About to start DD

How's gameplay?
is it as clunky as Dark Souls?
any tips?

Party-based with SotC climbing
Can get clunky depends on classes
Start slow. Open up once you reach the main city

Spam that D-pad
Run away if you can't win. There's no level scaling and it's easy to deal absolutely no damage
Try to play a class with range

Your class upon levelling up determines the stats you gain (fighters get more health, mages get more magic etc) but the game isn't impossible enough for you to need to worry about that

good tips.

Also, early game, human enemies are some of the most dangerous. If you start to run into bandits, be careful and don't be afraid to run like hell.

Enemy rangers will fuck you up early game. There's a reason that the ranger class doesn't get a longbow upgrade for some time - they're an OP class.
Actually, all the yellow vocations are some kind of OP, even end game. And pre-lv100, Rangers get some of the best stat growth.
Reds got shafted. I find the Warrior fun as hell, but you have to work the hardest.

And it's nowhere near as clunky as Dark Souls. It runs in DMC4's engine. But the reds (fighter, warrior, and mystic knight) are the clunkiest. Yellows (Strider, Ranger, Assassin, Magick Archer) are the most agile. The mages lack agility and suffer from lower early-game stat growth, but make up for it by being pretty OP in other ways.

>The mages lack agility and suffer from lower early-game stat growth, but make up for it by being pretty OP in other ways.

pretty much. I play as sorcerer and I blast niggas left and right but it's usually all over if a beast jumps me.

I pretty strongly disagree about that class shit. Everybody should take about 20 levels in Warrior pre-100 for that HP growth or you'll really be feeling it later, what a gaffe.
Ranger does have very balanced high stat growth so if you're lazy it does make a pretty nice general leveling class. Red+Yellow is amazing though, huge physical attack growth and great stamina growth too, both very important. Unless you plan to never change class after getting all your passives an shit, a balanced stat growth until level 100 is best. If you figure you never want to be anything other than a Sorcerer it is best to just stay as a class with highest magic attack growth (which is also Sorcerer in this case) all the way to 100.

Stat growth slows down dramatically after 100 and you'll probably beat the game before you hit 50 if you're not grinding so you usually don't worry about the post 100 levels too much.

>Spam that D-pad
Probably better to not do that, that can fuck up inclinations and make your pawn a potato

Dark Souls isn't clunky at all.

This. On the way to the bridge checkpoint there's the upwards slope that leads to the witch forest among others and there's a trap rolling rock with bandits, which are really tough early game. I got absolutely fucked couple of times, because I'm stubborn fucker and tried to kill them over and over, but they can even 1shot you.

Don't go cutting across any big fields thinking it's a shortcut in the middle of the night.

Play on Hard
Ignore all min max autists

Don't get excited by the Berserk armor its not on pc

Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen.

One tip I haven't seen mentioned is if you are going to be facing off against a new monster, be ready with items to cute status ailments.
You will also almost always want a mage in your party for buffs. Especially against something like a hyrda. Especially if you don't have a fire weapon.

Yeah pretty much every time you touch the D-pad that equates to about ten sessions of "having a sit" with your Pawn to unfuck their headmeats.

Thank fucking god for the rift crystal shop and inclination elixers.

Masterwork, you can't go wrong.

If it wasn't so hilarious to see people end up macking on random ass NPCs I would probably want there to be a few hints that your most important person is going to play a role in the plot and maybe have an early quest that utilizes the gift system so that dense people realize they can give shit to NPCs.

How do pawns even work in this game? I made one, and have someone else's just hanging around. Is it safe to give them equipment and stuff, or can other people just take them off while i'm gone?

Yes it's safe to give them equipment, however it will replace what they are currently wearing and you cannot get it back. Giving equipment to someone else's Pawn is essentially gifting them equipment, you will never see it again.

No, once you have someone's Pawn with you, they are in your control unless they die for good or you dimiss them in the rift. You can have someone's Pawn for as long as you want.

I kinda feel disappointment because of the life stones. They were super rare and elusive, as they should be, but the final stage just showers you with them and completely crashes the market. Couple of dungeons and you're set for life, and you're never gonna have to worry about death again.

Yeah, you really have to limit yourself to be challenged in the game. Shame, game is really fun but has a few really annoying issues

Well the final stage requires you to get 20 of them. If they were still exceedingly rare drops everyone would complain about needing 20.

their kind is weak to fire and ice both

I'd say go nuts giving gear to hired Pawns if it's not your best stuff or stuff you plan to fully upgrade.

Their inventorys are relatively safe and it's recommended you use them as pack mules anyway. Make sure to hand them a lot of stamina items and healing items so they actually fucking use them. Or utility items (hand them picks so they mine shit for you or oil for their lamps or to chuck at enemies, hand them stacks of empty bottles and go stand in a healing spring to start your own fucking springwater sweatshop).

Friend Pawns can be overpowered in level and free to hire but your friend still gets rift crystals for you doing it. Consider requesting friendship with people who have pawns you love and let them know that's why.

If a hired Pawn dies (is not revived in time or falls into oblivion, etc) you won't get a chance to send a gift back with them or rate them highly so try to take good care of Pawns you actually like so you can thank their creators.

Pawn data updates when sleeping and connecting to the network. Pawn behavior is influenced by their situational/monster knowledge and also by their inclination ratings. Proper inclinations can be tricky to understand but worthwhile for Pawn functionality.

Well yeah, but if that were the case, they could've make you get less of them or a different item altogether.
Literally anything else would have worked better.
You said it. I used to do fashion instead of efficiency and used the tango dress with Silver Rapier. Shame that using a low power weapon also feels like a slog and even if it's upgraded, it feels like it does absolutely no damage.
Hell, after I started playing Magick Archer, everything else started to feel like really underpowered.

Yeah going for aesthetics with weapons is pretty shit because of the way defense is calculated in the game

sequel never and DDO is lame. why must we suffer

Just find something else entertaining
Who knows, you might be surprised someday

>tfw got to gran soren and realize you totally fucked up your build and questlines and have to start over to minmaxx

Why the fuck... do Two Handed Weapons only get 3 skill slots?

Fight chimeras get money

advice. leveling different classes gives you different stats like strider and ranger gives you more stamina. warrior and assasin gives you more in strengh etc. just dont stick to one class the entire game. switch up.


Kek, you probably could use the stats you didn't want off whatever shitty start class you made it there with anyway.


Yeah, fuck.

Wolves hunt in packs.

Even in numbers a weakling is a weakling still.

All roads lead to Gran Soren, ((but always check your map)).

Goblins hate ice and fire both.

Wolves fear flame.

Large trees look even larger up close.

pretty disappointed by this game because I thought it would be more than what it is. it feels a bit barren.

gonna be honest, I had more fun playing Skyrim because it has more features.

Why is this game such a magnet for autists?

Turn cinematic camera off.


They hold the advantage!

Yeah and using a low end armour is also fucked, since you can be oneshotted as well. I remember having a shitload of trolley trouble trying to fight the dragon fucker in the forest with the dress and rapier, trying to dragonforge them, but the dragon did insane damage.
Seems like there's no good middle ground, especially in fashion department, since all good looking shit don't protect at all or deal damage, or then are just too powerful.
Thank god for Dark Arisen though, all the dragon weapons are ugly as fuck.

>Gran Soren
>probably level 15 at max

Holy shit this entire post is unadulterated garbage.

>Yeah and using a low end armour is also fucked,
Not unless you git gud at dodgerolling or blocking

And desu most of the bitterblack weapons are pretty fucking ugly

When you can finally access your storage there will be some armor outfits that seem good at first, what you need to know is that the comparison window only compares to the chestpiece and not against every slot they replace.

>And desu most of the bitterblack weapons are pretty fucking ugly
Most of the Bitterblack weapons are literal pallet swaps of vanilla weapons.

its one of those 7/10 open world games like breath of the wild, fallout 4 or skyrim.
lots of flaws you need to ignore or work around to enjoy it but has the potential to become your favorite game for a while.

play class with range. pffffffffffff
what are you a faggot
let me tell you about a little spell called stone jungle

>tfw really want to get into this game
>tfw got mods for it and everything
>tfw every time i start a new game and get to the part where pawns are introduced i stop playing and uninstall again because i have never been more creeped out by the idea of these souless practically lifeless people with no ambition and will never and can never fix whats wrong with them
>these poor pawns are literally traded around and flaunted by players like property
>have no idea why and maybe its my autism but the entire concept of pawns has me going nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope and i cant stop cringing long enough to get into the game
Whas wrong with me Sup Forums?

What's wrong with it, shitter?
I had no issues with dodging, but as low damage as I was inflicting, the fight went on for so long that I wasn't completely focused anymore. Not to mention that the fire attacks are somewhat hard to dodge. If you're not focused.

>calls me a shitter
>can't even beat the drake in the Devilfire Grove without stacking endgame armor

Yeah, swaps of the uglier weapons. I don't stick to only realistic designs, but some of those weapons are just ugly shit

You failed to understand the word pawn just means npc.

>Spam that D-pad
>playing with a controller
you can't aim any bow for shit doing that

What a gaffe.

im well aware they are npc's user. But in the dragons dogma universe they are literally explained as people with no ambition and practically no soul. Other npc's are not called pawns and there is a distinction for a reason.

>I can't read
I was using unupgraded tango dress and silver rapier, which does amount of damage that you're going to have to fight the fucker for god know how long.
The dress doesn't give much defence, probably lowest amount of full body armours.
I beat the dragon once, but didn't bother again. It was just not fun to fight like that.

Well that explanation plays a sizable role later on

>dark souls

the first one is EXTREMELY clunky and slow compared to the other 2 and BB.

>you can't aim any bow for shit doing that
I played with controller back on console release, it's fine

If you get to the end of the game and see what happens to you and your pawn (as well as exploring the world to interact with a certain few unique non-player pawns), you'd probably want to play over and over again.

Ah, but a pawns is not a homunculus. The Pawn Lore goes deeper still, and they become much more lovable as you come to understand what they truly are.