Why was this game so good, and new Frictional game when?

the actual gameplay sucked, but the setting was cool. The writing sucked, too.

A meteor is going to hit that fucking satellite and any human thought will be gone forever

human thought is already gone. It's just a few retards getting digital blowjobs in pseudo afterlife.

I've heard they have two new projects on the horizon but I haven't seen info on either.

After SOMA I'm really curious what direction they go with things.

Did you hate amnesia too?

I get what they were going for with the existential dread angle for the game, but I don't feel like they hit the mark. Hope they go for a more straight horror-oriented route for their next game

Catherine did nothing wrong

>straight horror
In what sense?

I think it'd be a step backward if they just tried to recreate Amnesia again.

I liked it's themes and atmosphere, but the "hide away from the monster" gameplay sections felt like it was just there because it's a Frictional Games game and it had to be there.

Penumbra: Black Plague, Amnesia and SOMA. Which is best?

Yeah, I thought there were a few good chase sequences, but I could see why others felt that they were added because they were expected to be there.

Amnesia is probably the scariest, and SOMA has the best environment and atmosphere. Choose what you prefer. Though SOMA did give me a momentary existential crisis, so there's that.

Scariest - Amnesia
Best Plot - SOMA
Black Plague hasn't aged well at all. I actually found the ending of overture scarier, oddly. SOMA I would say is best overall.

>The puzzle where you had to keep remaking and destroying a dead man's AI consciousness because he's the only person that knew a keypad code you needed

Made me a bit sick.

>When you realize Simon's consciousness has probably been tortured thousands upon thousands of times from being the template for all AI in the future

>Implying the WAU wasn't a true mean of evolution

Damn Catherine, I know you're not great with people socially, but we could at least try to talk with him and explain the situation fully before pulling the plug.

I couldn't be bothered to finish the game once i realized it was just another amnesia but I got the story from JA's video on it and the writing is fantastic. They need to drop the sneaking around stupid looking monsters gameplay because it wasn't good even in 2010. Soma would have been a total flop if the story wasn't as good as it was. Sadly I don't think they know how to do anything else.

Sea life was doing fine on its own. Eventually life may have come back to the surface. The WAU is just gonna fuck that eventuality up with spooky technogoo

I think the general consensus of reviews were that the story was interesting, but the monster sequences were just alright, so they might take that to heart on the next project.

Assuming they're sticking with something horror-related.

I liked amnesia and prenumbra but hate pigs and soma. It feels like frictional is getting a bit too wanky on story and tries to be Dear Esther instead of actually being a game. Soma's story is workable, but the main character is too retarded for my taste and the plot is very predictable if you had an ounce of experience in sci-fi flims.

A Machine for Pigs has an excuse because it was actually made by the people that made Dear Esther.

I love games that make you do fucked up things to survive, SOMA was great

pretty sure there's still some under the sea buddy