Is she the worst Tales girl of all time?

Is she the worst Tales girl of all time?

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But that's not Velvet.

Velvet is the most powerful MC, not the shittiest.

Best Tales girl.

Thats not Sheena.

my nigga

That's not Marta

Best as a Character
Worst as a party member



Powerlevels of Tales MC

Ludger Tier

God Tier

Great Tier

Good Tier

Normal Tier



i agree with most of this but how is Sorey better then Jude?

Go to sleep Artorious

Annie was pretty awful too man

Not even the best in the game she was in

Thats not Reid, Luke or Ludger

Okay I can agree with this for the most part


They're both self-taught, so they're equal in that regards. Sorey gets the benefit of armatizing though, and that's a huge power boost, even excluding the elemental artes he'd have.


Worst girl in her game and one of the worst girls in all of Tales. Only out-done by Rose, Anise, and Sophie.

Velvet is the undisputed best Tales girl.

She is insufferable and can't remain consistent with her character
Also I hate that she is always in the right on every matter when she's clearly wrong in some aspects but they"re overlooked just to make her look like a better character
Alisha wasn't a great character, she was pretty boring, but at least she was consistent and stayed as the same character without doing anything that deserves multiple questions as to what she does and how she acts


So what's Sup Forums's favorite Tales?

Excuse me?

How was Sophie the worst girl? Better than Cheria desu.

>That one person that voted Zesteria
How? Why?

That said my top 5 are Eternia, Abyss, Vesperia, Berseria, and Destiny DC.

Are we talking pussy Emil, Edgelord/Ratatoskr Emil, or "endgame actually mans the fuck up" Emil?

I like it for Edna :^)

I honestly expected that she's like around 20 or 35 years old.

The fact that she's actually a kid makes it worse.


Ugly ayy lmao face, the worst kind of tsundere, and just an awful awful outfit.

Best Party Member though. Rose needs arma to stay alive for the first few seconds of a fight.

I'm so glad this picture exists.

I think Rose would be great if she would had been a happy go lucky to team member who is purpose to kill Sorey if he fucks up. Also how does she rivals the sherpard's power while Alisha is more pure?

I just hate amnesiac mystery girls who do nothing but cause problems. Plus her default outfit was ugly as fuck.

Individually most of Grace's cast sucked. But they had some of the best moments in the entire franchise between each other. Cheria would have been absolutely intolerable if she wasn't strong-willed and prime bully material, which the cast happily made use of.

Dezel used her from a young age for Muh Revenge. It's bullshit, but they had to include her and make her able to armatize somehow. Can't have Baba's waifu play second fiddle to the MC after all.

Her default outfit wasn't great no, but that is fixed easily. Also she's the most fun to use IMO.

Well, Berseria made it so you didn't really need a high level of resonance to be able to armatize. All those standard mooks were able to do it after all, and their resonance is supposed to be on the lower side compared to the rest of their organization.

Hell she's the best!

How the hell is there only one Cheria in this entire fucking thread?

Fucking cockblocked robot moon loli so hard she turned her into her daughter.

Sophie was prime daughter material though, I don't see the problem.

Sophie can't age. Besides, Asbel and Sophie is paedophilia.

... because Asbel is a child compared to Sophie?

You're completely right.

Marta was the only good thing in ToS2.

It's part of why so many people called bull on Baba's excuses. The subject's been discussed to death but Rose was almost certainly made the way she was because the produce wanted to get in a VA's pants. Zesty had large issues outside of Rose but she was kind of like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Berseria did a much better job of explaining the world and why armatization was a huge deal. All of the failed attempts at it drove home that it's not something that can be forced into happening just because of wishing or high resonance.

Sophie was meant to be a daughteru from the moment you met her. Asbel was just a little shit as a kid. And Cheria's not too bad because of how often she's the butt of jokes. Plus she actually has resolve to go her own way while she waits for Asbel to notice her feelings instead of following him forever. I genuinely appreciate that about her.

Take out the 2 dwingvats in the sides and leave the center

Rose is the reason why Zestiria is shit.

So playing Berseria made me decide to load up Graces F lmao.

God I miss this game.

>mfw Asbel starts monologing about Richard

My god shut up please

Still love this game tho

Best tales girl reporting in!

Worst girl.

Best girl.



She and Tear are the only other acceptable alternatives.

I think Yuri is at least in the great tier; nigga had a Mystic Arte where his sword turned into a huge pillar of light, among others. Also, why is Luke so high?

Going by mechanics, the only characters that can give Ludger a run for his money are PS2 Stahn, Reid, and Yuri.

Find a flaw.
pro tip: you can't

>mfw during that part of the game where you went around recruiting party members and everyone was bullying asbel

Is she Shirley?
Then no.

Yah nah

I never knew I wanted to see velvet dominate meme MC until right now.

Asbel begs for bully.

Also I'm on new game plus and my Elith mixer is assssss whod. Like look at this.