you must be guilty."

Japanese cops are pathetic, corrupt fucks far more interested in chasing down someone for a technicality than in solving crimes. Not that their bosses would ever let them solve real crimes.

ITT: watched a yakuza documentary on YouTube

Stupid immigration loophole they can't close. Literally they tell a dumb lie everyone knows is a lie and get in.

Meanwhile, you will never, ever get full PR

What if he doesn't face trouble because he's in it

You're incredibly late to that conclusion, one would wonder how dull you are that it took you that long.

They folded the blades, I'm referring to starry eyed weebs (like me) who wanted to belive that this made it a better weapon than swords in the west.

Nope. Katanas look cool, but the blade folding just helps deal with shitty Japanese Iron, the swords are far weaker than European arms.

>Not being turned on by this

Faggot. Women aren't human and are for use.

Care to go more indepth? Sounds interesting and another example of nip incompetency

"If you were truly not guilty, the police wouldn't have reason to suspect in the first place."

t. Ancient Japanese proverb I just made up

>(Translation: I feel sorry for the people who bought the American version. SEGA USA sucks.)

Based Yakuza.

I'm not a feminist so that kind of thing doesn't bother me.

That happens everywhere though, most if not all whores were forced one way or another to well, whore themselves. I met an old retired exotic dancer that became a whore when she wasn't beautiful enough to get paid for just dancing, her daughters were dancers too and whores as well.

Now that Kiryu won't be in another game, who would actually represent "Yakuza"? I hope it's Akiyama and the plot doesn't have anything to do with the fucking Tojo clan

>mrw there's another traitor or bad guy in the Tojo clan

Fucking enough already

well most of them are not prosecuted

What kind of dumb logic is that? It's not about being feminist, it's about having some human decency and morals you fucking idiot

>taking the bait

I hope its not Tojo related at all with brand new characters. Let the prexisting cast rest.

how do you know this? you have experience living in nipland?

I honestly have a hard time now to find someone who's baiting and some guy actually believe this because I'm convinced some anons do believe that

100% agreed, what a dumb post

op here btw, and I think if the game would let you beat up civilians, shoot and kill cops, rape women and steal cars like GTA does, the yakuza wouldn't be too happy. But since none of that is in the games and they focus on fighting, exploration and mini games, I can imagine that they view it as positive publicity.

I haven't played the PSP ones but he doesn't have any relations to tojo clan right? Why not him?

>tfw KHH was working on a translation patch but gave up and works on Ishin videos


is japan real world cardassia

The game presents the Yakuza as something honorable and a "necessary evil" kind of force, without the whoring, killing, raping, drug dealing, etc... or not as bad as they are in real life. So I think the Yakuza would be fine with that

but he did

Why they give up?

When Nagoshi was making the game, he made a lot of changes. GTA has Cero Z (basically AO rating for ESRB) and Sega wouldn't be too happy about it seeing as how they weren't confidant in it anyway. There's an ongoing documentary called "forging the dragon" that touched on this
You can beat up goons and go to hostesses

*You can beat up goons and go to hostesses but you can't kill them as that is a big no no it seems

too sleepy desu

He's translating everything but said it's not even gonna come this decade unless someone who knows japanese offered to help

What makes that translation different from the games like Kenzan and Ishin?

About the Japan justice system, for example, if someone reports me for some crime I didn't do, there's a 99% chance I'm going to jail if that was even a possibility?

That's really fucking disgusting, really lost a lot of respect for Japan

Or is it like, there's a low chance you get arrested, but if you do you're fucked?

With Kenzan he just showed the main story text in english. Actually incorporating it in the game might be way more tougher then just putting text on a video

the game referred to yakuza movies that were popular in the past there
they are not even trying to portray modern yakuza

I would say so. So many people like to think Cardassia was an allegory of Nazi Germany when it actually made more sense that it was Imperial Japan (and Bajor was Korea)

There's an interview with 3 yakuza members who played the game over the course of the day

long story short they love it and think its for the most part accurate. they especially love the parts where it paints them positively (like the mc owning an orphanage and shit)

fuck you I've watched Golden Boy and they aren't nice at all nigga

> Golden Boy
Great taste my man. The manga gets so fucking weird I had to stop reading though. Ill finish it one day but that arc with the high school girl who mindbreaks people by pissing into their mouths was just too fucked.

Can you offer some good Yakuza movies to watch my nigga?

>mindbreaks people by pissing into their mouths was just too fucked.

What's up with Japan and degenerate fetishes? fucking hell

Censored genitalia in porn

Would it be possible to change Japan's court systems from within if I worked in law there? Hearing about such injustice makes me seriously angry.


Nigger, try to fix some shit you find wrong in your own culture before going to a foreign country where you would have no influence whatsoever

Hope he makes another Yakuza game after 6, doesn't seem like he wants to though.

>10 years in deathrow not knowing which day would be his last
Jesus christ.
Any updates on his guy's fight?

I read an article they are in early stages of making the new game and Nagoshi is involved, am I wrong?

not him but i enjoyed Outrage.

I just want a new, good writer. After 1, shit was going downhill. 0 was only good because they didn't have to associate anything with the present and had enough freedom to shit out a decent plot

They also said like none of their members knows karate like they all do in the game.

The most logical and effective course for Japan is to have their government torn down and restructured by the Americans every hundreds years.

Without foreign intervention, Japan has shown time and time again that they degenerate culturally and their society becomes a quagmire of self-contradiction and injustice.

Go watch Takeshi Kitano movies

>degenerate culturally and their society becomes a quagmire of self-contradiction and injustice.

Just like America, then.